July Minutes 2024


Minutes of the Meeting of Rippingale Parish Council, held in the Village Hall on Monday 8th July 2024

Present: Cllr B Ross (Chair), Cllr A Creek (vice-chair), Cllr J Petch,  Cllr J Jones and L Davies        (Clerk).
In Attendance: D Knibbs, S Knibbs, C Catt, C Smith, R Smith, K Manley, A Cliffe, C Ross,  L Pancutt and W Grey. There were no Press in attendance.

Public Forum
-    Chairman’s Opening remarks
1380. A Warm welcome to so many people who have attended this evening meeting.
-    Comments, Questions & Queries from Press & Public
1381. J Newell, raised issues regarding the brambles on the banking around Pinfold Close outside the playing field. He also noted that the cemetery grass had been mowed by a volunteer for the Church’s summer fete, and that this was a one off. PC advised this is SKDC responsibility and that he should contact them via Fix My Street. If not happy please come back to the parish council.
Action The PC to report this issue to SKDC directly
1382. C Catt, asked if the Parish Council applied for tree grants available from SKDC. PC advised at this point there are no location to place trees and that there were already fruit trees on the allotment site

Formal Meeting Agenda
1.0    To receive Apologies for Absence and approve Reasons Given.  
1383. None
2.0    To receive any new Declarations of Interest.
1384. None
3.0    To approve the Minutes of the last Parish Council Meeting held on 10th June 2024.
1385. It was unanimously approved that the minutes of the 10th June  were a true reflection of the meeting.                                         Resolved
4.0    Parish Clerk’s Report
4.1    Allotment Update – updating plot changes, tenancy agreements & payments
1386. Remaining outstanding payments and tenancy have been chased up. There is no reason that outside the village cannot have a plot, but it would need to be managed correctly, i.e. applicant must come from a village where no allotments exist; a restricted number of plots made available.
Action Clerk to chase up remaining payments and publish updated plot schedule
Action Clerk to propose wording for outside village applicants
Action Cllr Ross to get costs for rotavating vacant plots prior to new tenant occupation
4.2    Social Media update
1387. Facebook page set up, minutes and agendas are published, unfortunately due to the nature of the Rippingale Community group, the RPC is unable to join, but have been cross threading. Cllr Creek suggested pinning the fix my street to the top of the page. 
Action Clerk & Cllr Jones to continue to update FB & web page. 
4.3    AGAR 
1388. Annual Governance Accountability has been sent to the auditor and published on Website & Notice board. 
4.4    Grass contract update
1389. Clerk, Gary Garden & Cllr Ross did a walk round to discuss overgrown areas, work out working solution to over following brambles, nettles etc was advised can “trim” but not cut the hedges which would cause issues to the nesting birds. Awaiting quote for this work and to tidy around the Portakabin on the JPF. 
Action Councillors to review quote and Clerk to place order asap
4.5    Defibrillator update and community first aid training.
1390. Awaiting price for first aid training.  Community has shown an interest regarding CPR training.  Parish Council has training equipment. Defibs are checked each month by the clerk and the Bull defib number is now back on display.
4.6    Councillor Training 
1391. Councillors have received the training options and will let the clerk know which training they would like to attend. 
Action – All councillors to try to attend some basic training by the end of the year

5.0    External & Community Group Updates: 
5.1    County & District Council Reports – as available.
1392. Cllr R Dixon-Warren   thanked everyone who voted, as there had been a good local turnout of 60% at the General Election.
5.2    Community Groups & Organisations – 
5.2.1    Village Hall
1393. Bookings are steadily coming in and VH performing well
Action Cllrs Jones & Ross to meet with W Gray to discuss how the VH “worked”
5.2.2    Hospital Car Scheme
1394. Now only 2 or 3 drivers. This a voluntary scheme and requires more  people to take part to reduce the burden on so few people. PC will continue to try to recruit drivers via Newsletter and social media. 
Action Clerk to create post for FB and web-site.
5.2.3    RGAG
1395. Group is getting ready for their annual open day on 18th August 2024. Clerk is awaiting RA. 
5.2.4    PCC
1396. Successful summer Fete. 19th September there is going to a be a garage sale. 
Action Cllr Petch to circulate minutes of next PCC meeting
6.0     Parish Matters 
6.1. To consider co-option of the following Councillor candidates:- Annette Lumb & Chris Petz
1397. Cllrs unanimously agreed to co-opt both candidates to the Parish Council. Cllr Lumb was present, signed her DPI and was able to join the council for this meeting. Cllr Lumb introduced herself, she is semi- retired, lived in the village for approx. 17 years and has previously worked on the VHMC. 
Action Cllrs are to discuss allocation of roles to new members at next meeting
6.2 To consider the progress in fundraising to replace the portacabin at Jubilee Playing Field. 
1398. After community feeling and concerns over funding, there was a vote to halt the “pavilion” project. It was agreed to go back to the community to find out what it would like the JPF to be used for. It was further agreed that the current portacabin needs replacing due to its poor condition and H&S issues, especially after children were found dancing on the roof. 
Currently Cllr Ross is working through the funds received, and the times allowance for the funds to be completed. The Tesco community funds grant timescale has expired but we have achieved an extension of 4 months. 
There has also come to light there is a septic tank on site which will need emptying soon
Action Cllr Creek to price metal container – including placement and future power installation
Action Clerk to purchase warning signs and have them fixed in place
Action Clerk to look at records for septic tank emptying
Action Working Group to decide how to canvass the community regarding the future use of the playing field 
Action Cllr Ross to continue the research into the other grant funding timescales and terms
6.3 To consider and discuss progress with the rectification of flooding concerns. 
        6.3.1. To receive update on complaint raised to CCW and LCC about 155 Station Street.
        1399. Cllr Creek has continued to push via Consumer Council for Water for an answer to the overflowing manhole when the pumping station closes. As this has been going on for 10 years, there will not be a fast resolve. This situation is an obvious failure of AW to carry out its statutory duties.
Action Cllr Creek to continue to pursue (via John Wood?) and report back to PC
        6.3.2 Sandbags from SKDC storage solutions.
        1400. There are currently 2 boxes at the rear of the village hall.  It was proposed by Cllr Creek that the PC purchase another sand bin to provide 2 with sand in and the 3rd for empty sandbags (all to be under padlocks).  Proposal agreed by all Cllrs.
Action Clerk to liaise with Village Hall and Cllr Creek for delivery of box then sand from SKDC. 
6.4 To consider the progress with providing mains water supply to the Allotments.
1401. Cllr Ross has been in contact to homeowner regarding water coming across their property. There may be a need for a Deed of Easement to ensure that the PC have the legal right to do so. 
Action Cllr Ross to investigate costs for this and for carrying out the work.  
6.5. Planning applications
1402. The Outline planning permission granted for S24/0315 has some stringent conditions attached before Detailed Planning would be considered. PC to monitor future applications.  Cllr Ross chaired a Working Group meeting on ---------- and has circulated the meeting notes to all concerned.

