July 2019

Approved Minutes of a Meeting of Rippingale Parish Council, held on Thursday 11 July 2019 in St Andrew’s Church

Present: Cllrs C. Charlton (Chairman), S. Goode (Vice Chairman), S. Charlton, E. Field-Lucas, S. Warcup & P. Moseley. In Attendance: Michelle Free (Clerk/RFO), C.Cllr M. Hill (LCC) for item 5.2 (079-081).

Public Forum: The Chairman opened the Public Forum at 7.30pm and gave an overview of the process. There were no members of public present, but the following points had been reported to the Clerk:

  • A complaint had been received regarding overgrown hedges and shrubs from a property on East Street obscuring the footpath, and another affecting the footpath from East Street to the Jubilee Playing Field. Clerk to write to residents to notify them of requirement to keep public access routes clear of obstruction.
  • A resident had enquired on the viability of wildflower seeds being scattered on the grass verges to the entrances of the village and offered to cover the costs. Advice on suitable plants and any impact on surrounding farmland needed to be confirmed. To be included on next Agenda. Cllr Field-Lucas to liaise with resident.

1.  Welcome.

074. The Chairman opened the Meeting at 7.33pm and thanked everyone for attending.

2.  Apologies for Absence.

075. Apologies for absence were received and accepted from Cllr Vaughan.

3. To receive any new Declarations of Interest.

076. There were no new Declarations of Interest to be recorded. 

4. Approve Minutes of the previous Council Meeting.

077. The previously circulated DRAFT Minutes were presented for approval. The Council resolved to accept the Minutes of the Meeting on 13 June as a true and accurate record; Cllrs Goode & Moseley abstained from the vote as they were both absent from the Meeting. The Chairman signed the file copy. Clerk to publish the approved DRAFT Minutes.

5. External & Community Group Updates.

5.1 Police, County & District Councillors’ Reports

078. Police. Cllr Goode stated that the quarterly Neighbourhood Policing Panel Meetings were expected to be cancelled and held as required for specific issues.

079. LCC. Item discussed after 5.2.1 C.Cllr Hill confirmed that the funds for the cutting of the LCC verges had been resolved. The Fairer Funding Campaign was continuing and was expected to provide a better deal; the improvements to Social & Adult Care were being considered by the Ministerial Cttee.

080. Gully cleaning would be carried out on an annual basis; local councils to notify LCC if any were missed. Clerk to request copy of Gully Cleaning Schedule from Highways. More weed spraying on main roads would be carried out, but ‘spot spray’ only due to current legislation; the SKDC Big Clean was helping to manage the weeds. Following the issues at Wainfleet, the expenditure on flood prevention measurers had increased; the Forty Foot Drain had been cleared and the spoil spread. Landowners were also being chased to maintain overgrown hedgerows. D.Cllr Moseley welcomed the news on annual gully clearing and hoped that the LCC and SKDC Big Clean schedules could be co-ordinated.

081. A date for the contractor addressing the road surface dressing issues was still unknown but was being pursued. C.Cllr Hill was thanked for attending and left the Meeting.

082. SKDC. D.Cllr Moseley stated that the new 5 screen cinema opens in Grantham next week, with free parking after 6pm. The Food Waste trial was continuing for another year and was hoped to rollout across the County; DEFRA was visiting with a view to creating a model for a National Scheme. The Growth & Skills Development was continuing; the Uni Centre in Grantham was aiming to retain skills within the District.

083. The correct point of contact for issues with the Environment SK grass cutting was confirmed; details to be published in the Newsletter to allow residents to raise any issues directly. The issues with the Scarborough Close verges had been due to parked cars and the Lagoon cutting was delayed due to access issues. 

5.2 Community Groups & Organisations.

084. Neighbourhood Plan. Cllr C. Charlton confirmed that the Vision & Objectives had been promulgated via a stand at the Annual Feast & on the website. The policy writing was in progress. The next Meeting was on 17 July with a further option for the public to review the proposals in the Rippingale Village Hall on 9 August.

