February 2019

Approved Minutes of a Meeting of Rippingale Parish Council held on Thursday 21 February 2019 in the Village Hall

Present: Cllrs C. Charlton (Chairman), S. Goode, J. Parry, A. Vaughan & S. Warcup.

In Attendance: Michelle Free (Clerk/RFO), D.Cllr Moseley (item 5.1 only), VHMC & HCS Reps.

Public Forum: The Chairman opened the Public Forum at 7.30pm. He gave an overview of the Forum process and invited comments and questions:

  • A Newsletter reminder for residents to cut back shrubs and branches overhanging the footpaths and pavements was requested.
  • A local business had linked the contact details to the Village Hall website without authority. The matter had been reported to the relevant authorities. 

1.  Welcome.

307. The Chairman opened the Meeting at 7.34pm and thanked everyone for attending.

308. Due to a long Agenda, the Chairman reminded the Council of the need to be succinct. All Members should be up to date with the items to be discussed and resolved.

2.  Apologies for Absence.

309. There were apologies for absence from Cllr Field-Lucas.

3. To receive any new Declarations of Interest.

310. There were no new Declarations of Interest to be recorded. 

4. Approve Minutes of the previous Meeting.

311. The previously circulated DRAFT Minutes were presented for approval.  It was unanimously resolved to accept the Minutes of the Meeting on 10 January as a true and accurate record. The Chairman signed the file copy. Clerk to publish.

5. External & Community Group Updates.

5.1 Police, County & District Councillors’ Reports

312. SKDC (discussed after item 6.1.3). D.Cllr Moseley stated the ‘exciting times ahead’ with the standing up of Environment SK, the in-house Grounds Maintenance Company, on 1st March, and the introduction of £492,000 of new equipment. The service had been outsourced for 30 years and should now bring better value for money; as Cabinet Member for Environment, D.Cllr Moseley was a Director for the Company. The new Grantham Cinema Complex with 5 screens is due to open in Summer 2019. The Budget for 2019/20 was due to be set the following week and had an ‘ambitious’ target. The Big Clean teams were being maintained at a cost of approx. £500,000 and reserves were being used for cultural events, rail works for the new development and leisure centres; the auto-enrolment of all villages in the ‘Best Kept Village’ competition for 2019 would be repeated. The Street Clean Enforcement Officers were having a presence in villages and bringing results. Anyone not paying an awarded  fine has been taken to court. Of the 30 cases heard so far, all have ruled in the favour of SKDC, with costs. There were no questions from the Council. The Chairman thanked D.Cllr Moseley for the update. (D.Cllr Moseley left the Meeting)  

5.1.1 LCC Highways Parish Walkabout.

313. The Chairman listed the areas of concern highlighted by the Council and residents, including: the pavement  to the B1177, poor road surfaces, pot holes, drainage issues, missing road sign, A15 hedge cutting, and anti-social behaviour. Due to a change of circumstances, some cllrs were unavailable to attend the Walkabout on 27 February. Cllr Warcup confirmed his availability; it was hoped Cllr Field-Lucas was also available. Chairman to forward a list of the issues to Cllr Warcup.

5.1.2 LCC DRAFT Statement of Community Involvement for Minerals & Waste Policy.

314. The Chairman stated that the previously circulated DRAFT Policy related to how LCC communicated the information for planning issues concerning minerals and waste. The Council unanimously resolved to make no comment on the LCC DRAFT Policy. 

5.2 Community Groups & Organisations.

315. Aveland Neighbourhood Plan. Cllr C. Charlton stated that there had been 2 recent meetings and steady progress was being made: the Neighbourhood Character Assessment was almost ready to be signed off; the Health & Wellbeing study was being progressed; and the website was being used to keep residents up-to-date. Refer to Item 10 for further information.   

316. RGAG. Cllr S. Charlton stated that the next Meeting was due to take place next week. The Clerk confirmed that over 50% of the Plot rents for 2019 had been received. 

317. Feast. Cllr Warcup confirmed that the next event was the Quiz on 9 March in the Village Hall. The date for the Family Fun Day had been agreed as 6 April at the Bull Inn; the event was due to be opened by the Rose Queen. The funds raised for the Church Roof Project at the Christmas Lights event was included at item 9.1.1 (340) for authorisation.

318. HCS. The HCS Co-ord confirmed that the scheme was running splendidly. The return of ear-marked reserves held by the Council (£597.70) on behalf of Kirkby Underwood Parish Council for its residents using the scheme was included at item 9.1.1. (340).

