11th November Minutes(Draft)
Minutes of the Meeting of Rippingale Parish Council, held in the Village Hall on Monday 11th November 2024
Present: Cllr B Ross (Chair), Cllr A Creek (vice-chair), Cllr J Jones, Cllr A Lumb, Cllr C Catt and L Davies (Clerk).
In Attendance: Cllr R Dixon-Warren, S Creek, D Palmer, C Ross, R Shuttleworth, D Knibbs, S Hall, A & J Simms, L J Cooke, A Cliffe and W Grey. There were no Press in attendance.
Public Forum
- Chairman’s Opening remarks
1866. A warm welcome from the chair, was nice to see such a large turnout of people for the Remembrance service on Sunday, where tea and coffee was provided by the PC.
- Comments, Questions & Queries from Press & Public
1867. A member of the community raised the lack of provision for the youth of the village but understood that football goal posts were to be installed soon. There used to be a village Youth club, but it was unknown as to why it stopped running. It was stated that such a facility relied heavily upon the support of volunteers. Cllr Jones is in the process of creating Youth liaison group/committee. It has been agreed that The Bull is willing to host this in their games room, which mean no access to the bar. Cllr Jones to liaise with residents. (see 1899)
Formal Meeting Agenda
1.0 To receive Apologies for Absence and approve Reasons Given.
1868. None
2.0 To receive any new Declarations of Interest.
1869. None
3.0 To approve the Minutes of the last Parish Council Meeting held on 24th October 2024 and Extraordinary Meeting on the 30th October 2024
1870. The previously circulated minutes were found to a true reflection of the meeting. Approved.
4.0 Parish Clerk’s Report (excluding matters raised later in the Agenda)
4.1 Allotment Update – updating plot changes, tenancy agreements & payments
1871. All requests and plot records are up to date.
4.2 Social Media Update
4.2.1 HCS advert
1872. Currently no volunteers coming forward, but the service has slowed and is coping with the drivers in place.
4.2.2 Handyman advert
1873. Currently no up take for the 8hrs a month post, but volunteers are still happy to continue to assist when required. Mr J Simms advised that he would be happy to help. Cllr Ross to forward contact details to Clerk. Action Cllr Ross
Village Notice board is in need of repair. Inspection to follow employment of Village handyman
Action Parish Clerk
4.2.3 General
1874. Minutes & agenda’s are being posted. Future planning applications to be posted on the notice board if available
4.3 JPF Septic tank cleaning.
1875. There is septic tank, but not in use. This will need emptying sometime in the future.
4.4 Non-Residents plot holders agreement
1876. Tenancy agreement is in place for non-residents and agreed by Councillors.
5.0 External & Community Group Updates:
5.1 County & District Council Reports – as available.
1877. Cllr Dixon-Warren, is working on his monthly report.
5.2 Community Groups & Organisations –
5.2.1 Village Hall
1878. It’s a busy end of year, with plenty of bookings coming in for next year, e.g. Comedy night, Brownies sleep overs and Cycling club. It was requested that the recruitment policy for the Trustee’s is provided to the PC.
Action – Village Hall Committee
5.2.2 Hospital Car Scheme
1879. Only 2 trips, but currently only have 2 drivers accessible. So is manageable at this point.
5.2.3 RGAG
1880. It has been requested to place a 20ft container by the car park. Councillor were unsure of the details of this request, so it was decided to have a site visit to allow a decision to be made. A request to move the burn pile and to provide waste bins for plastic etc on site was voted for and Resolved. There was also the “dumping” of wood chips which was not communicated. But understood that this was a last minute decision and the holders are already reducing the pile. It was raised that the main gate has been left open into the evening. Please ensure the gate is closed behind you.
Action Clerk to email holders.
5.2.4 PCC
1881. None, Cllr Lumb will attend the next meeting.
5.2.5 Police Update
1882. None
6.0 Parish Matters:
6.1 To consider the progress to replace the portacabin at Jubilee Playing Field
1883. Cllr Catt is taking over the project and is looking at the cost to remove the current structure and the logistics of providing a replacement storage unit.
6.2 Update regarding existing grant funding for proposed pavilion.
1884. Tesco have confirmed that the existing grant can be used to pay for the erection of the goal post and repairs to the tennis court. Quotes and invoices have been sent for approval. The issue to return funds presently held in the JPF Bank account remains an issue due to the signing rules on the account and how Natwest have changed the rules for updating. May need to seek legal advice.
Action Parish Clerk
1885. Cllr Ross to chase SKDC for response regarding terms for using £20,00 Prosperity Fund Grant
Action Cllr Ross
6.3 To consider and discuss progress with the rectification of flood drainage concerns.
6.3.1 To receive update on complaint raised to LCC about 155 Station Street
1886. No updated for the compliant but this is over 7 years old. There is an issue with the drain cover, so will report via fix my street.
Action Parish Clerk
6.3.2 Sandbags from SKDC storage solutions
1887. The sand boxes are in place and padlocked. Now awaiting delivery of sand from SKDC.
Action Parish Clerk
Action Cllr Creek to identify volunteers to move sand when received.
6.4 To consider the progress with providing mains water supply to the Allotments.
6.4.1 To discuss and consider Deed of Easement
1888. Vote was taken to proceed with the Deed of easement at the cost of approximately £750.
Action Cllr Ross to establish required documentation to put in place.
6.4.2 To receive update on water application, including planning process
1889. On Going no update, working on costings with Anglain Water and contractors
Action Cllr Ross to confirm connection only costs with AW
Action Cllr Ross to seek quotations for connecting pipework.
6.5 To discuss obtaining quotations for allotments maintenance and rotavating plots prior to new tenants
6.5.2. To receive and consider quotations for allotment maintenance and rotavating plots prior to new tenants taking on a plot.
