September Agenda 2024

Members of Rippingale Parish Council are hereby summoned to attend the Meeting on 9th September at 7.00 pm at Rippingale Village Hall, Station Street. 
Members of the public are invited to attend. 

The Meeting will be preceded by a Public Forum (starting at 7.00pm for up to 15-Minutes) to allow comments and issues to be brought to the attention of the Council.    Councillor attendance is required at this Forum.  
Matters requiring a further discussion and/or decision that do not appear on this Meeting Agenda will be considered for inclusion on the next Meeting Agenda.
The Council Meeting will commence on the conclusion of the Forum. Please note that the meeting may be recorded and published in the press and/or on social media. Anyone not wishing to be filmed should sit on the back row of the public area and any such video of the Meeting must not include the back row. 
Following the Meeting, or prior to any Closed Session, the Chairman will open a 2nd  Public Forum to last around 15 minutes for any comments resulting from the Formal Meeting.

Laura Davies, Clerk to the Council                                28th August 2024

Public Forum
-    Vice-Chairman’s Opening remarks
-    Comments, Questions & Queries from Press & Public

Formal Meeting Agenda
1.0    To receive Apologies for Absence and approve Reasons Given.  
2.0    To receive any new Declarations of Interest.
3.0    To approve the Minutes of the last Parish Council Meeting held on 12th August 2024
4.0    Parish Clerk’s Report (excluding matters raised later in the Agenda)
4.1    Allotment Update – updating plot changes, tenancy agreements & payments. Including letters to untidy plots.
4.2    Social Media Update
4.2.1    HCS advert
4.2.2    Handyman advert
4.2.3    General
4.3    Safety signs for old storage unit
4.4    JPF Septic tank cleaning
4.5    Storm pond gate repair
4.6    Plot 27 & 28 holder request to install shed 8ft x 6ft x 7ft
5.0    External & Community Group Updates: 
5.1    County & District Council Reports – as available.
5.2    Community Groups & Organisations – 
5.2.1    Village Hall
5.2.2    Hospital Car Scheme
5.2.3    RGAG
5.2.4    PCC
5.2.5    Police Update

6.0     Parish Matters:

6.1    To consider the progress to replace the portacabin at Jubilee Playing Field
6.2    Update regarding existing grant funding for proposed pavilion.
6.3    To consider and discuss progress with the rectification of flood drainage concerns. 
6.3.1    To receive update on complaint raised to LCC about 155 Station Street
6.3.2    Sandbags from SKDC storage solutions
6.4    To consider the progress with providing mains water supply to the Allotments.
6.4.1    To discuss and consider Deed of Easement
6.4.2    To receive update on water application, including planning process
6.5    To discuss obtaining quotations for allotments maintenance and rotavating plots prior to new tenants
            6.5.1. To Discuss and consider ragwort management
            6.5.2.  To receive and consider quotations for allotment maintenance and rotavating plots prior to tenants.
6.6    To receive and consider planning applications
6.6.1    13 East Street
6.7    To received update on the update of the Neighbourhood Plan 
6.8    To receive update on overgrown hedges etc:
6.8.1    Update regarding quotation for extra hedge cutting and tree maintenance
6.8.2    Complaint to SKDC ref poor cutting of Station St hedge by Fix my Street
6.8.3    Along station street including land to the rear of Grinders Lane/Dovecote 
6.8.4    Overgrown border on Pinfold/JPF
6.8.5    JPF footpaths and around old storage unit
6.8.6    Tree maintenance along verges
6.8.7    Dykes in and around the village
6.8.8    Feedback from village walkabout on the 5th September 2024.
6.9    To consider Hedge cutting tender 2024
6.10    To discuss methods to assess residents’ views on use of playing field
6.11    To discuss proposal to install a basketball post & net in tennis court and erection of football goal posts
6.12    To discuss tennis court on going use, whether booking system, combination or key are options are options to reduce vandalism. 
6.13    Update regarding moving 30 mph sign and dangerous “ruts” on Station Street
6.14    To consider purchasing Remembrance Wreath
6.15     To consider Newsletter rejuvenation 

7.0    Financial Matters:
7.1    Financial Reports:
7.1.1    FY 2024/25 Accounts to date & Approval of Expenditure
7.1.2    Forecast 
7.2    Parish Bank Account Update including JPFT
8.0    Urgent reports or any other issues.  
9.0    Close meeting

2nd Public Forum.

Next meeting: 14th October 2024 at 7.00pm in Rippingale Village Hall