085. Feast. Cllr Warcup had been unable to attend the last Meeting and not available for the next one; Cllr Field-Lucas had agreed to attend. The Cttee were looking for new Members and had placed an advert on the village Facebook page. The Annual Feast appeared to have gone well and there was a good write up in the local paper. The accounts for the event were still in being finalised.

086. HCS. The Clerk read the report from the HCS Co-ord, who had sent his apologies. A number of the forms had not been completed correctly, and banking information for payment was missing. The claim forms for the last quarter were included for approval at item 7.3 (099); the costs were increasing with more appointments at clinics further afield.

087. PCC. Cllr Warcup stated that the Church Group website was up and running. The vicar was appealing for volunteers to become Authorised Lay Ministers, and the PCC was still looking for a permanent Secretary. Planning for the Harvest Festival was ongoing, and the Churchwarden was investigating the viability of running a Beerfestival. Cllr Field-Lucas stated that the scattered wheat and grain at the previous Harvest Festival had attracted lots of vermin and asked if an alternative could be found. Cllr Warcup to speak to PCC regarding vermin issue.

5.2.1 Update on Allotment Issues

088. The Council had received 3 written responses following the issue of the letters to address the matters that were not compliant with the Tenancy Agreement. An extension to the timeframe for relocating the beehives and pruning of some of the fruit trees had been requested. The history of the changes to the Tenancy Agreement and the previous verbal requests to address the non-compliant issues were clarified; advice had also been sought from the National Allotment society and the British Beekeeping Association. Cllr Moseley stated that he had received a complaint from an Allotment Tenant, which was clarified to have been in his capacity as a Parish Cllr. He was keen, as a new Councillor, to investigate the background to the present Tenancy Agreement. He was given some documentation to read after the meeting and was informed of the other records available. The Council unanimously agreed that the timescale for the pruning of the overgrown fruit trees could be deferred to Autumn & Spring, but the willow tree was invasive and should be removed immediately; the beehives must be removed by the end of the year. Chairman to notify relevant tenants. Cllr Moseley to brief the Council on the outcome of his investigation in the first instance.

6. Parish Matters.

6.1 JPF

6.1.1 Grant Funding Update

089. The Chairman confirmed that the funds from Tesco Bags for Help (£1000) and the Beerfest (£1113) had been received and banked. Applications to three Trusts had been rejected. A new application had been submitted to Leeds Permanent Building Society. The application to the Garfield Weston Foundation would be resubmitted once audited accounts for 2018 were available.

6.1.2 Play Equipment Project

090. The Chairman confirmed that the initial painting of the slide by Cllr Vaughan looked really good; the Chairman hoped to do some more the next day. The Portacabin access issues for the Casual Worker had now been resolved. Sandpaper was required to prepare the benches and the paint for the benches needed clarifying. Cllr Moseley briefed the Council on the availability of small Community Grants, which could be used to cover some of the paint costs. Sandpaper and bench paint to be clarified with Cllr Vaughan. Clerk to submit Grant request to D.Cllr Moseley

6.1.3 Possible Bench Relocation

091. More work on the practicalities of repairing and relocating the ‘3-legged’ bench was required. The bench was still secure and stable. Item ongoing

6.1.4 Portacabin Refurbishment & Container Removal

092. Cllr Moseley confirmed that the Clerk had given him access to the Planning Portal Application. He had attached the flood risk map and required the details of the proposed Men-in-Sheds refurbishment. The cost of the application was still to be confirmed. Chairman to forward details of the refurbishment to Cllr Moseley.

093. The Chairman stated that the removal contractor had been appointed but the date for the removal of the Container was still to be confirmed. Field condition still to be confirmed before crane access is granted.

6.1.5 Weed Control Issues

094. The Clerk briefed the Council on the weed issues at the JPF boundary with the front border. A specific license was required to spray weeds in a public area. The Council unanimously agreed to appoint a qualified contractor to address the JPF boundary and tennis court perimeter weeds. Chairman to obtain quotes.

