April 2019

Approved Minutes of a Meeting of Rippingale Parish Council, held on Thursday 11 April 2019 in the Village Hall

Present: Cllrs C. Charlton (Chairman), S. Goode, S. Charlton, E. Field-Lucas, A. Vaughan & S. Warcup.

In Attendance: Michelle Free (Clerk/RFO), PCC & HCS Reps.

Public Forum: The Chairman opened the Public Forum at 7.30pm and gave an overview of the Forum process before inviting comments and questions:

  • There were no comments.   

1.  Welcome.

379. The Chairman opened the Meeting at 7.32pm and thanked everyone for attending.

2.  Apologies for Absence.

380. None. All Members were present.

3. To receive any new Declarations of Interest.

381. There were no new Declarations of Interest to be recorded. 

4. Approve Minutes of the previous Meeting.

382. The previously circulated DRAFT Minutes were presented for approval; the apologies for absence had been amended to read Cllr S. Charlton. The Council unanimously resolved to accept the Minutes of the Meeting on 14 March as a true and accurate record. The Chairman signed the file copy. Clerk to publish approved Minutes.

5. External & Community Group Updates.

5.1 Police, County & District Councillors’ Reports

383. Police. Cllr Goode informed the Council of the invitation to comment and join the Lincolnshire “Safer Together” Research Panel.

384. (Reported under item 6.1) The Chairman had received a complaint of Antisocial Behaviour at the JPF. He had advised the resident to contact the Police. This may have resulted in a youth being removed from the field by the Police on Monday evening.

385. LCC & SKDC. There was no LCC or SKDC Reports available.

5.2 Community Groups & Organisations.

386. RGAG. Cllr S. Charlton stated that no issues had been raised. A routine walkabout by all Cllrs was suggested. Councillors to liaise to arrange a suitable date next week.    

387. Aveland Neighbourhood Plan. Cllr C. Charlton stated that the Seminar on 4 April with the Consultants concerning Plan drafting had been successful. Future assistance from them in compiling the plan and the associated cost had been requested. The next Meeting was due to take place on 17 April. The Clerk confirmed that the Seminar invoice had been received and was included for approval at item 7.1.1 (401).

388. Feast. Cllr Warcup confirmed that the next Meeting was due to take place on 23 April. A copy of the End of Year Accounts had been sent to the Feast Chairman and Treasurer; no comments or issues had been received. The timely banking of cash from ticket sales and donations still needed to be improved; Cllr Charlton to speak to Feast Chairman on behalf of the Council.

389. HCS. The HCS Co-ord confirmed that the scheme was running smoothly. The Driver expense claims for the last quarter were included for approval at item 7.2 (404).

390. VHMC. Cllr Field-Lucas informed the Council that the VH Cttee was moving to twice yearly Meetings, with the next one planned for September. There was a healthy bank balance and the Cttee was organised but short of Members; Cllr Field-Lucas had suggested including a request for volunteers in the Newsletter.

391. PCC. Cllr Warcup had attended the PCC AGM this week. Both Churchwardens were remaining in post, but they were looking for a new Secretary; a request would be included in the Newsletter. From 2 May, Meetings would be held every other month on the first Thursday.

392. Churchwarden J. Newell stated that the PCC had arranged for the old lamppost to be stored whilst enquiries into its resale value were made. Cllr Field-Lucas stated that the lamppost was pre-war and should have some value; a request for a contribution from the proceeds towards the shortfall incurred from the installation of the replacement lampposts was made. 

6. Parish Matters.

6.1 JPF Play Equipment Project & Funding Update

393. The Chairman confirmed that he had submitted 2 further Grant applications. There may also be a further donation towards the Play Equipment Project from the Beerfest, but this was awaiting approval following a village consultation. There was no further update on the new play equipment.

394. Cllr Vaughan had swept and cleaned the surface of the tennis court, and met with the Casual Worker, who had agreed to treat and paint the benches. The removal of the damaged swings required further assistance; replacement seats would also be required. The Chairman thanked Cllr Vaughan for all his efforts with the Tennis Court. It was hoped some volunteers would forward to assist in the refurbishment of the current play equipment. Clerk to forward details of the equipment spares contact to Cllr Vaughan. Council to assist in the removal of the damaged seats. The Council unanimously approved the delegated authority to the Clerk and Cllr Vaughan to purchase the required materials (such as swing seats, shackles and paint).

6.1.1 Portacabin & Container Removal

395. The Chairman stated that the Beerfest Chairman had kindly donated the remaining equipment to the Feast. Cllr Vaughan was waiting for the Feast Chairman to return from holiday and remove it from the Container. Alternative storage of the Feast Traffic Signs may be an issue; temporary storage behind the Church was kindly offered by the Churchwarden. The children’s chairs, fridge and freezers may be surplus to requirements. Further investigation on disposal was necessary.

396. The Chairman and ‘Men in Sheds’ had visited the Portacabin and were planning a detailed check of the floor next week. Subject to any structural requirement, the Group felt that it could provide the labour to do most of the work. A notice would be included in the Newsletter and sponsorship for materials could be sought. A proposal to retain the disabled toilet but remove the other to provide more space was proposed. Any investment in the Portacabin was subject to Planning Approval to retain the building. The Clerk had submitted a request to SKDC but was awaiting a response. Ongoing.

