Annual Parish Meeting & General Parish Meeting 2024

Members of Rippingale Parish Council are hereby summoned to attend the Annual Parish Meeting & Annual General Meeting on Monday 13th May 2024 at 7pm in the Rippingale Village Hall. Unless already stated in the Agendas, any items raised for decision at the Meetings will appear on the agenda at the next Parish Council Meeting. Members of the public are invited to attend. Please note that video footage and comments may be recorded and published in the press or on social media. Anyone not wishing to be filmed should sit on the back row of the public area. Anyone videoing the Meeting must not include anyone on the back row.

Laura Davies, Clerk to the Council                        1st May 2024

 Annual Parish Meeting – Agenda

The Annual Parish Meeting will commence at 7.00pm as per the agenda below.

1.    Welcome by the Chairman & Annual Report.
2.    To approve Minutes of last Annual Parish Meeting
3.    Receive Reports from Police, County & District Councils
4.    Receive Reports from Community Groups & Organisations
a.    Hospital Car Service
b.    Parochial Church Council
c.    Row Garden Allotment Group
d.    Village Hall Management Committee
e.    Rippingale Jubilee Playing Field Trust
5.    Questions & Proposals from the Public

Annual General Meeting of the Parish Council – Agenda

The Annual General Meeting will commence at 8.00pm or immediately following the Annual Parish Meeting. The public are welcome to observe the meeting but are not permitted to speak unless invited by the Chairman; a 5-minute Post Meeting Public Forum will be held to enable the public to comment on the AGM.

1.    Apologies for absence.
2.    Councillors Acceptance of Office.
3.    Councillors Declarations of Interest.
4.    Election of Chairman.
5.    Election of Vice Chairman.
6.    Confirmation of allocation of members to designated roles and responsibilities – All:  
a.   Police Liaison Representative    b.  Emergency Plan & Flood Warden Coordinator
c.   Finance Supervisor    d. Grass Cutting & Village Maintenance Coordinator
e. Jubilee Playing Field & Equipment                                              f.  Village Hall Management Committee Liaison 
g.   Council Newsletter     h.  St Andrew’s Parochial Church Council Liaison 
i. RGAG Liaison.
7.    Approve Minutes of last Council Meeting (8th April 2024) (All)
8.    Parish Matters:
                 8.1 To consider and approve the proposal to commence replacing the Pavilion 
                 8.2 To consider and discuss progress with the rectification of flood drainage concerns, including accepting sandbags/loose sand from SKDC.
8.3    To consider the progress with providing mains water supply to the Allotments.
8.4     To consider and discuss planning applications:
8.4.1 S24/0543 Conversion of an existing agricultural barn into two dwellings and associated access, parking and residential garden area. 
8.4.2 S24/0654 The erection of a single detached dwelling at 20 East Street. 
8.5 To consider the Play Equipment Annual Inspection Report. 
9. Financial Matters:
9.1 FY2024/25 (Accounts to Date and Approval of Expenditure – All).
9.2 To consider and discuss the JPFT bank account
10. To Receive any Urgent Reports.
11. Public Forum.

Next meeting: - Monday 10 June General meeting in the Village Hall.
Public Forum