Minutes August Meeting 2024

Minutes of the Meeting of Rippingale Parish Council, held in the Village Hall on Monday 12th August 2024

Present: Cllr B Ross (Chair), Cllr A Creek (vice-chair), Cllr A Lumb,  Cllr J Jones and L Davies        (Clerk).
In Attendance: Cllr R Dixon-Warren, D Knibbs, S Knibbs, C Catt, C Smith, A Cliffe, C Ross,  L Parncutt and W Grey. There were no Press in attendance.

Public Forum
-    Chairman’s Opening remarks
1411. Warm welcome with plenty on the agenda opening to the floor.
-    Comments, Questions & Queries from Press & Public
1412. C Catt has reported the damaged open reach box on East Street/Doctors Lane, awaiting update. The Weeping hydrant is under investigation by the Fire Brigade

Formal Meeting Agenda
1.0    To receive Apologies for Absence and approve Reasons Given.  
1413. Apologies from Cllr J Petch due to work commitments and Cllr M Hill, is away on holiday. C Petz has made the decision to not stand a Cllr due to his other commitments.  

2.0    To receive any new Declarations of Interest.
1414. None

3.0    To approve the Minutes of the last Parish Council Meeting held on 8th July 2024.
1415. It was unanimously approved that the minutes of the 8th of July  were a true reflection of the meeting. 

4.0    Parish Clerk’s Report (excluding matters raised later in the agenda)
4.1    Allotment Update – updating plot changes, tenancy agreements & payments
1416. Have just one outstanding plot, Cllr Ross is going to hand deliver invoice and tenancy. Once received updated plot schedule to be forwarded to the RGAG.
                Action. Clerk to publish up to date schedule
4.2    Social Media Update
4.2.1    HCS advert
1417. Not actioned on FB, action for this month.
                    Action. Clerk to publish request for more voluntary drivers.
4.2.2    Handyman advert
1418. Advert on website, have placed on FB.
4.2.3    General
1419. Have done community sharing from SKDC & LCC post cross threading.
4.3    Safety signs for old storage unit
1420. Awaiting decision on whether to go vinyl or plastic. All Cllrs agreed to buy the plastic ones. 
                Action. Clerk to order and send to either Cllr Creek or Cllr Ross address
4.4    JPF Septic tank cleaning
1421. Clerk has not found a record of the septic tank. RGAG have manhole keys to access potential septic tank alongside old store on JPF.
Action. Cllr Ross & Cllr Creek to liaises with RGAG for manhole keys and check manhole on site
4.5    Storm pond gate repair
1422. Storm gate has been repaired by resident J Kimbrey. The PC thanked Mr Kimbrey for his freely given time and agreed to pay for the supplies to repair the gate.                     Resolved                    Action. Clerk to pay J Kimbery receipts received for the sum of £65.73

5.0    External & Community Group Updates: 
5.1    County & District Council Reports – as available.
1423. Cllr R Waren-Dixon, his monthly report is not yet ready for circulation. 
5.2    Community Groups & Organisations – 
5.2.1    Village Hall 
1424. Present users:-WI meetings; Gardening Club meetings;  Yoga; Friendship club meetings; Bingo (Sunday evenings); RGAG meetings; Parish Council meetings; short mat bowls (Tuesday evenings at 7pm). VHMC Year end was 31/7/24.  WG to advise date for AGM. Back of the hall there is a flat roof and a strip of wood that had rotten and has now been replaced with plastic making watertight again.
Action. VHMC to notify Cllr Jones & Cllr Ross of AGM date
5.2.2    Hospital Car Scheme
1425. Has been a steady over the year slowing down currently, but still in need of more drivers. 
5.2.3    RGAG 
1426. Open day is happening 18th August, so preparations are under way.
5.2.4    PCC
1427. No report following a PCC meeting earlier in the month  
                Action. Cllr Petch to report future PCC meetings
5.2.5    Police Update
1428. Cllr Creek has been in discussion with PC Claire Wilson and notified her that there are increasing incidents of vandalism. They discussed several mitigating strategies that the PC may consider, including the use of cameras. With respect to the damage to the swing; a crime has been reported and the crime 
reference for the damage is 24000438481. 
Proposal.  PC to only make safe and not repair acts of vandalism                Agreed. 