319. VHMC. The VHMC Chairman informed the Council that the boiler had blown up in December but a new one had now been fitted. There was a mix of old/new and inefficient pipework and radiators, but this was starting to be addressed. The replacement for Cllr Parry would be discussed at the next Council Meeting.

320. PCC. On behalf of Cllr Field-Lucas, Cllr S. Charlton stated that the next PCC Meeting was due to be held at Kirkby Underwood with a view to the possible amalgamation of the PCCs. There was no further update.

6. Parish Matters.

6.1 JPF

6.1.1 Play Equipment Project & Funding Updates

321. The Chairman informed the Council that the Project was to be included in the Tesco Bags for Help Grant Scheme in the Bourne and Spalding branches from 1 March to 30 April. The minimum Grant would be £1000 but could be up to £4000. The Chairman would place a notice on the village Facebook Group. Cllr Parry had shared details of some additional schemes and an application to the Government Pocket Park Scheme had been submitted with a decision expected  by 31 March. Other applications were still pending, with the outcomes still to be received dependent on Trust Funds approval cycles. Item ongoing.

322 Cllr Parry confirmed that she had not yet contacted the suppliers for updated costings of the repairs for the existing equipment pending the outcome of 6.1.2 (323). Item ongoing.

6.1.2 Safety Inspection Report

323. Cllr Vaughan confirmed that he had met with Cllr Parry to discuss the report and had a list of possible ways forward. The required works were mainly husbandry, which had reduced the life expectancy of the equipment. One repair quote had been requested but it was felt that some works could be achieved  through self-help volunteers sought via the Newsletter and website. The Casual Worker Contractor was also considered, with the option of including a regular inspection of the equipment. The work needs to be addressed for the summer and was linked to item 6.1.5 (326). It was unanimously resolved to obtain the formal repair quotes before seeking volunteers. Cllr Parry to hand over the JPF keys to Cllr Vaughan.

6.1.3. Portacabin & Container

324. The Clerk confirmed that the Portacabin and Container were permitted under a temporary Planning Application which expired in December 2019. There was an option to challenge the temporary approval, but the outcome was uncertain. The structures were an area of youth congregation and anti-social behaviour, and their long-term need was unclear. Access to the Portacabin was required but inhibited due to a broken lock; there was a need to review the water damage and re-secure. Cllrs S. Charlton & Vaughan to gain access to the Portacabin and liaise with Clerk for a replacement lock. Chairman to contact possible buyer of container. Item ongoing.

6.1.4. Signs & Notices

325. The purchase of an A4 composite sign had been agreed by the Council prior to the Meeting via email. Cllr Vaughan confirmed that he had placed the order and would reclaim the cost once the invoice was received. The ‘no dogs on the playing field’ sign at the footpath entrance from the Station Street/Pinfold Close junction would be replaced with a large ‘clear up after your dog’ sign and the original one moved closer to the JPF. Item ongoing.

6.1.5. Southern Boundary Tree Work

326. With the improved weather and the impact of tree debris and shade on the existing play equipment, the previously agreed quotes and preferred contractor were reviewed. The Council unanimously resolved to appoint the preferred contractor, subject to confirmation of the previous quote. Chairman to confirm the quote and authorised to appoint if the same.

6.2 Churchyard Lamp Posts Faculty

327. On behalf of Cllr Field-Lucas, Cllr S Charlton confirmed that the lampposts had been received and the installation contractor was being chased for a start date. Cllr S. Charlton stated that a donor had come forward to pay for the electrical work. The Clerk had sent an invoice to the 4th sponsor. Item ongoing.

6.3 Grounds Maintenance Contract Review (Discussed after item 10.1 at the end of the Meeting)

328. Due to the confidential nature of contract quotes to be discussed, the Council unanimously resolved to move into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960. The 2 members of public left the Meeting. The Clerk presented the Council with the received and unopened quotes. The quotes were based on a different number of cuts and difficult to compare. Clerk to draw up the direct comparison and clarify the prices with the contractors pending a decision.

6.4 Combined Community Fundraising

329. Cllr Parry confirmed that, due to a lack of time, the initiative had not been progressed, but the contact details were available to be handed over. Item ongoing.

