August 2019

Approved Minutes of an Extraordinary General Meeting of Rippingale Parish Council, held on 6 August 2018 at 7.00pm in St Andrew’s Church

Present: Cllr Goode (Vice Chairman; Chairman for this Meeting), M. Exton, S. Charlton & E. Field-Lucas.

In Attendance: Michelle Free (Clerk/RFO) & 1 Member of Public (HCS Co-ord).

Public Forum: As this was an EGM, there was no planned Public Forum, but the Vice Chairman invited comments the attending public:

  • There were no public comments.

1.  Welcome.

138. In the absence of the Chairman, the Meeting was chaired by the Vice Chairman. The Chairman opened the Meeting at 7.05pm and thanked everyone for attending the EGM.

2.  Apologies for Absence.

139. Apologies for absence were received and accepted from Cllrs C. Charlton & Parry (pre-booked holidays).

3. To receive any new Declarations of Interest.

140. There were no new Declarations of Interest to be recorded.

4. Churchyard Maintenance.

141. The Clerk gave an overview of the churchyard maintenance situation. Despite the Parish Council notifying SKDC of the likelihood of a future transfer of maintenance responsibility, SKDC had taken on the responsibility immediately following receipt of the closure application. The Council discussed the previously circulated background information and the option of reclaiming the maintenance responsibility. The absent cllrs had also shared their comments. Since the initial plan to retain the maintenance responsibility, it had become apparent that any changes or improvements would have to be approved by the Church (Diocese or Archdeacon) in advance. SKDC would have the overall H&S responsibility, and fund essential maintenance, including limited grass cutting, but had no objection to the Parish funding and carrying out appropriate improvements. There were planned changes to future SKDC grass cutting contracts. Confirmation was still needed on whether this would be frequency or height based but additional cuts could be funded by the Parish, or the funds could be transferred to the Parish to maintain. SKDC Landscapes had drawn up a plan of the churchyard, which identified the areas for weed control and grass cutting. The details had been circulated to the Council. The Churchwarden supported proposal for SKDC to retain the maintenance responsibility. The Council unanimously resolved to leave the maintenance responsibility with SKDC.

142. SKDC Facilities was due to visit the churchyard shortly to carry out a maintenance check. The repair of the boundary wall, which was highlighted as a requirement prior to the transfer, was still outstanding. The Council had examined the wall and believed that it was the responsibility of the adjacent property. Clerk to notify SKDC and PCC about the wall boundary, for ownership to be confirmed.

143. Lighting. The Clerk confirmed that the sponsorship for 3 lamp posts had been received; thank you letters had been sent. The memorial plaques were still to be confirmed but expected to be a brass plaque on the base of the lamp post. The company had agreed to honour the reduced price of the lamp posts for the time being. The Churchwarden had submitted a Faculty for the replacement lamp post, but another was required for the additional lamp posts. This was now being submitted. Cllrs Field-Lucas & S. Charlton were assisting the PCC with the production of a plan. The immediate purchase of the lamp posts was discussed. It was unanimously agreed to defer the purchase of the lamp posts until the written consent for installation was received. If not received by the next Meeting the purchase would be discussed again.

5. Urgent Matters Arising.

5.1 Approval of Accounts Expenditure

144. There were no urgent payments to be approved. The July grass cutting invoice had been received. The cuts for the majority of areas had been done at a frequency of 19 then 10 days. This was outside the +/- 2 day variance, especially when the recent hot weather had slowed growth. Clerk to contact the Contractor to query the grass cutting frequency.

5.2 Comments on new Planning Applications

145. There were no new Planning Applications. 

5.3 Reports & Correspondence

146. The Portacabin lock had been blocked and obstructed. The option to break the lock and install a hasp and padlock was discussed. The building was still secure, and access wasn’t currently required. It was unanimously agreed to leave the Portacabin secured with the current lock.

147. There were village rumours that Feast fundraising was required to replace the Portacabin and toilet facilities to enable events to return to the JPF, as the Council was not going to carry out the repairs. It was agreed to remind residents in the next Newsletter that the portacabin had only been granted temporary planning permission by SKDC and must be removed no later than 2019.

There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 7.30pm.

Next Meeting: Thursday 13 September 2018 in the Rippingale Village Hall                                                                                                                                                         

Post Meeting Public Forum:

  • The hedges either side of the East Street to the JPF footpath had become overgrown and were obstructing access. Clerk to notify the residents of the need to maintain the hedge.

August 2019