General Parish Meeting 2024 DRAFT

General Meeting of Rippingale Parish Council, held in the Village Hall on
Monday 13 May 2024
Present: Cllr C. Charlton (Chairman), Cllr B Ross, Cllr T Creek, Cllr J Jones, County Cllr M Hill and
District Cllr R Dixon-Warren.
In Attendance: D Knibbs, S Knibbs, Adam Cliff and W Grey. There were no Press in attendance.
1. Apologies for absence.
1337. Apologies were received from Cllr J Petch, who had work commitments. The Clerk, L Davies
apologised for her absence, due to an injury.
2. Councillors Acceptance of Office.
1338. All Cllrs indicated that they accepted their Office.
3. Councillors Declarations of Interest.
1339. All Cllrs had forwarded any Declarations of Interest, as recorded by the Clerk.
4. Election of Chairman.
1340. There being no other nomination, Cllr Charlton was re-elected as Chairman.
5. Election of Vice Chairman.
1341. Cllr Creek volunteered as Vice Chairman and was accepted as such.
6. Confirmation of allocation of members to designated roles and responsibilities:
1342. The following allocations were agreed.
a. Police Forum Representative
Cllr T Creek

b. Emergency Plan & Flood Warden Coordinator
Cllr Charlton and Cllr T Creek

c. Finance Supervisor
Chair C Charlton

d. Grass Cutting & Village Maintenance
Coordinator Cllr C Charlton

e. Village Hall Management
Committee Liaison
Cllr J Jones

f. Jubilee Playing Field & Equipment
Cllr T Creek

g. St Andrew’s Parochial Church
Council Liaison
Cllr J Petch

h. Council Newsletter
Cllr C Charlton

i. Row Garden Allotment Liaison
Cllr B Ross
7. Approve Minutes of last Council Meeting (8 th April 2024).
1343. Cllr Ross queried why his disquiet at what he saw as the low level of contingency included in
Pavilion Project costs was omitted from the minutes. It was agreed as this point could be discussed
later in the Agenda, the Minutes of the last Council Meeting were approved.
8. Parish Matters:
8.1 To consider and approve the proposal to commence replacing the Pavilion.
1344. Cllr Ross was of the opinion that reappraisal of the Project was required. His feedback
from some sections of the Village was that the Pavilion replacement was not required. He also
queried the large sum, £16,6280, the Parish Council had to commit to meet the overall
projected costs of £44,399. He also thought that better detail was required to illustrate internal
building costs and that the contingency sum was set too low. The Chairman detailed that the
project had been subject to Village wide consultation via the Newsletter which had supported
the proposed building and altered its configuration; he saw, as had been promulgated, that it
was needed to support team sports, Village events and equipment storage. He also highlighted
that the Parish Council had supported a budget allocation to the project, which he had proposed
had to be raised due to grant shortfalls. It was agreed that the Project should be subject to
further consultation via the Newsletter to confirm that the Village still supported the project.

Agreement to proceed with the Project and an allocation of additional funds from the Parish
Council was to be delayed. The Chairman pointed out that if the Project did not proceed in its
current form, then funds granted from outside bodies may well have to be returned.
8.2 To consider and discuss progress with the rectification of flood drainage concerns, including
accepting sandbags/loose sand from SKDC.
1345. The Chairman detailed that due to a lack of progress by Anglian Water in rectifying foul
water pooling concerns and accepting responsibility for culvert clearance, which could be traced
back over 10 years, a complaint had been lodged with Consumer Council For Water. The
outcome has still to be received. One blocked drain by 155 Station Street remained to be
cleared by LCC and SKDC have agreed to supply a ton of sand and associated bags for filling;
there is a need to identify a filling opportunity and a storage area.
8.3 To consider the progress with providing mains water supply to the Allotments.
1346. Anglian Water have supplied a revised cost for mains water connection to the allotment
of £11,616 vice the former budgeted quote of £2,909. The Council agreed that the connection
requirement needs to go another two suppliers for quotes before the future of the project can be
8.4 To consider and discuss planning applications:
8.4.1 S24/0543 Conversion of an existing agricultural barn into two dwellings and
associated access, parking and residential garden area, Rippingale Fen Road.
1347. As simply the internal building reconfiguration of a previously supported application,
no objection to be raised.
8.4.2 S24/0654 The erection of a single detached dwelling at 20 East Street.
1348. As this building is within the curtilage of the Village and is an infill development
within an existing street form then no objection is to be raised.
8.5 To consider the Play Equipment Annual Inspection Report.
1349. No points in the report were deemed needing physical rectification save the replacement
of a damaged cradle swing, which had been removed and a new unit was to be ordered. Cllr
Jones noted the return mechanism on the gates to the play equipment seemed weak enough
for a dog to push a gate open. As the report had not highlighted this, it was agreed to monitor.
9. Financial Matters:
9.1 FY2024/25 (Accounts to Date and Approval of Expenditure – All).
1350. The Council diligently considered and then agreed the following payments:
Code Supplier Net

VAT Total

Clerk Salary The Clerk £ 530.30

£ - £ 530.30

Printing Warners Group £ 82.00

£ - £ 82.00

Grass Village Gary Gardens
Tree Care

£ 650.00

£ - £ 650.00


£ 82.50


£ 99.00


£16.50 £1373.80

9.2 To consider and discuss the JPFT bank account
1351. No resolution as yet. To next Meeting.
10. To Receive any Urgent Reports.
1352. David Knibbs queried if the RGAG should delay the laying of the internal water pipes in the
allotments due to the delay in the fitting of the mains water connection. He was advised to do so. Cllr
Ross highlighted that the standpipe connection would require to be 32mm, due to the mains water
pipe width.
11. Public Forum.
1353. No comments.
Next meeting - Monday 10 June General Meeting in the Village Hall.