Annual Parish Meeting 2024 DRAFT

Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting of
Rippingale Parish Council, held in the Village
Hall on Monday 13 May 2024
Present: Cllr C. Charlton (Chairman), Cllr B
Ross, Cllr A Creek, County Cllr M Hill and District Cllr R Dixon-Warren.
In Attendance: D Knibbs, S Knibbs, Adam Cliff and W Grey. There were no Press
in attendance.
1. Welcome by the Chairman and Annual Report.
1327. The Chairman welcomed the attendees to the meeting and then delivered his
Annual Report:
I am pleased to present the Parish Council Annual Report. I gauge that the Parish
Council has worked effectively in the past year. I would highlight the commendable
efforts of the Parish Councillors and our Parish Clerk Laura Davies who have
undertaken their duties with good effect, to allow the Council to ably carry out its role.
Recruitment of Parish Councillors has been challenging, with a varying number of
Councillors over the year; we are still in the process of recruiting two new Councillors
to regain full strength. Turning to Finance. Our income via the Precept has been
maintained at an unchanged level for over 7 years. The Parish Council’s finances
are stable; they meet the Village’s requirements be it the Clerk’s salary, grounds and
general maintenance and other spending areas. We also sustain a sensible
contingency to meet unexpected needs. Supervision and control of the accounts is
maintained by monthly oversight by the Council and through internal and external
Auditors. No anomalies have been found. We continue to safely maintain both the
play equipment and the sports court on the Jubilee Playing Field in conjunction with
the Jubilee Playing Field Trust; there have been minor upgrades. We have fitted a
further bench on the playing field and refurbished the M2000 Village information
board. We are in the process of erecting new football goal posts on the field.
The Parish Council continues to assist a project to replace the delipidated changing
cabin on the playing field with a purpose-built sports pavilion with storage facilities for
Village equipment. I must give great thanks to the Feast Committee for their huge
efforts in running a very popular highly successful event last year, which included the
extremely admired dog show. The Parish Council is liable for the bulk of the grass
and hedge cutting on the public areas in the Village, which we have to
manage through our budget. We strive to undertake this cost effectively, by
competitive tendering to select an outside contractor. As we attempt to ensure our
Village is as neat as possible, I thank the many residents who cut the grassed areas
outside their properties. The Village now has a Neighbourhood Plan to influence
development in the Parish, which was finally completed and promulgated in mid-
2023. It has already been used by SKDC in assessing planning applications
concerning the Village. Clear communication is essential to the stability of the Village
and we are conclusively aided in this regard by our Newsletter, the Village Website
and the Village Facebook page. For the former Jamie Petch as editor merits thanks,
along with his efficient delivery volunteers. This important media product continues to
notify the Village of many aspects of its life. Additionally, no community today can
operate convincingly without a website and I thank Helen Martin, who retired after
many years as our webmaster last year, and Laura, the Clerk, who have
maintained ours as fully as possible. Finally thanks the Bea Maskery for
administering the Facebook page until recently, and to Steve Warcop and Carolyn
CG the current administrators. The Hospital Car Service remains very active and

Chris Ross continues to administer this with commitment and skill. On his retirement
I must thank Derek Diess for his outstanding support over many years to this facility.
Recognition is also given to the RGAG for assisting us in reliably managing the
allotments. In conclusion, the Village remains a supportive, friendly and active
community, a pleasant location to live.
2. To approve the Minutes of the Annual Parish Council Meeting held on 9 May
1328. The previously circulated minutes were seen to be a true record of the meeting
and approved.
3. Receive Reports form Police, County and District Councils:
1329. Cllr Martin Hill delivered the following report for the County Council.
Cllr Hill was mindful that a serious road traffic accident had occurred recently at the
junction of the A15 and the High Street and an investigation was underway to review
this. £9 million of extra funds had been allocated to the Highways budget for this
year, which should assist in better maintenance and minor road improvement was an
aim. The flooding across the County due to heavy rain in January 2024 was subject
to some 400 Section 19 investigations and would probably take until August to
complete. It was intended that greater cutting out and jetting of drains will take place
to improve the system. There followed a discussion highlighting an impasse between
Anglian Water and LCC on accepting responsibility for the maintenance of certain
culverts, such as the Parish Council experienced with regard to the culvert under the
Eastern end of Station Street. Additionally, liaison meetings between Anglian Water,
LCC, the District Council and the Drainage Board were not effective. Cllr Hill said
County pressure on these aspects would continue. Finally, he saw that the Greater
Lincolnshire Mayor should be in place by May 2025. Wendy Grey then queried who
had responsibility for clearing the Grinders Lane drainage grill, which SKDC had
attended recently but was still being blocked with debris; Cllr Dixon-Warren agreed to
1330. Cllr Richard Dixon-Warren delivered the following for SKDC; he recorded that
the new grey/purple bins recycling separation was still bedding in; it was thought that
residents should after this week be able to use the system effectively and future
collections would be subject to rejection if the appropriate waste was not placed in
the correct bin. Preparations were underway for the D Day 6 June 80 th anniversary
celebrations in the District, including an Airborne Forces Heritage Trail.
4. Receive Reports from Community Groups and Organisations
1331. Hospital Car Service. This was continuing to work effectively and provided a
much appreciate service. Driver numbers had improved but continued recruitment
would remain in place.
1332. Parochial Church Council. The Council remain focussed on fundraising to
maintain the Church’s fabric with its relegation to a minor place of worship. A recent
Quiz night raised some £250, with 50 attendees.
1333. Row Garden Allotment Group. The allotment holders continue to be well
supported by the Group and beneficial liaison with the Parish Council is evident. The
RGAG Chair raised concern over the state of the Station Street roadway outside the
allotments and also the build-up of large potholes on the adjacent layby and passing
places, which he sees as a danger to vehicles. The Chairman was once again to
raise this with Highways LCC.
1334. Village Hall Management Committee. The Hall remains properly maintained,
busy and well used; Bingo is especially popular, with a Sunday night session now in

1335. Rippingale Playing Field Trust. A project to replace the temporary cabin on the
playing field through the purchase of a new sports pavilion and social hub has
continued to see fundraising underway. The new building is planned to have catering

facilities, changing rooms, toilets and village storage, with the aim of attracting team
and other sports and to support Village events on the playing field. £44,295 should
be committed from various sources to meet the cost of the new building and it is
intended to complete the new project this year.
5. Questions and Proposals from the Public.
1336. None.