June 2019

Approved Minutes of a Meeting of Rippingale Parish Council, held on Thursday 13 June 2019 in St Andrew’s Church

Present: Cllrs C. Charlton (Chairman), S. Charlton, E. Field-Lucas, A. Vaughan & S. Warcup.

In Attendance: Michelle Free (Clerk/RFO), PCC, Men-in-Sheds & HCS Reps.

Public Forum: The Chairman opened the Public Forum at 7.30pm and gave an overview of the Forum process before inviting comments and questions:

  • The need to retain the JPF Portacabin was reiterated by Men-in-Sheds. The inaugural meeting had been well attended and estimates for the required Portacabin repairs had been submitted to the Council Chairman.  The Chairman confirmed that the Portacabin was on the Agenda for discussion.

1.  Welcome.

038. The Chairman opened the Meeting at 7.33pm and thanked everyone for attending.

2.  Apologies for Absence.

039. Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs Goode & Moseley.

3. To receive any new Declarations of Interest.

040. There were no new Declarations of Interest to be recorded. 

4. Approve Minutes of the Annual Parish & Council Meetings.

041. The previously circulated DRAFT APM Minutes were presented for approval; these would remain in DRAFT format until the next APM. The Council unanimously resolved to accept the DRAFT Minutes of the APM on 8 May as a true and accurate record. The Chairman signed the file copy. Clerk to publish the approved DRAFT Minutes.

042. The previously circulated DRAFT AGM Minutes were presented for approval. The Council unanimously resolved to accept the Minutes of the Council AGM on 8 May as a true and accurate record. The Chairman signed the file copy. Clerk to publish the approved DRAFT Minutes.

043. The Chairman clarified with the Clerk that the DPI for Cllr Moseley had been received; the data consent forms were still outstanding. Cllr Moseley to return data consent & contact forms to Clerk.

5. External & Community Group Updates.

5.1 Police, County & District Councillors’ Reports

044. Police. The Clerk confirmed that the continuation of the Neighbourhood police Panel Forum was being considered. The email had been forwarded to Cllr Goode as Police Forum Rep to respond.

045. LCC. C.Cllr Hill had sent his apologies for the Meeting but promised to chase the cancelled and outstanding faults reported following the Parish Walkabout.

046. SKDC. There was no SKDC Report available.

5.2 Community Groups & Organisations.

047. Neighbourhood Plan. Cllr C. Charlton confirmed that the profile assessment had been approved and published. The name of the Plan was being changed to Rippingale & Dowsby Neighbourhood Plan to reflect the revised areas; SKDC was aware. The Vision & Objectives were in progress. The next Meeting was on 20 June. There would be a stand at the Annual Feast Event on 6 July to provide an additional resident consultation. The aim was to have the Plan completed by the end of the year.

048. RGAG. The Clerk had been notified of 2 additional members of the RGAG Cttee following a recent Meeting; Cllrs S. Charlton & Field-Lucas had not been made aware or invited. Clerk to contact RGAG to request an invite for a Council Rep at future Meetings.

5.2.1 Allotment Husbandry & Tenancy Agreement.

049. The previously circulated Tenancy Agreement was reviewed. Following the Council’s inspection, the Clerk confirmed that letters had been hand delivered to the Tenants who had items/areas on their Plot(s) contrary to the Agreement. Notice of Termination had also been issued to the Tenant who had still not paid rent. The Council unanimously agreed that no changes to the Tenancy Agreement were required but the requirements would be implemented.

050. Feast. Cllr Warcup briefed the Council on the confirmed timings for the Annual Event on 6 July: Bells at 11.50am; Parade at noon; Event opened 1pm-4pm. Weather permitting, a flypast by the BBMF Lancaster Bomber was scheduled for 12.32pm.

051. The Clerk confirmed that £226.36 of proceeds from the Family Fun Day had been banked; a payment for event expenses was included at item 7.3 (067). The cost of the entertainment had been paid for directly by a donor.

052. HCS. The HCS Co-ord confirmed that there were no issues. The Clerk had covered the Scheme for the previous week due to the Co-ord’s holiday.  

053. VHMC. Cllr Field-Lucas stated that there was no update; the next Meeting was due to be held in September.

054. PCC. The Churchwarden confirmed that the new lamp posts had been fitted and were working; some minor adjustments to the timer were required. The sown grass seed was germinating. The roof repairs were ongoing; the temporary repair had held up well in the recent heavy rain, with no leaks.  Funding bids for phase 2 were ongoing but had been hampered by a spate of lead thefts from local churches diverting the available repair funds.

6. Parish Matters.

6.1 JPF Play Equipment Project & Funding Update

055. The Chairman confirmed that £1000 was expected from the Tesco Bags for Help Grant Scheme. The additional contribution of ~£1100 from the Beerfest had also been confirmed. The application to the John Coates Charitable Trust had been rejected but one to the Co-op had been submitted; a decision was not expected until mid-2020. The Chairman planned to chase the pending applications and, on receipt of the promised funds, would resubmit the application to the Garfield Weston Foundation.   

056. Cllr Vaughan confirmed that the paint, wipes, and brushes had been purchased and were stored in the Portacabin, along with the details of the rationalised colours for the equipment. The bench nearest the southern boundary was supported by 3 legs but was deemed to be stable and secure. The option to relocate the bench to provide seating in another area of the field was discussed. The Chairman offered to assist with the equipment refurbishment. Cllr Vaughan to notify the Chairman when available to carry out equipment maintenance. Bench repair & relocation to be included on next Agenda.