6.2 Churchyard Lamp Post Dedication

095. The project was now complete. The sponsors had all purchased a memorial plaque for the lamp posts, which Cllr S. Charlton had arranged to be fitted to a shaped stone base. All of the sponsors and their invited guests had attended the Dedication on 7 July, with many positive comments received. The Chairman thanked Cllr Field-Lucas and the Clerk for their efforts in bringing the project to fruition; thanks were also given to the Chairman and Cllr Field-Lucas for donating prosecco for the Dedication.

6.3 Hedge Maintenance

096. Quotes were required for the autumn hedge maintenance and suitable contractors were discussed. The Contract had been reviewed to reflect the withdrawal of the SKDC hedges and the recent maintenance of the JPF southern boundary. Revised contract accepted in principle but to be circulated by the Chairman for comment; Cllr Moseley to be excluded from discussion due to previously declared pecuniary interest.

7. Finance Matters

7.1 Account Signatories

097. Confirmation on the implementation of the updated account signatories was still outstanding. Clerk to chase NatWest again for a response.

7.2 FY2018/19 External Audit & Inspection Period

098. The RFO confirmed that a query had been received from the External Auditor, regarding the change in Trust Funds and reduced staff costs; a response had been submitted. The public inspection period of the Accounts ends on 12 July. No requests to view the Accounts had been received to date.

7.3 FY2019/20 Accounts to Date & Expenditure for Approval

099. The RFO gave an overview of the previously circulated accounts and list of expenditure for approval; this included the HCS claims, the VAT correction for the April grass cutting and the expected August payments. The Council unanimously resolved to approve the expenditure. Cllrs Field-Lucas & S. Charlton signed the payments sheet and cheques. Clerk to submit BACS payments on receipt of invoices and missing payment information.

100. The RFO confirmed the shortfall in the lamp post project, due to the increased installation costs. It was hoped that some of the costs could be covered by the sale of the original lamp post. The option of repairing the lamp post prior to the sale was discussed; a replacement lantern was required. The Council unanimously resolved to sell the lamp post through sealed bids to the Chairman/Clerk. Details to be published on the village Facebook page, Newsletter, website, Noticeboard & Bourne Group news. Closing date 8 September. Bids to be opened at the next Council Meeting.

8. Planning Updates

101. The Clerk confirmed that there were no open applications. The dropped kerb on Station Street had been reported to LCC Highways; no response would be given. Another dropped kerb had been installed on Station Street, which also crossed a public footpath. Concern was also raised regarding the ability of a manhole cover in the first driveway to withstand vehicles. Clerk to report second dropped kerb and manhole concerns.

9. Admin Matters

9.1 Clerk Report & Correspondence

102. The previously circulated Report and new correspondence was discussed; hardcopies were available for inspection. A Cllr was requested to hold the Clerk mobile to cover Clerk holiday; Cllr Field-Lucas volunteered.

9.1.1 Clerk Appraisal

103. Discussed after item 11. The Council unanimously resolved to move into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 due to the confidential nature of the business to be discussed; the Chairman read the statement. Cllr Field-Lucas issued copies of the completed appraisal from the Meeting on 18 June. All Cllrs had submitted comments; excluding Cllr Moseley who was not on the Council at the time. The Clerk and Council comments were discussed.

104. At Council request, the transactions since the last Meeting would be reviewed at general Meetings with the full accounts and forecast outturn reviewed following each Quarter but could be requested at any time.

105. Cllr Roles and contact details to be included in the Newsletter on a regular basis. 

9.2 Matters Arising Matrix.

106. There were no additional items for discussion.

10. Urgent Reports.

107. There were no urgent reports.

11. Items for Next Agenda

108. A decision on the Poppy Wreath to be included on the next Agenda. 

There being no more business, the Chairman closed the Meeting at 21.27pm

There were no public in attendance so there was no Public Forum.