September 2019

Approved Minutes of a Meeting of Rippingale Parish Council, held on Thursday 12 September 2019 in St Andrew’s Church

Present: Cllrs C. Charlton (Chairman), S. Goode (Vice Chairman), S. Charlton, E. Field-Lucas, S. Warcup & A. Vaughan. In Attendance: Michelle Free (Clerk/RFO) & 1 Member of Public.

Public Forum: The Chairman opened the Public Forum at 7.30pm and gave an overview of the process. There was one member of public present, but no points were raised.

1.  Chairman’s Opening Remarks.

109. The Chairman opened the Meeting at 7.30pm and thanked everyone for attending.

2.  Apologies for Absence.

110. Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Moseley.

3. To receive any new Declarations of Interest.

111. There were no new Declarations of Interest to be recorded. 

4. Approve Minutes of the previous Council Meeting.

112. An amended version of the  DRAFT Minutes had been previously circulated; hardcopies were also presented for review. The Council unanimously resolved to accept the Amended Minutes of the Meeting on 11 July as a true and more accurate record. The Chairman signed the file copy. Clerk to publish the approved Minutes.

5. External & Community Group Updates.

5.1 Police, County & District Councillors’ Reports

113. Police. Cllr Goode reminded Cllrs of the availability of the Lincs Alert Police Survey.

114. LCC. No report had been received. The Clerk briefed the Council on the proposed companies for the Highways maintenance contracts from 2020.

115. SKDC. D.Cllr Moseley was unable to attend but had sent a report, which was read by the Chairman: it was business as usual despite the departures of the SKDC Chief Executive and Leader; the new Grantham cinema was open and thriving; a change to the collection of the food waste trial is due to be implemented to explore efficiencies in a bid to get the scheme rolled out County wide; both Environment SK and the Trade Waste service were thriving; and The Big Clean was still tackling ‘grot spots’.

5.2 Community Groups & Organisations.

116. Rippingale & Folkingham FC. The Chairman had received and previously circulated a short notice request for the potential use of the Jubilee Playing Field for football matches on alternate Sundays. The Council discussed the request and considered the unused recreation facility against a possible return to damaged grounds, and the historical issues of noise and car parking impacting on local residents; with the long-term future of the Portacabin uncertain, there were no toilet or changing facilities currently available. The Council unanimously resolved to granting use of the playing field on a trial basis subject to the following conditions: proof of public liability insurance; £25 fee for 2 hrs use with no matches before 10am; Club to carry out pre-use checks and mark-out pitches; area to be returned to current state at Club expense at the end of the season. Council to review at the December Meeting. Council Chairman to notify the Club.

117. Neighbourhood Plan. Cllr C. Charlton stated that the progress of the Plan continued. The review sessions in the respective village halls had had a low turnout but some conditions had been identified and subsequently included in the Plan. The policies, which were clarified as being in line with District, County and National Plans, were drafted pending refinement and formatting; this would be carried out with a Consultant once further Grant funding was received. A timetable had been set. This included a Public Consultation in December with the formal adoption planned for April 2020. The next Meeting was on 25 Sept with an open invite for all to attend.

118. RGAG. Cllr S. Charlton stated that no queries had been received from the Cttee and the next meeting date had not been shared; a request to maintain the boundary hedge was expected. The Chairman confirmed that the previous Council Meeting decisions had been fed back to the relevant Tenants. Another Council inspection was required to confirm that the non-compliance issues had been addressed; Cllrs, excluding Cllr Vaughan (an Allotment Tenant), to arrange a mutually convenient time.

119. Feast. Cllr Warcup confirmed that a Grand Draw, Garage Sale and Christmas Wreath making events were in progress. The next annual Feast was due to take place on 4th July based at the Bull Inn with more stalls planned. This year’s event had resulted in an overall loss, but the account balance was in credit (~£2,000). The cost of the Grand Draw tickets was included at item 7.3 (137) but the invoice was still pending.

120. PCC. Cllr Warcup stated that there was no update to report. The Clerk informed the Council of a request for confirmation of the completed lamppost installation for the Faculty. An email confirming completion of the Council works had been sent to the Churchwarden, with the caveat that this did not include the electrical aspects, which had been arranged separately.  