6.0     Parish Matters:
6.1    To consider the progress to replace the portacabin at Jubilee Playing Field
1429. Cllr Creek has obtained 3 quotes as follows:-
-    Cleavland Containers - 40ft Used (Wind and Watertight) High Cube- £1,750 plus £650 Delivery. 
-    TITAN Containers - 40ft Used (Wind and Watertight) High Cube- £1,845 plus £420 Delivery.
-    Qube Containers - 40ft Used (Wind and Watertight) High Cube- £1,400 plus £560 Delivery. 

Discussions with Titan raised doubts about being able to site the unit, as the containers are side dismounted and therefore cannot be sited by the Tennis Courts but would need to be located to the right of the current building.  Titan also advised that the delivery vehicle would need to drive on hard standing which is not feasible.  Additionally, it was confirmed that the fencing at the field entrance would prevent a tractor unit with a 40ft bed accessing the site .
This means that a 40ft container for storage is not feasible
Proposal.  That the replacement unit be a 20 ft steel container                     Agreed. 
Cllr Creek advised the availability of rechargeable magnet lights with motion sensors that can be used in containers thereby negating the need for electrics in a new container
Action. Cllr Creek to source quotations for 20 ft containers. 
Action. Cllr Ross to liaise with Robert Jessop to store ALL the “assets” in the existing store until a replacement installed. 
Action A “stock take” of assets to be undertaken as materials removed from existing store or as they get placed into a new store. - All
6.2    Update regarding existing grant funding for proposed pavilion.
1430. Cllr Ross advises work in progress; Tesco Community funding has provided a 3 months extension period to September 2024. 
            Action Cllr Ross to try to obtain additional extension
6.3    To consider and discuss progress regarding flooding concerns. 
6.3.1    To receive update on complaint raised to LCC about 155 Station Street
1431. Cllr Creek has received a response from our complaint to the Consumer Council for Water. The CCW believe that Anglian Water still have an obligation to assist and support the PC, however the Consumer CCW cannot compel them to expedite these actions. Cllr Creek is to continue to engage with Anglian Water to try to obtain answers to the following; 
 1. What is the solution to the surface water connections to the system and how can this be resolved? 
 2. What is the risk mitigation plan for the sewerage system and pumping station during overload situations, given that this is now a precedented occurrence? 
 3. The above appear to be dependent on the outcome of the flood mitigation plan which appears to be very open ended and low in priority as it is presently on hold. With no meaningful updates, Rippingale Parish Council and the residents of Rippingale are not feeling valued by Anglian Water so how can we jointly ensure that regular updates are received on plans and timescales? 
 It was agreed that Anglian Water has not progressed in a meaningful manner. If we cannot get anything firmer from Anglian Water, it was suggested that residents be encouraged to write to our MP, whilst still pressing Anglian Water. 
Additionally, Cllr Lumb suggested that people log incidents and comments with Trustpilot, as the site is a good way of communicating poor service, especially from large companies.