It has come to light that work has commenced on the development at 13 East Street although only outline planning permission has been granted.  Cllr Ross has lodged an Enforcement Breach and has spoken with SKDC planning dept .
Action Cllr Ross to report back with SKDC response when received. 

6.6. To consider an amendment to the Neighbourhood Plan.
1403. An Extraordinary meeting has been convened for 7pm on 11th July at the Village Hall to discuss the proposal to rectify the conflict between SKDC Local Plan at Policy SP4 and the Rippingale  Neighbourhood Plan at Policy HD2 
Action Publish Agenda asap on all media 
Action All Cllrs to attend the Extraordinary meeting and report back to next PC Meeting
6.7. To receive update on overgrown hedge/grass along station street including land to the rear of Grinders Lane/Dovecote.
1404. Landowner has been identified and PC currently unsuccessful in making contact. SKDC has apparently cut back the hedge (badly) along the North side of Station Street but just laid the cuttings on the road. This is not acceptable. 
Action Clerk/Cllr JP to contact SKDC (Fix My Street) advising strong dissatisfaction
Action Cllr Ross to continue to try and contact landowner at Grinders Lane
6.8.  To discuss moving the 30mph sign further West along  Station St.
1405. There is a high risk of pedestrians being injured as no footpath exists. The entrance to the allotments has a deep rut/pothole, which cars are trying to avoid increasing the possibility of a serious accident. Additionally, the dyke opposite the allotment entrance is collapsing. 
Action Cllr Jones to contact Fix My Street and report back at next PC meeting
7.0    Financial Matters:
7.1    Financial Reports:
7.1.1    FY 2024/25 Accounts to date & Approval of Expenditure
1406. Approval was agreed for the below, also invoice for the work done at the JPf was passed.
Code    Date    Supplier    Total
Clerk Salary    02/07/2024    The Clerk     £   530.30 
Meetings    02/07/2024    Village Hall     £     25.00 
Clerk Salary    02/07/2024    Rippingale Parish Council     £   244.75 
Grass - Cemetery    02/07/2024    Gary Gardens Tree Care     £   220.00 
Grass - Village    02/07/2024    Gary Gardens Tree Care     £     40.00 
Grass - JPF    02/07/2024    Gary Gardens Tree Care     £   240.00 
Printing    02/07/2024    Warners Group     £     82.00 
        Total    £  1,382.02 

7.1.2    Forecast
1407.  Work in Progress on the forecast to get the software to produce an accurate report.
7.2    Parish Bank Account Update including JPFT
1408. Clerk moving JPFT account to cooperation community account. 
Action Clerk to resolve signatory issues. Feedback next meeting.
8.0    Urgent reports or any other issues.  
1409. Cllr Ross wished to encourage community groups to help keep the village clean & tidy.

Next meeting points 
•    Miller Close Storm pond clearance and repair to the gate. 
Action. Clerk to receive quotes for work & repairs
•    Village Handy man/Allotment maintenance roles
Action. Vacancy to be advertised in Newsletter, FB & Website
•    Churchyard Notice Board needs repairs to posts
9.0    Close meeting

1410. Cllrs thanked John Kimble for the village sign painting that he has carried out and Millers Close residents for their work in cutting back the storm pond vegetation

2nd Public Forum.
•    A Village “Repair Shop” idea was raised. 
•    Cllr Ross tabled a suggestion that we needed to ask the community if it wanted a more frequent bus service in the village after he had been approached by an LCC official asking where our bus stops were.
Next meeting:  12th August 2024 at 7.00pm in Rippingale Village Hall