1890. A quotation to carry out maintenance of untenanted plots, common areas and trees was received for £220 per year, to be paid monthly. Cllrs voted to accept this quotation. Resolved.
6.6 To receive and consider planning applications
6.6.1 13 East Street Monitoring
1891. No update
6.6.2 Willow Development monitoring
1892. Awaiting Government response to the appeal.
6.7 To received update on the update of the Neighbourhood Plan
1893. SKDC have advised that the change is not a minor one, would have either await review date or action at cost to PC. It was agreed that the change is only minor and should have been and rather than or. This change would not affect any previous applications. Cllr Ross has drafted a second request to SKDC and awaits comments from other Cllrs
Action. All Cllrs to comment on Cllr Ross’ draft
6.8 To receive update on overgrown hedges etc:
6.8.1 Station St and to the rear of Grinders Lane/Dovecote
1894. Grinders Lane Letters have been issued by the PC and contact has been made with owners.
Action Cllr Lumb to contact landowners to check work progress.
1895. Dyke to rear of Linnet drive not being cleared, causing increased risk of flooding in the village.
Action Cllr Lumb to contact landowners /tenants to rectify
1896. Dyke along Station Street East towards crossroads
Action Cllr Lumb to contact landowners /tenants to rectify
6.8.2 Dykes in and around the village
1897. Certain areas are being cleared. It was agreed that the clerk will contact Black Sluice DB to seek a cost to clear the dykes a second time each year.
Action Parish Clerk to contact Black Sluice for a quote
6.8 To discuss and consider Hedge cutting tender 2024 (Closed session)
1898. In closed session, Cllrs voted to award the contract to Gary’s Gardens following receipt of a reduced quotation
Action Clerk to award hedge cutting contract to Gary’s Gardens
6.9 To discuss methods to assess residents’ views on use of playing field
1899. Cllr Jones is in process of creating a youth engagement team, to meet in the Bull games room. It was also discussed the possibility of the “Street Champions” as in the jubilee year this happened to coordinate celebrations. The idea is to give a voice to the community.
Action Cllr Jones to meet with Mr Shuttleworth to discuss a way forward
6.10 To discuss proposal to install a basketball post & net in tennis court and erection of football goal posts
1900. See 1884 for information
6.11 Update regarding moving 30 mph sign and dangerous “ruts” on Station Street
1901. No update
Action Cllr Ross to maintain pressure on SKDC & LCC to complete the actions raised at the recent Walkabout
6.12 To consider and review planning application S24/1827 – to remove dead bough from common lime on the land rear to the West of Hele House, PE10 0SR – no objection to be raised
6.13 To consider the community concerns to cars and various vehicles at the property at the Old Doctors surgery.
1902. There has been numerous mentions of the unacceptable state of the property at the old Doctors surgery and the area is attracting vermin. It was agreed to approach SKDC planning enforcement team to issue a Section 215 notice to the resident of 155 Station Street.
Action. Clerk to liaise with the Planning enforcement team.
Action Cllr RDW to check Section 215 procedure
6.14 Ivy hedge along footpath adjacent to 84 Station Street (causing damage to the private fencing)
1903. Need to provide quote to trim/remove the Ivy.
Action Clerk to contact Gary’s Garden for advice and/or price to trim/remove
6.15 To consider and discuss Youth and Street Champions, to engage representatives.
1904. See 1899
7.0 Financial Matters:
7.8 Financial Reports:
7.8.1 FY 2024/25 Accounts to date & Approval of Expenditure
1905. The below payments were passed for payment.
Date Description Total
09/08/2024 Annual Costs £ 3.90
09/08/2024 Annual Costs £ 3.60
09/08/2024 Annual Costs £ 4.75
09/08/2024 Annual Costs £ 21.96
09/08/2024 Annual Costs £ 19.35
09/08/2024 Annual Costs £ 7.70
05/11/2024 Clerk Expenses £ 21.60
05/11/2024 Annual Costs £ 25.00
05/11/2024 Annual Costs £ 25.00
05/11/2024 Annual Costs £ 850.00
06/11/2024 Annual Costs £ 32.90
28/11/2024 Clerk Salary £ 530.30
28/11/2024 Clerk Salary £ 135.90
7.8.2 Forecast
1906. Work in progress with the chair and vice chair. A second meeting to be held on 21/11/24
7.9 Parish Bank Account Update including JPFT
1907. Clerk is awaiting update from the Co-Op Banking team.
Action Parish Clerk to chase Co-Op banking team for urgent resolution
8.0 Urgent reports or any other issues.
1908. Christmas Tree - Cllr Catt has organised Christmas Tree erection for 29th November 2024 with switch on set for 6th December 2024.
Action Cllr Jones to draft Poster for switch on
1909. Dog Bins - A quotation was received from D Knibbs to empty 3 no dog bins into trade waste bin on JPF every week. Cllrs voted to accept this quotation.
Action Parish Clerk to set up contract with D Knibbs
1910. Newsletter – Quotations to be obtained for printing monthly Newsletter
Action Cllr Lumb and Parish Clerk to seek new quotations
1911. Road Closed Signs – to be stored at rear of Village Hall once received from SKDC/LCC
Action Parish Clerk to contact LCC for update
1912. Welcome Pack – Cllr Ross to draft revised pack for Council comment
Action Cllr Ross
1913. “Pavilion” keys – Cllr Ross to pass keys to Cllr Catt
Action Cllr Ross
9.0 Close meeting
2nd Public Forum.
Closed Session for 6.10.
Next meeting: 13th January 2025 at 7.00pm in Rippingale Village Hall