6.5 Untidy Land

330. The complaints regarding waste from a property piled up like a bonfire and blowing into neighbouring gardens had been reported to SKDC Environmental Health (EH), and an inspection carried out. The ‘bonfire’ pile was subsequently lit by the owner and a number of additional complaints were made to EH due to the resulting black smoke and ash. EH had attended the scene but were refused access. The matter remains under investigation by the relevant authorities. Item ongoing.

7. Planning Updates

331. The Clerk confirmed that there were no open applications.

  1. Comments on new Applications

332. Not required. No new applications for comment.

8. Admin Matters

8.1 Clerk Report & Correspondence

333. The previously circulated Report was discussed, and the correspondence was available for inspection. Following disparity from NatWest regarding the departure of Cllr Parry, and the correct adjustments to the signatory paperwork for Council and RJPF Trust accounts, the forms had been submitted with a covering letter of explanation.

8.1.1 Local Elections

334. The Clerk confirmed that the forthcoming local elections (2 May) required existing cllrs to complete Nomination Papers. If the number of applications submitted exceeded the number of seats (7), the candidates would be decided by the electorate. If 7 or less, the cllrs would be automatically re-elected. To save the postage costs, the Nomination Papers could be collected by the Clerk at the Briefing on 6 March. The Papers must be submitted by hand but could be delivered by Cllrs or Clerk. The Council unanimously resolved for the Clerk to collect the Nomination Papers and assist with the submission.

8.1.2 Cllr Vacancy

335. With the expected resignation of Cllr Parry, the Clerk had prepared a Notice to fill the post via Co-option at the next Meeting. No election notice was required due to the forthcoming local elections. The transfer of roles and responsibilities was also discussed. It was unanimously resolved to defer the allocation of roles and aim to Co-opt at the next Meeting. Clerk to notify SKDC, publish the notice on the website, and forward the hardcopy to Cllr Field-Lucas for the Noticeboard.

8.2 Matters Arising Matrix.

336. There were no additional items to be discussed. Item ongoing.

9. Finance Matters

9.1 FY2018/19 Accounts to date

337. The RFO gave an overview of the previously circulated accounts to 31 January. The previous discrepancy with the JPF water bill had been resolved. The account remained in credit but should be clear at the end of the FY. There were no questions or queries arising.

9.1.1 Approval of Expenditure & Independent Check

338. Cllr Goode had previously reviewed the online accounts and carried out an independent check on the invoices and bank statements presented at the Meeting. No areas of concern were identified; a typo on the payment sheet was identified but the invoice and cheque were correct.

339. The previously circulated list of payments for approval were discussed. The incomplete hedge work included in the outstanding balance on the Glendale Grounds Maintenance was discussed. The Council disputed the company’s response as a detailed map and statement of requirement had been submitted with the invitation to tender. There was no breakdown for the JPF element of the invoice so the costs for the work done could not be identified. It was unanimously resolved for the Clerk to make an additional payment for 50% of the remaining balance and reiterate the Council standpoint regarding the incomplete work.

340. The Feast Committee Christmas Lights event had raised £836.05 for the Church Roof Fund in donations and sponsorship. No Kirkby Underwood residents had made use of the HCS for 18 months therefore reimbursement of the earmarked reserves to its Parish Council was discussed; Kirkby Underwood Parish Council had considered and approved the proposal. The funds also gave a misleading balance of the available funds to Rippingale residents. The Council unanimously resolved to approve the remaining expenditure, including the transfer of the Church Roof Funds to the PCC and the reimbursement of the earmarked reserves to Kirkby Underwood Parish Council. Cllrs Parry and S. Charlton signed the cheques and payments sheet. Clerk to action the approved BACS payments.

10. Urgent Reports.

341. The Chairman stated that SKDC had been consulted regarding the withdrawal of Dunsby and Aslackby & Laughton from the Aveland Neighbourhood Plan. SKDC had confirmed that the ANP area could be redefined with a Resolution by the Council. As the Resolution had not been included on the Agenda, a formal Resolution would take place at the March Meeting, but the Council unanimously approved the change to the ANP area in principal. Clerk to include on next agenda.

10.1. Items for Next Agenda

342. The Clerk stated that the annual review of Council Policies & Regulations was required at the Next Meeting. The documents would be circulated shortly to give sufficient time to review.

343. At the end of the Meeting, and on behalf of the Council, the Chairman reiterated its vote of thanks to Cllr Parry for all her help and achievements as a Cllr. There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.06pm.


Before moving into Closed Session for item 6.3 (328), the Chairman opened a 5 Minute Public Forum:

  • There were no additional comments.  

February 2019