A replacement first aid kit has been ordered for the Emergency Pack; however, it is clearly not as large as the out of date First Aid kit. 
Proposal. To log the replacements required and advise restocking in the most cost-effective manner.                                                     Agreed.
Action. Cllr Creek to re-engage with AW and the residents, as the flooding within the village is not a one-off event. 
Action. Cllr Jones to create FB post.
Action. Cllr Creek to do inventory of First Aid stock and provide a list for Clerk to purchase.
6.3.2    Sandbags from SKDC storage solutions
1432. It was confirmed that the “green” bin was to be purchased 
         Action. Clerk to order and liaise with Cllr Creek for delivery including padlocks
6.4    To consider the progress with providing mains water supply to the Allotments.
1433. There will be a need to obtain a Deed of Easement to cross the neighbour’s land. Current estimates of cost vary between £500 and £2,000.  Cllr Ross to continue pressing for quotations from D Knibbs. 
    Action. Cllr Ross to mark proposed route for supply pipe so that D Knibbs can quote for the pipe installation work
6.5    To discuss obtaining quotations for allotments maintenance and rotavating plots prior to new tenants
1434. D Knibbs has been clearing the various vacant plots at a cost of £236, which was agreed to be paid. 
              Action. Clerk to pay D Knibbs’ invoice.
6.6    To receive and consider planning applications
6.6.1    13 East Street
1435. Work has stopped on site, although refurbishment works to the existing building is ongoing, as it does not require planning permission. 
6.7    Update on Neighbourhood Plan following extraordinary meeting
1436. The Extraordinary meeting confirmed that the NP is to have the wording corrected and then re-submitted to SKDC. 
              Action. Clerk to make the change and send to Cllr Ross for re-submission to SKDC
6.8    To receive update on overgrown hedges etc:
6.8.1    Update regarding quotation for extra hedge cutting and tree maintenance
1437.  It has been a good growing year for hedges etc. The PC has already agreed to action a tidy up of the footpaths and trees that are causing issues for grass cutting. The PC Contractor Gary’s Gardens has done this work to a good standard once again. 
6.8.2    Complaint to SKDC ref poor cutting of Station St hedge by Fix my Street
1438.  This has since been cleared. No Further action required
6.8.3    Along station street including land to the rear of Grinders Lane/Dovecote
1439. Cllr Ross has a meeting with the landowner to discuss. 
6.8.4    Overgrown border on Pinfold/JPF
1440. A trim has been actioned, but it is thought that the plants are not suitable for the border as they must  to be low maintence and not to create a ‘shield’ to activities on the playing field. It was agreed that the PC would consider replacing the complete border with more suitable plants in the future.
6.8.5    JPF footpaths and around old storage unit
1441. This has been cleared but has located a wasp nest, but as the cover has been removed, they may disburse.
6.8.6    Tree maintenance along verges
1442. Trees have had trims to ensure grass cutting is safe for the contractors. The self-set tree has not been removed yet. 
6.8.7    Dykes in and around the village
1443. PC needs to look at the ownership of the dykes and ditches around the village.
6.9    To consider Hedge cutting tender 2024
1444. Clerk has provided documents and plans for hedge cutting. Would it be beneficial to have a price for a tidy of the footpaths as part of the cost. To contact the following contractors Gary’s Garden ,SKDC, Glendal and S Charlton.
            Action Clerk to forward maps and documents for hedge cutting to all Cllrs 

