October 2019

Approved Minutes of the rearranged Meeting of Rippingale Parish Council, held on Thursday 17 October 2019 in the Village Hall

Present: Cllrs C. Charlton (Chairman), S. Goode (Vice Chairman), S. Charlton, E. Field-Lucas, S. Warcup,

A. Vaughan & P. Moseley (not item 6.2).

In Attendance: Michelle Free (Clerk/RFO) & 4 Members of Public (incl HCS Co-ord).

Public Forum: The Chairman opened the Public Forum at 7.30pm and gave an overview of the process. The following items were raised:

  • A resident requested details of previous Council guidance regarding work in Grinders Lane and handed 10 (ten) hardcopies of his request to the Clerk for the Cllrs. The Chairman thanked the resident and stated that this would be reviewed and included on the next Agenda.
  • An issue  with overhanging Lime trees on the Village Green obstructing the adjacent footpath was raised. The Chairman confirmed that Parish Council would look to rectify this, now the bird nesting season was over.

1.  Chairman’s Opening Remarks.

146. The Chairman opened the Meeting at 7.34pm and thanked everyone for attending.

2.  Apologies for Absence.

147. Not applicable. All Cllrs in attendance.

3. To receive any new Declarations of Interest.

148. There were no new Declarations of Interest to be recorded. 

4. Approve Minutes of the previous Council Meeting.

149. The DRAFT Minutes had been previously circulated. The Council resolved to accept the Minutes of the Meeting on 12 September as a true and more accurate record. Cllrs Field-Lucas & Moseley abstained due to absence prior to and at the Meeting. The Chairman signed the file copy. Clerk to publish the approved Minutes.

5. External & Community Group Updates.

5.1 Police, County & District Councillors’ Reports

150. Police. No report had been received.

151. LCC. No report had been received.

152. SKDC. D.Cllr Moseley stated that the new Leader and Deputy were both in post; he was still in the same role. SKDC had declared a climate emergency with a target of carbon reduction of at least 30% by 2030 through initiatives such as ‘Intelligent Streetlighting’ being introduced in Stamford & Grantham, which should reduce costs without impacting resident security; the aim was to achieve net zero carbon status ahead of National Targets. SKDC was currently Budget Setting; no Revenue Support Grant was available so difficult decisions would need to be made. D.Cllr Moseley invited questions. The Chairman thanked him for his report.

5.2 Community Groups & Organisations.

153. Neighbourhood Plan. Cllr C. Charlton confirmed that the DRAFT Policies had been completed and production of the supporting maps was in progress. The Consultants had been appointed and another Grant applied for; the RFO confirmed that the Remittance Advice had been received.

154. RGAG. Cllr S. Charlton stated that no queries had been received from the Cttee and the next meeting date had not been shared.

155. Feast. Cllr Warcup informed the Council that the recent Garage Sale had been a success with 37 stalls/garages and £1,401.74 raised. There was the possibility that this could be an annual event. Thanks were given to E. Field-Lucas and her team for their efforts in organising this event.

156. VHMC. Cllr Field-Lucas stated that no Meeting invitations had been received.

157. PCC. Cllr Warcup stated that there was no update to report.  

5.2.1 Feast Constitution Review

158. The reviewed Constitution had been previously circulated to all Cllrs; Cllr Moseley had no view so had not engaged in the discussions. The Council resolved to accept the proposed changes. Cllr Warcup to discuss the revised Constitution with the Feast Cttee; Clerk to forward latest version.

5.2.2 Allotment Boundary Hedge

159. A request to maintain the boundary hedge had not been received but the Chairman confirmed that the precedence had been set for the Council to cut the boundary hedge as the RGAG maintain the vacant plots. Cllr Moseley offered to cut back the hedge at no cost and clarified that the required insurances were held. The Council unanimously resolved to cut the boundary hedge and accepted the offer from Cllr Moseley.

6. Parish Matters.

6.1 JPF

6.1.1 Update Grant Funding & Play Equipment Project

160. The Chairman informed the Council that he had reapplied to the Garfield Weston Foundation and that the donation of the closing Village Design Cttee funds had been agreed. Two other applications had been rejected, and an application to the SKDC Crowd Funding & Lottery SK was being considered; this was encouraged by Cllr Moseley. The Clerk confirmed that the Ward Grant had not been received. Cllr Moseley to chase the Ward Cllr Community Grant payment.

