Minutes April 2024

Minutes of the Meeting of Rippingale Parish Council, held in the Village Hall on Monday 15 April 2024

Present: Cllr C. Charlton (Chairman), Cllr J Petch, Cllr B Ross, Cllr J Jones and L Davies Clerk.
In Attendance:  D Knibbs, S Knibbs, L Pancutt and W Grey. There were no Press in attendance.

Public Forum
1.    Chairman’s Opening remarks.
1303. He greeted the attendees on this cold April evening.  He then welcomed Jules Jones to her first Parish Council Meeting as a Councillor and was sure she would enjoy the role and would prove to be an asset.
2. Comments, Questions & Answers; Queries from Press & Public.
1304. Wendy Grey raised the matter of continued dog fouling in the Village. The Chairman reported that he had identified this concern to SKDC with information on the culprit. He had also included information on the process to report dog fouling to SKDC in the Newsletter and this would be retained in the next issue. She then reported a concern with the Grinder’s Lane culvert grill, which is to be investigated.
1.    To receive Apologies for Absence and Reasons Given.
1305. Apologies were received from Cllr T Creek and District Cllr R Dixon-Warren (SKDC); the former had experienced delays in travel arrangements and the latter had prior commitments.
2. To receive any new Declarations of Interest.
1306. Cllr Jones had provided her declaration for the Council’s use and records.
3. To approve the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 11th March 2024 (All).
1307. The previously circulated minutes were agreed to be a true reflection of the meeting and unanimously approved. 
4. Receive External & Community Group Updates:
4.1. County & District Council Reports – as available.
1308. Cllr Dixon-Warren monthly update would be circulated once received.
4.2. Community Groups and Organisations – as available (RGAG; Feast; HCS; VHMC; PCC).
1309. RGAG – the Chairman, D Knibbs, advised that attendance at RGAG meetings was improving. The recent tabletop sale had raised approximately £200. Signs to prevent holders driving vehicles on pathways to stop damage during the winter were to be ordered by the Parish Clerk. The Allotment Open Day is set for the 18 August 2024. Anglian Water had still to confirm the final price and arrangements for the mains water connection to the Allotments and the Clerk was chasing them. The RGAG had identified pipe work and a holding tank to run the mains water on site; there remained the procurement of a connecting stand pipe. Cllr Ross identified that some tenants had not received copies of their annual invoices and tenancy agreements. The Clerk advised all had been sent out but will create a list of who have paid and returned tenancies agreements, and she will chase as required.  Cllr Ross identified that some vacant plots are still to be cleared and relevant tenants were to be reminded of their responsibilities to clear them. Mr Walker (Maintenance operative) was to be provided with a plan by Cllr Ross to action plot clearances as required.  There is seen to be a need for an 18 ft container for secure storage; the Chairman was to investigate any planning requirements. The Council agreed to a new burn plot and muck heap configuration.
1310. HCS – still active and beneficial but with only 3 active drivers; recruitment through the Newsletter was to continue. It was highlighted that Mr Derek Diess had decided to retire as a driver after many years of steadfast service and also as a co-ordinator. The Parish Council formally thanked him for his outstanding commitment. 
1311. VHMC – W Grey advised that minor roof repairs are underway. She highlighted that all chairs had been professionally cleaned. Friday Bingo is doing well, with Sunday night sessions returning from April to September. She agreed to provide the Chairman with a copy of the annual accounts. 
1312. PCC – A group of volunteers had been established to fund raise to maintain the fabric of the Church. Plans are under way to raise funds by holding a Quiz night, mini-Fete and garage sale in the coming months.   
5. Parish Matters:
5.1 To consider the progress in fundraising to replace the portacabin at Jubilee
Playing Field.
1313. The Chairman reported, as in the paper forwarded to the Council, that in his view all avenues of fundraising had been exhausted, after over two years applying to a wealth of funds and trusts and a final rejection from the Government Community Ownership Fund. As the paper highlighted, there was now 
£ 42,015.31 committed to the project; with some rationalisation of the original Pavilion specification, he saw that the building was still financial achievable, with costs at £ 42,016.83 including some contingency. Cllr Ross identified that the concrete base required insulation and also spoil removal costs needed to be clarified. The Chairman agreed to investigate this. Additionally, Cllr Ross queried if Village wide consultation had been carried out at the project’s inception; the Chairman confirmed it had, which had resulted in some alteration to building’s configuration. Planning permission was underway. The Council was moved to accept that the building of the Pavilion should proceed subject to planning permission and final confirmation of costs.    
5.2 To consider and discuss progress with the rectification of flood drainage      concerns.
1314. The Chairman reported that he had exhausted liaison with Anglian Water, who had not resolved foul water and rainwater drainage issues, which have been identified for over 10 years. There was also an issue with the culvert under the eastern end of Station Street with AW not accepting responsibility. Therefore, a complaint has been forwarded to OFWAT. After Council reporting through Fix My Street, Lincolnshire County Council have cleared many drains and a culvert in the Village, with some still to be completed. SKDC have cleared debris from two drainage culvert grills and agreed to clear the Willows culvert grill on a monthly basis, although the Parish Council requested a fortnightly clear out. This is to be monitored. Finally, SKDC had agreed to supply a ton of sand, with sandbags for filling.  Clerk to arrange delivery.
5.3 To consider the progress with providing mains water supply to the Allotments.
1315. Covered in 1309.
5.4. To consider the allocation of members to designated roles and responsibilities – All:  
1317. The allocation of duties were discussed and the following designations were agreed: 
a.   Police Forum Representative   Cllr T Creek    b.  Emergency Plan/Flood Warden Coordinator
Cllr C Charlton/Cllr T Creek
c.   Finance Supervisor Cllr C Charlton    d.  Grass Cutting & Village Maintenance Coordinator
Cllr B Ross &Cllr C Charlton
e.   Feast Committee Liaison 
Not required    f.  Village Hall Management Committee Liaison
Cllr J Jones
g.   Jubilee Playing Field & Equipment Cllr T Creek (tbc)
    h.   St Andrew’s Parochial Church Council Liaison
Cllr J Petch
i.    Council Newsletter
Cllr C Charlton    j. Row Garden Allotment Liaison
Cllr B Ross
5.5    To consider and discuss planning applications:
5.4.1    S24/0526 Fir Tree Barn Fen Road Rippingale Lincolnshire PE10 0TG, siting of a mobile home.
1318. It was felt that this application was inappropriate due to it being at variance with the SKDC Local and Rippingale Neighbourhood Plan with regard to rural development outside the Village built up area; additionally
there was seen to be amenity ramifications for the adjoining property. Objection to be made.   
5.4.2    S24/0517 - Horse Chestnut Lane Rippingale Lincolnshire PE10 0TW, proposed single storey rear extension and porch.
1319. No objection, in keeping with local design and materials.
5.4.3    S24/0315 -30 East Street Rippingale Lincolnshire PE10 0SS, outline application for the erection of up to 6 dwellings and associated access and infrastructure (All matters reserved).
1320. This development was seen as totally inappropriate; no Village consultation had been carried out, there is thought to be no need for this number or type of properties in the Village, important views would be impaired and sewage outflow would stress the Village’s fragile system. Objection to be raised copied to the District Councillor.  
6. Financial Matters:
6.1 FY2023/2024 End of Year
a.    To consider Internal Audit for the AGAR
1321. Section IV completed and signed by the Internal Auditor, with no points raised and last year’s points actioned. 
b.  To consider external audit for 2023/24 accounts - AGAR.
1322. The Chairman led the meeting through the AGAR requirements. The Council had to be satisfied that proper governance had taken place and regular inspection of financial records and regulatory requirements met throughout the year. They had to be content that the final figures were a true reflection of the accounts. This the Council considered and agreed.  The Chairman and the Clerk then certified and signed the AGAR as such. 
b.    Financial Reports 2023/24. 
1323. End of year figures are as shown below.
(Last) Year Ended                            (Current) Year Ended
31 Mar 2023                            31 Mar 2024
                £                CURRENT ASSETS                        £        
                                    Stocks and stores                        
                                    Work in progress                        
                                    Debtors (Net of provision for doubtful debts)                    
    3,917.92                VAT Recoverable            6,151.29    
                                    Temporary lendings (investments)                        
    22,507.00                Cash in hand            17,036.51    
    26,424.92            TOTAL ASSETS                    23,187.80    
                                CURRENT LIABILITIES                                
    26,424.92            NET ASSETS                    23,187.80    
                                Represented by:                                
    19,476.82                General fund Balance            17,991.07    
    6,948.10                Earmarked            5,196.73    
    26,424.92                                            23,187.80    