6.1.2 Boundary Hedge & Tree Work

397. Following the boundary hedge work, the increased light and airflow had allowed the equipment and benches to dry out and appeared to be in a much better condition. Despite the decision on the work being Minuted and in the Newsletter last year, and Notices placed to advise of the work start, several complaints had been received; a full explanation had been given by several Councillors to resolve these. As resolved at the last Meeting, following approval of the work by the Council, the invoice had been received and paid by the Clerk. Some of the chippings had been retained for use on the footpaths approaching the field by Cllr Vaughan. The two tree stumps on the field were believed to be a trip hazard. Chairman to obtain quotes for urgent removal.

6.2 Churchyard Lamp Posts Project Update

398. Not an April Fool, the installation work had commenced on 1 April. Cllr Field-Lucas confirmed that the trench had been dug and back filled, with the first lamppost due to be installed early May. Additional funds would be required for the plaques. The Diocese had raised issues with slate plaques. A 6” x 3” brass plaque could fit up to 5 lines. Samples had been ordered. Once received, these could be discussed with the sponsors. Ongoing.

6.3 Parish Walkabout Reported Faults

399. The Clerk confirmed that several of the resubmitted faults had again been rejected or closed with no further action by LCC. The work on the Station Street footpath to the B1177 had been closed as ‘complete’ despite cones remaining along the damaged edge. Clerk to contact the LCC Leader regarding the lack of progress. Ongoing.

6.4 Grounds Maintenance Contract Update

400. The first grass cut of the season had resulted in a considerable amount of cuttings, especially on the JPF; the contract required the cuttings to be scattered. A mild start to the year had brought the growing season forward. This could be addressed in future by moving the contract start/end dates, or having the cuttings collected on the first cut. Running over the JPF with a collecting mower would be beneficial but the cuttings would need to be disposed of. Cllrs Vaughan & S. Charlton to investigate the options.

7. Finance Matters

7.1 FY2018/19

7.1.1 Approval of Additional Expenditure

401. The two invoices (Casual Worker & ANP Seminar) for expenditure relating to the previous FY were presented for approval. The Council unanimously approved the additional FY2018/19 expenditure. Cllrs S. Charlton & Field-Lucas signed the cheque. Clerk to action the BACS payment.

7.1.2 End of Year Accounts

402. Cllr Goode & the RFO had met prior to the Meeting to review the End of Year Accounts; a copy of the full accounts had been previously circulated to all Cllrs. The RFO gave an overview of the reconciled accounts. There were no questions from the Council. The Council unanimously resolved to approve the Accounts for FY2018/19; the Accounts were still subject to Audit. Approval of the Annual Governance & Accountability Return would be carried out at the AGM. Clerk to submit the Accounts and supporting documents to the Internal Auditor.

7.1.3 VAT Reclaim

403. The previously circulated details of the VAT to be reclaimed was presented by the RFO, which had been updated to reflect the End of Year Account reconciliation; a claim for the VAT incurred on the VH defibrillator cabinet had been submitted separately. The Council unanimously resolved to approve the FY2018/19 VAT Reclaim. The Accounts were still subject to Audit. Clerk to send the details to the Internal Auditor.

7.2 FY2019/20

404. The RFO gave an overview of the previously circulated list of FY2019/20 expenditure for approval; this included the HCS Driver expenses and amending the SO for the Clerk annualised basic salary to reflect the updated pay scales. The Council unanimously resolved to approve the expenditure. Cllrs Field-Lucas & S. Charlton signed the cheque. Clerk to submit BACS payments.

8. Planning Updates

405. The Clerk confirmed that there were no open applications.

  1. Station Street Bench

406. The Clerk briefed the Council on a request from a resident to relocate the bench on Station Street as part of a dropped kerb application. No Formal Request of SKDC application had been received.

9. Admin Matters

9.1 Local Elections Nominated Persons

407. The Clerk confirmed that she had received the formal notification from SKDC that both the District and Parish Elections would be uncontested. All seven seats on the Parish council had been filled. The current incumbents retire, and new ones stand up on 7 May. Chairman to notify resident interested in Co-option. Cllr Field-Lucas to publish the Elected Councillor details on the Noticeboard.

9.2 Clerk Report & Correspondence

408. The previously circulated Report and the new correspondence was discussed; the hardcopy correspondence was available for inspection. The Archive Cupboard had been opened by the VHMC, and a brief check of the contents carried out. Further work to rationalise the documents was required. Cllr Field-Lucas had presented the Clerk with a copy of the Faculty approval for the Churchyard Lampposts for the records.

9.2.1 Audit Code of Practice.

409. An invitation to comment on the NALC response to the review of the Audit Code of Practice had been received. There were no Council comments. 

9.3 Matters Arising Matrix.

410. There were no additional items for discussion.  

10. Urgent Reports.

411. There had been several incidents of residents walking dogs on private land. Aside from the issue of trespassing, much of this land had been sprayed and other areas contained livestock. Chairman to remind residents of the need to adhere to public footpaths through the Newsletter.

11. Items for Next Agenda

412. The next Meeting was the APM followed by the Council AGM on Wednesday 8 May commencing at 7pm. Clerk Appraisal, “keep to footpath” signs and LCC footpath marker posts to be included on the Agenda.

11.1 Decision on provision of refreshments.

413. The Council unanimously agreed that there was no requirement for refreshments at the APM.

11.2 Decision on invited Attendees.

414. The Council unanimously agreed to invite key local representatives to give a short annual overview at the APM. Clerk to invite Attendees on behalf of the Council

There being no more business, the Chairman closed the Meeting at 8.42pm

On completion of the Meeting, the Chairman opened a 5 Minute Public Forum and invited comments:

  • There were no comments.