161. Cllr Vaughan stated that there was no Project update to report.

6.1.2 Portacabin Retention & Container Removal

162. The Chairman confirmed that the Container had now been removed. Cllr Moseley confirmed that the Portacabin application was complete. Clerk to submit the planning application to retain the Portacabin.

6.1.3 Rippingale & Folkingham FC

163. The Chairman had contacted the Club Chairman regarding the criteria for using the JPF but no response had been received. Cllr Moseley repeated the historical issues regarding the previous use and proposed a pro rata reduction in the charges for including Rippingale members. Cllr Warcup stated that the Club Chairman had informed him that they were unable to use the field due to a lack of onsite toilet and changing facilities. Formal resolution of the Rippingale & Folkingham FC use of JPF deferred until outcome of Planning Application was known.

6.2 Grass Cutting Contract Extension

164. Discussed after item 11. The Council unanimously resolved to move into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 due to the confidential nature of the business to be discussed; the Chairman read the statement. Cllr Moseley abstained and left the Meeting due to his declared involvement with Environment SK. Extending the existing Contract, quality of cuts and equipment, and alternative options were discussed. The Council unanimously resolved to put the contract requirements back out to tender; Clerk to invite Tenders.

6.3 Laying of Remembrance Poppy Wreath

165. The Clerk confirmed the receipt of the wreath for the service, and a thank you letter from the RBL Poppy Appeal for the donation. The requirement for a Council representative to lay it was discussed. It was unanimously resolved for the Chairman to lay the Council wreath; wreath issued to Chairman.  

7. Finance Matters

7.1 Update on Account Signatories Complaint

166. Due to other priority tasks, there was no other progress to report. Ongoing.

7.2 FY2019/20 Accounts to date & Approval of Expenditure

167. The RFO gave an update of the previously circulated Accounts and Expenditure list. The proceeds of the surplus lamppost sale had been banked, and the remittance for the reclaimed VAT had finally been received from HMRC following a change of system. The expenditure for approval included the HCS claims. Cllr Moseley queried the reserve holdings. The RFO briefed Cllr Moseley on the estimated figure and confirmed that this included the Feast, NP and earmarked Community Chest funds. The Council resolved to approve the expenditure; Cllr C. Charlton abstained due to his submitted expense claims. Cllrs Warcup & Vaughan signed the payments sheet and cheques. Clerk to submit BACS payments, pending receipt of the outstanding invoices.

8. Planning Updates

8.1 S19/1527 – ‘Erection of timber frame garage/store’ at 10 East Street.

168. Due to the delayed Meeting date, the Council response of ‘no objections by majority’ to the Application had been discussed and agreed by email and submitted to SKDC by the Clerk. 

8.2 SKDC Local Plan Proposed Main Modifications

169. The details of the Public Consultation, which was open until 23:59 on 11 Nov, had been previously circulated to all Cllrs and published on the website and Noticeboard. The Chairman gave an overview of the changes, including the naming of smaller villages, the inclusion of windfall sites for annual restricted development therein, and the restrictions on greenfield developments. Cllr Moseley confirmed that the larger sustainable villages had been named and therefore Rippingale was deemed to be ‘non-sustainable’ by default with limited sustainable development within Government housing targets.

170. The Clerk confirmed that S19/1414 (Lawful Development at 15 Pinfold Close) had been Granted.

9. Admin Matters

9.1 Clerk Report & Correspondence

171. There were no questions arising from the previously circulated Report. Cllr Moseley highlighted the Woodland Trust scheme for free trees; Woodland Trust Tree Scheme to be included on the next Agenda.

9.2 Matters Arising Matrix.

172. The issues of the tarnished lamp post memorial plaques was discussed. The Plaques were brass and not a lacquered imitation so would require regular cleaning to stay shiny; the plaques could be lacquered if required.

10. Urgent Reports.

173. There were no urgent reports received.

11. Items for Next Agenda

174. The RFO confirmed that the Interim Internal Audit was due. If the LALC guidance on Internal Audits was not received prior to the next Meeting, the Council would need to set the remit. 

There being no more business, the Chairman closed the Meeting at 8.37pm

Prior to moving into Closed Session for item 6.2, the Chairman opened a short Post Meeting Public Forum.

  • There no comments received, and the attending public left the Meeting.

October 2019