c.    VAT 2023/24.
1324. Clerk to recover VAT from HMRC.

6.2 FY2024/25 (Accounts to Date and Approval of Expenditure – All).
1325. The Council carefully considered and agreed the following payments 

Code    Supplier    Net    VAT    Total
Audit    Internal Auditor    100.00        100.00
Clerk Salary    The Clerk    530.30    0.00    530.30
Meetings    Village Hall    12.50    0.00    12.50
Subscriptions & Memberships    Starboard Systems Ltd    345.60    69.12    414.72
Grass - Village    Gary Gardens Tree Care    650.00    0.00    650.00
Subscriptions & Memberships    LALC    272.28    0.00    272.28
Subscriptions & Memberships    LALC    150.00    0.00    150.00
Residents - Rippingale    Hospital Car service    12.50    0.00    12.50
Residents - Rippingale    Hospital Car service    1.65    0.00    1.65
Residents - Rippingale    Hospital Car service    23.90    0.00    23.90
Printing    Warners Group    82.00    0.00    82.00
        2,180.73    69.12    2,249.85

7. To Receive any Urgent Reports.
1326. The Clerk raised issues with the Jubilee Playing Field Trust bank account. Despite previous procedures, NATWEST have now decided not to action signatory changes on the account by accepting formal notification through Parish Council’s meeting minutes; NATWEST now require at cost to the Trust a deed of appointment or a change to the Trust’s deeds to allow such arrangements. Clerk to look at possible solutions, such as transferring the Trust’s funds into a ring-fenced area of the Parish Council accounts. 
8. Public Forum.
1327. None
Next meeting: Next Council Meeting – Monday 13th May, Annual and General meeting in the Village Hall.