September Minutes 2023

Minutes of the Meeting of Rippingale Parish Council, held in the Village Hall on
Monday 11 th September 2023
Present: Cllr C. Charlton (Chairman), Cllr I Bruce, Cllr J Petch, Cllr B Ross, Cllr N
Donely and the Clerk, L. Davies.
In Attendance: L Parncutt and W Grey. There were no Press in attendance.
Public Forum
1. Chairman’s Opening remarks.
1162. The Chairman offered a warm welcome after a short break over the summer.
2. Comments, Questions & Answers; Queries from Press & Public.
1163. L. Parncutt, raised that the Dunsby junction sign on the A15 heading south had
been turned to face the wrong direction. He was advised to report this to LCC via
their website portal
1164. W. Grey reported that overgrown brambles and hedges on Station St and the
Dovecote are becoming an issue, forcing people out on to the road. Cllr Petch had
already reported the SKDC areas, but privately owned properties were to be notified
via letter. Action Chairman
1165. Repairs to the Dovecot pavement had not been successful: weeds were
prevalent and the pavement was subsiding in places. These are a trip hazard; this
had already been reported to LCC Highways as a health & safety issue.
1166. Verges in the Village are also getting damaged due to tractor usage and straw
was gathering in gutters which could cause drain blockage later. Chairman to report
to SKDC.
1.To receive Apologies for Absence and Reasons Given.
1167. Apologies received from Cllr Manley, due to a personal reason. SKDC Cllr
Dixon-Warren, was due to attend but had a late personal issue and will send SKDC
2. Mrs N Donley to accept post as Parish Councillor and sign acceptance to serve on
Parish Council
1168. A warm welcome was offered to N Donley who accepted and signed to serve
on the Parish Council. With her skill and experience she was seen as an asset to the
Parish Council.
3. To receive any new Declarations of Interest.
1169. None received
4. To approve the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 11th July 2023 (All).
1170. Previously circulated minutes where unanimously agreed to be a true
reflection of the meeting on the 11 th July 2023.
5. Receive External & Community Group Updates:
5.1. County & District Council Reports – as available.
1171. Information from SKDC Cllr Dixon-Warren
Council in the Community
SKDC has been out and about. Recently attended the ‘Council in the Community’
event held in at the Bourne Corn Exchange on 17 August to provide an opportunity
to ask questions and discuss issues directly with SKDC officers from Community
Engagement, Housing, Environmental Health, and Neighbourhood Teams.

Lessons to be identified but potentially, a valuable event. The ‘Meet the Cabinet’ tour
continued on 21 August at Billingborough Village Hall. These ‘drop in’ sessions are
where people can find out more about what the Council does and how it works, what
the Cabinet's role is and what its plans are for the future of South Kesteven.
Feedback invited from anyone who attended.
Armed Forces’ Engagement
As SKDC’s Armed Forces’ Champion, I attended the unveiling of a memorial
board commemorating the role of RAF Barkston Heath in the Second World War.
Also attended a rainswept Grantham Station’s Families Day where multinational
catering stands, band and African dancers were undaunted by the weather. It is a
pleasure to keep in touch with our Armed Forces and their heritage in the District.
A Salute to Farmers
Over the past month or so, Aveland villages have heard and felt the rumble of
heavy agricultural vehicles and equipment – combine harvesters, tractors and
trailers – bringing in the harvest by day and by night. This is an important time of
year for farmers, the finale to a season’s work. The Harvest Festivals and Suppers
to come in our villages are important, too, to give thanks for the food that the land
provides. Salute our farmers and the vital work they do.
5.2. Community Groups and Organisations – as available (RGAG; Feast; HCS;
1172. RGAG – Open Day was a success even the heavens opening didn’t dampen
spirits. Raised £530.50 which is great support. The AGM to be held on the 25 th
November in the Village Hall. Overgrown plots; there are a few that need maintained
as do the grass pathways. B Walker has been appointed as a casual contract worker
to undertake such routine maintenance. Cllr Ross is to liaise with Mr Walker for work
allocation. The RGAG are looking to replace their existing tool storage structure with
a container. It was thought this may require planning permission. D Knibbs to send
over dimensions to Cllr Charlton and Cllr Ross for assessment. There is some doubt
as to the accuracy of plot sizing and subsequent invoicing; Cllr Ross agreed to carry
out a measuring exercise. The Chairman raised the issue that there may be a
surplus of plots above those needed for turnover, resulting in unnecessary
maintenance costs. To be reviewed as part of this exercise. D Knibbs raised that
non Rippingale residents are requesting plots. It was explained again that the land
was entrusted for the use of Rippingale residents, so non-residents are not able to
obtain a plot.
1173. Feast – There have been no volunteers to join the Feast Committee; a further
calling notice will be placed in the next Newsletter. If there is no uptake, it is for
consideration that the Parish Council administer the event: there is a good template
in place and volunteers are available nearer the day. Largely the organisation needs
managed, with Councillors responsible for specific areas. It was highlighted such
participants as the BBMF need timely booking.
1174. HCS – Running well, but additional volunteer drivers still required. Some
residents need reminding the service is for medical reasons only. Both facets to be
placed in the next Newsletter.
1175. VHMC – The Comedy night had an excellent attendance and the event is to be
repeated. Maintenance to be carried out on the car park hedge, toilet windows
replaced and curtains are replacing blinds.
1176. PCC – Nothing provided.
6. Parish Matters:

