October Minutes 2023

Minutes of the Meeting of Rippingale Parish Council, held in the Village Hall on
Monday 9 October 2023
Present: Cllr C. Charlton (Chairman), Cllr B Ross, Cllr N Donely
In Attendance: D Diess and W Grey. There were no Press in attendance.
Public Forum
1. Chairman’s Opening remarks.
1190. The Chairman welcomed the attendees and noted the unseasonal warm
2. Comments, Questions & Answers; Queries from Press & Public.
1191. D Diess highlighted that dyke grill outside the Willows on Station Street
seemed blocked. The Chairman had contacted SKDC about this; after a visit, they
judged that it was still able to function effectively. D Diess also highlighted that the
Village’s dykes had not had their annual clearance by the Black Sluice. The
Chairman was to contact the Black Sluice to have the clearance carried out.
1.To receive Apologies for Absence and Reasons Given.
1192. Apologies received from Cllr Manley (medical) and SKDC Cllr Dixon-Warren
(holiday). Cllr I Bruce and Cllr J Petch could not attend.
2. To receive any new Declarations of Interest.
1193. None received
3. To approve the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 11th September
2023 (All).
1194. Previously circulated minutes where unanimously agreed to be a true record of
the meeting.
4. Receive External & Community Group Updates:
4.1. County & District Council Reports – as available.
1195. None received.
4.2. Community Groups and Organisations – as available (RGAG; Feast; HCS;
1196. RGAG – Cllr Ross had furnished the Cllrs with a note of RGAG issues before
the meeting. He clarified the equipment and facilities fit for the water supply to the
allotments. It was agreed that a bid to the South Kesteven Prosperity Fund should be
made as soon as possible, which if successful, would allow the earliest possible
introduction of the water supply. Quotes for the equipment the RGAG was to fit were
to be furnished by the RGAG as quickly as possible. It was agreed to review the
annual water charge element of the allotment rent after a year to ascertain the
validity of the apportionment of cost. It was seen as important that unused plots were
kept cleared and also vacated plots are cleared by departing tenants. Cllr Ross to
instruct maintenance operative on necessary works, Cllr Ross was to liaise with the
Clerk over occupation, contract and payment records for this year and also carry out
a plot occupation and sizing exercise. There was another discussion on allowing
residents of local villages to take up tenancy; once again the trust issue was raised.
If that was resolved there was seen to be difficulty in removing such tenants once on
site, if for example a Rippingale resident required a plot. It was highlighted that the
precept from Rippingale residents which underwrites the allotments should not be
used to support other villages’ residents.

1197. Feast – There have still been no volunteers to establish a Feast Committee.
The Chairman proposed for consideration that the Parish Council administer the
event: there is a good template in place and volunteers are available nearer the day.
Largely the organisation needs managed, with Councillors responsible for specific
areas. Cllrs voiced some concern on the experience required, the work load needed
to organise the event and that a full pool of volunteers may not exist. The Chairman
agreed to forward a more detailed proposal to all Cllrs to enable a final decision to be
1198. HCS – Very active, with drivers to be commended for their efforts, especially at
short notice. Additional volunteer drivers are still required; calling notice to remain in
the Newsletter.
1199. VHMC –Maintenance had been carried out on the car park hedge and toilet
windows replaced.
1200. PCC – Nothing provided but it was noted that a successful Harvest Festival
service and supper had taken place.
5. Parish Matters:
5.1 To consider progress with refurbishment of Village signs and extra JFP finger
1201. Village sign costings still underway The Finger Sign had been received and
would be fitted shortly.
5.2 To consider the progress in fundraising to replace the portacabin at the Jubilee
Playing Field.
1203. Fund raising continues: £39,500 committed with the target for the project at
£51,000, leaving a short fall of approximately £11,500. Applications underway to
meet the shortfall are: £4,000 from both the Rank and Schroder Trusts and up to
£10,000 from the B&Q Foundation. Chairman is also raising a bid to the National
Lottery for All England.
5.3 To consider and discuss repairs/maintenance of the War Memorial.
1204. Work commenced today and should complete this week.
5.4 To consider and discuss mains water connection at the Allotments.
1205. Covered at 1196.
5.5 To consider repairs to the Play Equipment on the Jubilee Playing Field.
1206. The repairs to the play equipment are now complete; however, an issue with
hand hold fits on the climbing frame have emerged. The Company has been asked
to resolve this.
5.6 To consider the grounds maintenance for the allotments.
1207. Covered at 1196.
5.7 To consider appointment of Village maintenance operative.
1208. B Walker has been allocated work in priority order which includes cleaning
village signs, refurbishment of some play equipment and repainting street sign legs.
Chairman to forward work list to Cllrs.
5.8 To discuss Village hedge cutting tender for 2023 (taken in Closed Session)
1209. Tender inputs had been received from Gary’s Garden Services and Glendale,
with no returns from SKDC and Beebsy. Due to the competitive nature of Gary’s
Gardens bid and the good quality of the work they carried out last year, it was
decided that the Clerk should appoint them for this year’s task.
5.9 To discuss and consider No Dogs application to SKDC for the children’s Play
area on the Jubilee Playing Field.
1210. The Clerk was progressing this with SKDC
5.10 To discuss and consider the Poppy Wreath for Remembrance Sunday.

1211. It was agreed to order a medium type B wreath and make a donation of £35 to
the Royal British Legion.
5.11 To discuss and consider using cloud storage for administration.
1212. As the necessary security is in place and after consulting LALC it was agreed
that the Parish Council records are to be cloud stored at no extra cost on Microsoft
and Google platforms.
6. Financial Matters:
6.1 FY2023/2024 (Accounts to Date and Approval of Expenditure – All).
1213. The Chairman briefed the meeting that the current bank balance of
£38,157.69p, which includes last year’s VAT refund, sees the Parish Council’s
holding, after reviewing the forecast of outturn, appropriately placed to meet the
remainder of the year’s budget requirements including the Clerk’s salary, outstanding
grass cutting invoices, hedge cutting costs and project costs, with allowances made
for a £3,000 contingency and Feast account holding.
1214. The following payments were scrutinised and agreed for payment:
Code Supplier Net VAT Total
Clerk Salary Rippingale Parish


505.05 0.00 505.05
Printing Warners Group 82.00 0.00 82.00
1215. It was agreed that a proposed payment to Online Playgrounds be stalled until
the issue with the climbing frame handholds is resolved.
7. To Receive any Urgent Reports.
1216. Allocation of duties were discussed. Cllr Donley agreed to undertake Police
liaison duties and would contact them.
8. Public Forum.
1217. None
Next meeting – Monday 13 November 2023 – Village Hall

C R A M Charlton L Davies
Chairman Clerk