July Minutes 2023

Minutes of the Meeting of Rippingale Parish Council, held in the Village Hall on
Tuesday 11 July 2023
Present: Cllr C. Charlton (Chairman), Cllr I Bruce, Cllr J Petch and the Clerk, L.
In Attendance: L Parncutt and D Knibbs There were no Press in attendance.
Public Forum
1. Chairman’s Opening remarks.
1141. Welcome to Cllr Bruce & Cllr Petch post the very successful and busy Feast, a
well-executed event, of which more later.
2. Comments, Questions & Answers; Queries from Press & Public.
1142. None
1. To receive Apologies for Absence and Reasons Given.
1143. Apologies were received from Cllr Manley & Cllr Ross; both had conflicting
commitments. SKDC Cllr Warren-Dixon also sent his apologies.
2. To receive any new Declarations of Interest. None.
3. To consider and approve the Co-option of Mrs N Donley as a Parish
Councillor (All).
1144. Mrs N Donley’s CV had been distributed previously. It was seen that her
experience and skill set as a primary school Headteacher marked her as a valued
asset to the Council. Her Co-option as a Parish Councillor was approved. The
Chairman was to inform her and the Clerk was to send her relevant paperwork.
4. To approve the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 13th June
2023 (All).
1145. The previously circulated minutes where unanimously approved. Cllr Petch did
raise that advertising in the Newsletter by a business such as Yoga in the Village
Hall was not allowed. However, if the Village Hall Management Committee published
a calendar detailing weekly and other events in the Newsletter, this could include
Yoga. Cllr Petch will speak to W Gray regarding this.
5. Receive External & Community Group Updates:
5.1. County & District Council Reports – as available.
1146. None provided
5.2. Community Groups & Organisations – as available (RGAG; Feast; HCS.
1147. RGAG - D Knibbs commented on the pleasing proposals for the maintenance
of the vacant plots and other areas in the allotments. It was agreed that on the
RGAG Open Day spare plots could be marked out to highlight their availability to
visitors. Signed allotment contracts were all nearly returned, with reminders to be
sent to the remaining few. The Clerk was to inform the Chairman in two weeks if
there were any outstanding returns, for a formal chase. There seemed to be
variances on the Clerk’s data base to what plots are being worked. The Clerk is to
liaise with Cllr Ross to resolve this issue and remark plots as appropriate. It was
agreed new markers could be purchased where necessary, after liaising with D
Knibbs who may have spare items. Finally, it was agreed that the Plot Holders’
contract required revision for 2024 to ensure there was adequate provision to ensure

that timely proper husbandry was undertaken on plots or a plot holder would have to
forfeit the plot, after a suitable warning and taking into account circumstances.
1148. Feast – The annual events commencing on 30 June with a dog show, followed
by the main event on 1 July, were judged very successful. The days’ events were
well supported, and the weather was kind. It was noted the event was made possible
through the commendably hard work of the Committee throughout the year and by
volunteers near and on the days, with special thanks to Kate Lewis and Sue
Charlton. Provisionally these events raised £1500 and still to be confirmed overall
Feast funds stood at £5,500. The Feast Committee at their AGM resolved that a
donation of £3,000 was to be made to the Pavilion Project. The Parish Council
endorsed this decision. After 3 years in post the Feast Committee had decided to
stand down, leaving a strong template for future events. They were thanked for their
sterling efforts and the Chairman was to commence recruitment through the
1149. HCS – The car service is running steadily, with 3 trips in the period and with 1
rejected trip due to no available driver. 2 new drivers have been recruited but
vacancies remain, to be advertised in the Newsletter.
1450. VHC – None.
1451. PCC – No input, but the Festival Church does seem to be working for those
who wish to attend.
6. Parish Matters:
6.1 To consider progress with refurbishment of Village signs and extra JFP
finger sign.
1152. P Rippingale has advised that the Village signs’ refurbishment should be
completed no later than the 27th of August 2023. The Clerk has ordered a cheaper
finger sign from another company, due to the previous organisation not responding.
6.2 To consider the progress in fundraising to replace the portacabin at the Jubilee.
Playing Field.
1153. Funds are steadily accumulating, with the following amounts recently received
or pledged:
* £1150 – Tesco Community Fund (initial 75%; remainder on completion)
* £20,000 – SKDC UK Shared Prosperity Fund
* £3,000 from the Feast funds
* £500 from Little Miracles
Applications are underway to the Bernard Sunley Foundation, the Garfield Weston
Foundation, the Rank Foundation and the Donald Gosling Foundation.
1154. To ensure that the Jubilee Playing Field Trust bank account has accurate
governance details and a relevant registered address the following action was
approved at the meeting. The Parish Council unanimously agreed that the following
having resigned are no longer Trustees of the Rippingale Jubilee Playing Field Trust
and should be removed from bank records: Shaun Charlton, Michael Exton, Erica
Field – Lucas, Vivienne Free, Simon Goode, Alan Vaughan, Steven Warcup, and
Julie Parry.
The Clerk is to arrange for these minutes to be presented to the Parish Council’s Nat
West Branch and she is to update current Trustees details at the bank and the
Charity Commission.
6.3 To consider and discuss repairs/maintenance of the War Memorial.
1155. The Stonemason reported he still awaits a price for materials from Ancaster
Stone, despite chasing.
6.4 To consider and discuss mains water connection at the Allotments.
1156. Consultation with plot holders on mains water being plumbed into the
allotments, with cost implications, resulted that out of the 22 plot holders, 16 agreed