6.10    To discuss methods to assess residents’ views on use of playing field
1445. Need to engage the community regarding the use of the playfield, to be actioned, via newsletter and FB. 
Action. Clerk and Cllr Jones to action social media and to speak to admins on the Community page to allow the RPC page to engage with the community.
6.11    To discuss proposal to install a basketball post & net in tennis court
1446.  The cost to have a basketball post and hoop would be between £1200 & £1500. Is there enough community engagement to spend the money for the hoop, inline that the football goals are still not in place that were purchased this spring.
        Action. Cllr Jones to create a poll for the basketball hoop for FB. 
        Action. Cllr Petch to include in the October Newsletter.
    Action. Cllr Jones & Cllr Creek to look at installing goal posts (Cllr Ross to forward details)
6.12    Update regarding moving 30 mph sign and dangerous “ruts” on Station Street
1447. Cllr Jones has reported the “ruts” on Fix my street. Moving the 30 mph signs is work in progress. Cllr Ross to include this issue in the walkabout the village arranged for September with LCC Highways.
6.13    Update regarding “Bollards” on Station Street
1448. These will be removed later once the soil has settled.
6.14    To consider and discuss changes to the Newsletter content and layout
1449. This is an important way of communicating with the village but looks much the same each month. With resident not always reading. So, need to look at ways of reengaging. Any changes to take account of possible increase in printing costs .
            Action. All Cllrs to forward ideas to Clerk on the ways to change the newsletter
6.15    To consider and create a committee for Employment matters, such as clerk’s appraisal, additional hours etc.
1450. Cllr Creek & Cllr Lumb were appointed to HR committee. Resolved
6.16    To consider the allocation of members to designated roles and responsibilities
1451. The roles were assigned as below
a.    Police Forum Representative – Cllr Creek    b.    Emergency Plan Coordinator – 
Cllr Creek
c.    Finance Supervisor- 
Cllr Creek    d.    Flood Warden Coordinator -
Cllr Creek
e.    Feast Committee Liaison – 
Cllr Lumb    f.    Grass & Hedge Cutting – 
Cllr Lumb
g.    Jubilee Playing Field & Equipment – Cllr Jones    h.    Village Maintenance Coordinator –
Cllr Ross
i.    Council Newsletter – 
Cllr Petch & Cllr Ross    j.    Village Hall Management Committee Liaison - Cllr Jones
k.    Allotments liaison – 
Cllr Ross    l.    St Andrew’s Parochial Church Council Liaison – Cllr Petch


Action. Clerk to ask for the Feast template. The previous committee would happily help but did not want to run it again. 

7.0    Financial Matters:
7.1    Financial Reports:

7.1.1    FY 2024/25 Accounts to date & Approval of Expenditure

1452. The Following cost were passed for payment.

Code    Description    Supplier     Net      VAT      Total 
Office Costs    Annual Costs    Chair     £    3.25      £0.65      £    3.90 
Clerk Salary    Clerk Salary    The Clerk     £ 530.30      £    -        £ 530.30 
Clerk Salary    Clerk Salary    The Clerk     £  54.36      £    -        £  54.36 
Office Costs    Annual Costs    Chair     £    4.75      £    -        £    4.75 
Office Costs    Annual Costs    Chair     £  21.96      £    -        £  21.96 
Office Costs    Annual Costs    Chair     £    7.70      £    -        £    7.70 
Office Costs    Annual Costs    Chair     £    3.00      £ 0.60      £    3.60 
Training    Annual Costs    Chair     £  19.35      £    -        £  19.35 
Meetings    Annual Costs    Village Hall     £  25.00      £    -        £  25.00 
Meetings    Annual Costs    Village Hall     £  12.50      £    -        £  12.50 
Residents - Rippingale    Annual Costs    Rippingale Parish Council     £  22.05      £    -        £  22.05 
Residents - Rippingale    Annual Costs    Rippingale Parish Council     £  25.20      £    -        £  25.20 
Residents - Rippingale    Annual Costs    Rippingale Parish Council     £  13.80      £    -        £  13.80 
Printing    Newsletter    Warners Group     £  82.00      £    -        £  82.00 
             £ 825.22      £1.25      £ 826.47 

7.1.2    Forecast 
1453. Work has begun on the budget for 2025/2026. 

7.2    Parish Bank Account Update including JPFT
1454. Clerk is working on the process.

8.0    Urgent reports or any other issues.  
1455. Tennis court padlock is not always being replaced. Option proposed to replace padlock with a  keyed system, giving all Cllrs a key. 
                Action Cllr jones and Clerk to look at online booking system for tennis court
9.0    Close meeting

2nd Public Forum.
L Parncutt – wanted to raise that not everyone in the village is on social media. PC said this is not to replace newsletter/notice board or website, but it is another way to engage with the community. 
Cllr Dixon-Warren – raised that contacting MP is fine but maybe try SKDC & LCC reliance forum which is part of Emergency planning.

Next meeting:  9th September 2024 at 7.00pm in Rippingale Village Hall