6.1 To consider progress with refurbishment of Village signs and extra JFP finger
1177. The circulated proofs for the refurbishment of the village signs were positively
received and it was approved to commence works once costings were received. The
Clerk was to chase the Finger Sign order.
6.2 To consider the progress in fundraising to replace the portacabin at the Jubilee
Playing Field.
1178. The Pavilion project is progressing satisfactorily with £39,500 committed
through fund raising, with the target for the project at £51,000, leaving a short fall of
approximately £11,500. An application to the Garfield Weston Trust was
unsuccessful. Other applications underway to meet the shortfall are: £4,000 from
both the Rank and Schroder Trusts and up to £10,000 from the B&Q Foundation.
6.3 To consider and discuss repairs/maintenance of the War Memorial.
1179. An authorised deposit of £1,000 has been passed to the stone mason, delivery
of the necessary stone should be in next month. Work will commence once the stone
6.4 To consider and discuss mains water connection at the Allotments.
1180. Confirmation of the quote required from Anglian Water for mains supply,
connection and meter is underway and the Chairman of the RGAG is sourcing
quotes for pipework, a tank and plant. Once received Cllr Charlton will apply to the
South Kesteven Prosperity Fund for monies to support the works. There was some
discussion on the agreed costs of 20p per square meter allotment charge from April
2024 to offset water usage costs. It was highlighted this was an equitable cost when
compared with such bodies as Lincoln City where an allotment costs 47p per square
metre and a yearly water charge of cost £20.90 per plot or North Teeside at 51p per
square metre.
6.5 To consider repairs to the Play Equipment on the Jubilee Playing Field.
1181. The repairs to the play equipment were nearly complete ie climbing frame
hand holds, secondary chains to basket swing, new automatic closures for gates and
repair to the toddler unit. Only new noughts and crosses game parts awaited.
6.6 To consider the grounds maintenance for the allotments.
1182. B Walker has been appointed on a casual contract for the maintenance of the
allotments, such as pathway grass cutting and unmanned plot clearance. Cllr Ross
was to allocate duties and monitor.
6.7 To consider appointment of Village maintenance operative.
1183. B Walker has been appointed on a casual contract for maintenance of the
Village. Cllr Charlton was to allocate work and monitor. The overgrown state of the
Village dykes was raised, a Black Sluice responsibility not the Parish Council. It was
noted that the annual clearance was still be undertaken. It was further noted that the
main drain adjacent to the Dovecote is in the process of being cleared by SKDC (as
their responsibility has been finally agreed) but there was no lead time as of yet. The
Black Sluice and SKDC have been chased.
6.8 To discuss Village hedge cutting tender for 2023
1184. The tender for 2023, including the inside of the allotment hedge was being
compiled for forwarding to include Gary’s Garden Services, SKDC and Beebsy. Tree
cutting on the border of the playing field and an affected Pinfold Close property will
commence on the 13 th September, to reduce the trees in size to allow light and
7. Financial Matters:
7.1 FY2023/2024 (Accounts to Date and Approval of Expenditure – All).

1185. The following payments were scrutinised and agreed for payment:
Code Supplier Net VAT Total
Clerk Salary Rippingale Parish


505.05 0.00 505.05
Printing Warners Group 82.00 0.00 82.00

C Charlton 19.99 0.00 19.99
Printing Warners Group 82.00 0.00 82.00
Allotment -

RGAG 200.00 0.00 200.00
Election SKDC 81.25 0.00 81.25
Residents -

Hospital Car service 3.30 0.00 3.30

Residents -

Hospital Car service 39.90 0.00 39.90

Residents -

Hospital Car service 12.00 0.00 12.00

Residents -

Hospital Car service 4.80 0.00 4.80

Residents -

Hospital Car service 13.35 0.00 13.35


Sports Surfacing

350.00 70.0

Total 1,393.6

1186. The AGAR was signed with minor amendments, correcting a typing error and
a reallocation of the Clerk’s mileage costs. No material effect on the accounts.
7.2 To discuss and consider using cloud storage for administration.
1187. The Clerk proposed moving historical files on to cloud storage, to free up
memory on the laptop and to ensure backup copy. Cllrs were supportive and
suggested approaching LALC for guidance to confirm the validity of this measure.
8. To Receive any Urgent Reports.
1188. None
9. Public Forum.
1189. None
Next meeting – Monday 9th October 2023– Village Hall

C R A M Charlton L Davies
Chairman Clerk
9 October 2023