5.2.1 Update on Allotment Issues

121. With the absence of Cllr Moseley no update was available. Chairman to obtain update and ensure that Cllr Moseley understood the Complaints Procedure.

5.2.2 Feast Constitution

122. The Chairman had carried out an initial review. The Feast was a sub-committee of the Parish Council and therefore required to comply with its regulations. An improved template was required to help guide the Cttee. Clarification on the use and allocation of surplus funds was also required. Cllr Warcup confirmed that the Treasurer was implementing better control of the finances, which was confirmed by the RFO. With Council permission, the history of the Feast was clarified by the attending member of public. Chairman to circulate revised DRAFT Constitution to Council Members for comment.

5.2.3 HCS Costs

123. The HCS Co-ord had sent apologies for the Meeting. The Chairman stated that the current costs of the scheme were unaffordable. Sharing the costs provided an extremely flexible and personal service to residents but a fourfold increase since FY2017/18 was unsustainable. A number of options were considered before the Council unanimously resolved to implement the following changes with effect from 1 November: Council contribution reduced to £0.15 per mile; user contribution increased to £0.50 per mile plus any toll or car parking costs; area coverage limited to Lincolnshire plus the Peterborough Hospitals. Eligible residents should be encouraged to use existing services, such as CallConnect, Hospital Transport or claiming NHS expenses. For appointments outside of the coverage area, residents could still arrange a lift with the volunteer drivers directly, but this would be a private arrangement with no contribution from the Parish Council. Chairman to publish details in the next Newsletter. Clerk to notify HCS Co-ord, volunteer drivers and Dowsby & Kirkby Underwood Parish Councils.

6. Parish Matters.

6.1 JPF

6.1.1 Grant Funding & Play Equipment Project Update

124. The Chairman informed the Council that a £200 donation had been received from Wherry & Sons Ltd and transferred from Council funds. Following a vote by its Members, £427 was expected from the remaining Village Design Cttee funds. The Application to Lincolnshire High Sheriff Fund had been rejected. The application to the Garfield Weston Foundation would be resubmitted now that the External Audit for FY2018/19 was complete.

6.1.2 Bench Maintenance & Repair

125. Cllr Vaughan apologised for a lack of progress due other commitments. Both parts of the damaged slat on the picnic bench table had been located and was deemed repairable. A second bench had also been painted. The Clerk confirmed that the application to the Ward Member Grant Scheme had been submitted with a request for £200 towards the paint costs.  Ongoing.   

6.1.3 Tennis Court Access & Forced Entry

126. A further padlock had been forcibly removed. The replacement was then damaged and had to be removed. The sight of youths riding scooters over the lowered tennis net prompted a frequent  user of the court to fit a replacement lock at his own expense, which was appreciated by the Council; the revised access code had been circulated to Cllrs.

6.1.4 Portacabin Retention & Container Removal

127. The application to retain the Portacabin had not yet been submitted. The Chairman had chased Cllr Moseley for an update, but no confirmation had been received. The cost of the application was still to be confirmed. Chairman to chase Cllr Moseley for submission or progress update on the application.

128. The Chairman had chased the Container removal contractor for a date. Concern was raised that a long delay could cause the ground to be damaged. Ongoing.

6.1.5 Weed Control Issues Update

129. The Chairman had sourced quotes and a Council decision had been made by majority vote by email; a local contractor had been appointed. The weeds at the front border boundary had died back but weeds and ivy were still present around the Tennis Court; the Chairman had spoken to the Contractor. Payment of the invoice had been delayed until satisfactory die-back of the weeds and ivy was confirmed. Ongoing.

130. The Clerk had received a request for the old tree stumps at the front border to be treated with stump-killer over the winter. Cllrs Vaughan & S. Charlton to investigate.  

6.2 Update on Overgrown Footpaths

131. The Clerk had written to the properties with overgrown hedges obstructing the footpaths. The majority were quickly addressed but, following further complaints, one property had been reported to LCC Highways, which resulted in the necessary remedial action. Closed.