6.1.1 Perimeter Track & Access

057. A request for a perimeter track and ease of pushchair access to the play equipment had been raised at the APM. Cllr Field-Lucas confirmed that a cinder track had been discussed with the companies as part of the initial quotes but had been dismissed due to high costs. It was unanimously resolved to defer inclusion of a perimeter track to a future phase.  Following the spreading of woodchips on the access footpaths, easier wheelchair/pushchair access to the play area could be via the East or Station Street entrances.

6.1.2 Portacabin Refurbishment & Container Removal

058. As per the previous email correspondence, the Clerk confirmed that she had been advised by SKDC Planning that a Full Planning Application would be required to request the permanent retention of the Portacabin; the application should also state the planned Container removal. A detailed plan of the area and proposed improvements of the Portacabin were required; there had been an offer of assistance from Cllr Moseley. The Council unanimously resolved to submit a Planning Application to request the retention of the Portacabin. Clerk to notify Cllr Moseley of required assistance.

059. The Container was now empty. The Chairman stated that he had notified the buyer, who was in the process of appointing a removal contractor. The work should be completed within the next few months. The field condition to be confirmed before crane access is granted.

6.2 Churchyard Lamp Posts & Plaques

060. Cllr Field-Lucas confirmed that the lamp posts were installed and working, pending the alterations to the timer. A size sample of the preferred plaque had been received but was in aluminium. Proposed wording for the plaques that meant the requirements of the Faculty had been agreed with the Churchwarden; the finalised proofs still required approval from the Vicar. The Clerk had drafted letters to the sponsors pending an agreed date for a formal switch on. The PCC Rep and Council unanimously agreed hold a switch on ceremony at the evening Feast Thanksgiving Service on 7 July. Clerk to invite sponsors & confirm plaque wording. Cllr S. Charlton offered to assist with providing a stone base for the plaques.  

6.3 Insurance

061. The renewal of the Council Insurance had been reviewed and the level of cover agreed by email prior to the Meeting. An invoice for a one-year policy with the recommended insurer was included at item 7.3 (067). The Chairman stated that the cost of the cover was significantly lower than the previous few years and thanked the Clerk for her efforts in obtaining competitive quotes. The Council unanimously resolved to accept the quote from BHIB Insurance Brokers.

6.4 Grounds Cutting Contract

062. The grass was not being cut on a fortnightly frequency. The Clerk had reminded the Contractor.

063. The Chairman stated that he had received complaints regarding the poor care and missed areas in the Churchyard, Lagoon and Scarborough Close grass cutting. Although no longer the responsibility of the Parish Council, the Chairman had emailed Environment SK to notify them of the complaints. No response had been received. Clerk to forward details of Environment SK point of contact to Chairman.

7. Finance Matters

7.1 Account Signatories

064. The Clerk briefed the Council on the ongoing issues and further Branch visit regarding changes and additional signatories for the Council & RJPFT bank accounts; there were inconsistencies between the different branches and phoneline advice. The resigned paperwork had been submitted by the Grantham Branch. The signatories had not yet been notified of the updated access. If the issues continued, the Council may need to consider changing banks. Ongoing.

7.2 FY2018/19 External Audit & Inspection Period

065. The RFO confirmed that the approved Annual Return had been submitted to the External Auditors; receipt had been confirmed. The public inspection period of the Accounts was in progress; 3 June to 12 July. No requests to view the Accounts had been received to date. Ongoing.

7.3 FY2019/20 Accounts to Date & Expenditure for Approval

066. The RFO gave an overview of the previously circulated accounts and list of expenditure for approval; this included the Feast event expenses, Insurance renewal and an amendment to the Clerk salary SO to reflect the change in HMRC deductions. The backsheets for the grass cutting invoices had been chased again but were still outstanding. There were no questions on the Accounts to date. The Council unanimously resolved to approve the expenditure. Cllrs Field-Lucas & S. Charlton signed the payments sheet and cheque. Clerk to submit BACS payments; the grass cutting and Feast expenses payments to be deferred until the breakdown is received and confirmed.

8. Planning Updates

067. The Clerk confirmed that there were no other open applications. The details of the dropped kerb discussed at the last Meeting had been sent to LCC Highways for investigation as required.

  1. S19/0796

068. An extension to the comments had been granted to allow the Council to agree the response at the Meeting. For the avoidance of any conflict of interest, Cllr Field-Lucas abstained from the discussion and agreed response due to her involvement in the application. The remaining Cllrs discussed the application. The Council unanimously agreed to having no objections to the proposed plans. Clerk to notify SKDC.

9. Admin Matters

9.1 Clerk Report & Correspondence

069. The previously circulated Report and the new correspondence was discussed; the hardcopy correspondence was available for inspection. Feedback on the recent strimming of public footpaths 6, 7 & 14 was requested by LCC Countryside Access. The Chairman & Cllr Vaughan confirmed the work had been carried out although some areas on PF 6 & 7 had been missed. Clerk to submit response.

9.1.1 Clerk Appraisal

070. Cllr Field-Lucas confirmed the Appraisal Meeting with the Clerk had been booked for 18 June; Comments from Cllrs Vaughan & Warcup were chased.  

9.2 Matters Arising Matrix.

071. There were no additional items for discussion; a bidding process and quotes for the Autumn Hedge Cutting needed to be initiated shortly. 

10. Urgent Reports.

072. Reports of overgrown hedges impacting footpath access were given. Clerk to write to residents to remind them of the requirement to keep footpaths clear.

11. Items for Next Agenda

073. No additional items were identified.  

There being no more business, the Chairman closed the Meeting at 8.21pm

The attending public had already departed so there was no Public Forum.