to a paid mains water supply, with 1 against. The Clerk is to re-open the application
to Anglian Water to confirm the current costs of the water connection. It was
confirmed that RGAG will provide the pipework to a central tank from the allotments
boundary once connected. It was also raised it may be possible to seek grant
funding towards the project. The Chairman is to investigate. Discussions on the
additional cost for the water to individual plot holders resulted in an additional 6p per
square metre being agreed; provisionally raising the cost to 20p per square metre for
the 2023/2024 tenancy, still below the national average for allotment costs. The
Parish Council agreed to take this project forward with a completion date of 1 April
6.5 To consider planning application S23/1081. Installation of air source unit to rear
elevation and solar panels to rear at 110 Station Street, roof slope of annex. Listed
Building consent.
1157. No objections raised as the plans show that the solar panel will be on the
south facing annexe, with little exposure to the viewing public.
6.6 To consider repairs to Play Equipment on the Jubilee Playing Field.
1158. A quote has been returned for safety items rectification on the basket swing
and climbing frame plus refurbishment of the aging toddler unit at a cost of £829, not
including labour, which is awaited. The Chairman was to forward the full costed
works package to Councillors for consideration once received.
6.7 To consider the grounds maintenance for the allotments.
1159. The one-off clearance of vacant plots and tree work costing £400 was agreed
by Councillors and will be completed the week commencing 15 July. The long-term
maintenance of the vacant plots and other areas was discussed; tenders for casual
labour were based on 2 quotes. Burdett’s was £226 per month fixed charge and B
Walker £100 per month for 8 hrs. It was agreed that as B Walker was cost effective
for the Village, he should be appointed. Clerk to forward casual labour contract to B
Walker for agreement. The placing of weed matting down on vacant plots was to be
7. Financial Matters:
7.1 FY2023/2024 (Accounts to Date and Approval of Expenditure – All).
1160. The Council reviewed and agreed to the proposed expenditure, which included
the Clerk’s salary and printing of the Newsletter:

Code Description Supplier Total
Meetings Annual

Village Hall 10.00



The Clerk 505.05

Printing Newsletter Warners


8. To Receive any Urgent Reports.
1161. The overgrown state of the Village’s dykes and drains have been raised as a
concern, as a flooding risk and their unseemly condition. The Chairman highlighted
that he had formally contacted SKDC and the Black Sluice regarding this matter and
awaited a reply. The heavily overgrown main drain bordering the Dovecote has been
acknowledge as a SKDC responsibility, with the Black Sluice as the drainage
authority demanding proper clearance works are carried out. SKDC are taking this
1162. Furthermore, it was raised that there are areas of the Village which require
continual maintenance, such as cleaning and repairing furniture and signage and
refurbishing the play equipment. This has been neglected in the past and regular

maintenance was seen to be required. It was proposed that B Walker undertakes
this tasking as well, at a rate of £100 for 8 hours a month. It was also agreed he
should be appointed to this task. Clerk to forward casual labour contract to B Walker
for agreement.
9. Public Forum. No comment.
Next meeting: Next Council Meeting – Monday 11 September 2023 – Village Hall.

C Charlton L Davies
Chairman Clerk