6.3 Hedge Maintenance Contract

132. Discussed after item 11. The Council unanimously resolved to move into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 due to the confidential nature of the business to be discussed; the Chairman read the statement. The received Tenders had been opened and reviewed in detail prior to the Meeting in the presence of the Chairman, Cllr S. Charlton & Clerk and a recommendation made. The tenders were considered by the Council prior to a vote. The Council unanimously resolved to award the Hedge Maintenance Contract to Environment SK. Clerk to appoint and notify contractors.  

6.4 RJPFT Ink Cartridge Recycling

133. The Clerk had received an invitation to offer a local ink cartridge recycling scheme, which could potentially generate a small Charity donation for the RJPFT. The Council supported the idea, but more information was required. Clerk to obtain more details.  

6.5 Remembrance Poppy Wreath Order

134. The previously circulated wreath types were considered. The Council unanimously resolved to order a Type B wreath with a donation of £35. Clerk to action.     

7. Finance Matters

7.1 Account Signatories Update

135. The Clerk briefed the Council on the progress of the long running saga; the Account signatories had finally been updated but the access to online banking had not been actioned. There was still conflicting guidance on the forms and evidence required; the Clerk had been advised by Branch Staff to submit formal complaints for each account directly to Business staff by telephone. Ongoing.

7.2 FY2018/19 External Audit

136. The RFO confirmed that the External Audit was now complete. No anomalies, issues or matters had been identified. The Report and Conclusion Notice had been circulated to all Cllrs, and published on the website and Noticeboard. The Council thanked the RFO for her ongoing efforts with the Accounts. Closed.

7.3 FY2019/20 Balance Update & Approval of Expenditure

137. The RFO gave an update of the previously circulated Accounts Overview, which included some Feast & NP transactions that had arisen since the last Meeting, and list of expenditure for approval. The winning bid for the surplus lamppost was £135; was due to be paid on collection (Sunday). The Council unanimously resolved to approve the expenditure. Cllrs C. Charlton & Vaughan signed the payments sheet and cheques. Clerk to submit BACS payments; pending receipt of the outstanding invoices and confirmed completion of works.

8. Planning Updates

138. The Clerk stated that permission for Application S19/1194 had been Granted by SKDC. A Lawful Development Certificate (Application S19/1414) was being considered by SKDC but there was no requirement for Parish Council comment.

9. Admin Matters

9.1 Clerk Report & Correspondence

139. There were no questions arising from the previously circulated Report. The Clerk briefed the Council on the additional correspondence: Attempted Burglary at Hoppers in Bourne and NALC objection to proposed Government changes to signal masts.

9.1.1 Freedom of Information Request

140. Discussed after item 11. The Council unanimously resolved to move into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 due to the confidential nature of the business to be discussed; the Chairman read the statement. The details of the Request (FOI001/2019) and the response, submitted following advice from the ICO and with the agreement of the Chairman & Vice, were discussed. An error with the date of the response letter was identified. The Council unanimously supported the response. Clerk to correct the response date & reissue.

9.2 Matters Arising Matrix.

141. Cllr Field Lucas had researched the proposed idea from a resident to sow wildflower seeds into the verges of the village entrances. Bedfordshire had adopted a similar scheme and confirmed that the project had been carried out by Highways but had been very expensive due to the need to cut, harrow, seed, roll and recut the verges at set stages. Given the complexities of verge ownership and potential impact on neighbouring crops, the project was deemed to be beyond Parish Council Powers. Clerk to contact resident to seek permission to forward their proposal and details to LCC Highways for consideration.

10. Urgent Reports.

142. Cllr Warcup highlighted the large drops to manhole covers on East Street caused by the recent resurfacing work. Cllr Warcup to report issue via

143. Cllr Vaughan stated that he had received a complaint regarding speeding farm vehicles. Cllr Vaughan to advise resident to report any incidents to LCC Highways directly.

144. Cllr Field Lucas briefed the Council on a complaint regarding the obstructed access route to the Post Office service held at the Bull Inn. Cllr Field-Lucas to advise the resident to report the issues directly.

11. Items for Next Agenda

145. No additional items were identified. The Chairman confirmed that the next Meeting was due to take place in the Village Hall on 11 October. 

There being no more business, the Chairman closed the Meeting at 9.09pm

Prior to moving into Closed Session for items 6.3 & 9.1.1, the Chairman opened a short Post Meeting Public Forum.

  • There no comments and the public left the Meeting.

September 2019