February minutes 2025
Meeting Held On: Monday 10th February 2025 @ 7pm
Venue: Rippingale Village Hall
Attendees: Cllr B Ross (Chair), Cllr A Creek, (Vice Chair), Cllr J Jones, Cllr A Lumb, Cllr C Catt
Apologies: Laura Davies (Chris Ross [CR] standing in to take minutes)
Also Present: Cllr R Dixon-Warren (SKDC), Cllr M Hill (LCC),
A J Flatters, W Gray, I Flatters, S Flatters, S Knibbs, D Knibbs, R Shuttlewood, S Creek, P McLean, D Deiss, C Ross (CR)
Public Forum: Chairman’s opening Remarks
• Cllr Ross reminded all that during the Formal Meeting no interruptions from the Public will be allowed. The two 15 minutes Public Forum and the start and end of the meeting would allow time for questions or comments.
• Cllr Ross outlined one of the main aims of the Parish Council is to promote the bringing together of the many disparate groups within the village. He confirmed that there had been some major successes in this regard, with many of the organised groups now being involved with the Newsletter, Parish Website and Facebook pages. Cllr Ross thanked all for their sterling efforts.
• Cllr Ross advised the meeting that there are now groups dealing with The Feast, Emergency Plan, VE80 event, Street Champions and Youth Engagement initiatives. The Bull Inn and the Church are both now getting involved with the activities of the PC.
• There were no Comments, Questions or Queries from the Press or Public.
Formal Meeting Agenda
1.0 To receive apologies for absence and approve reasons given.
1.1. 1971. Laura Davies absent for family emergency – approved
2.0 To receive any new Declarations of Interest
2.1. 1972. None
3.0 To approve the Minutes of the last Parish Council Meeting held on 13th January 2025
3.1. 1973. The circulated minutes were approved.
4.0 The Parish Clerk’s Report (excluding matters raised later in the Agenda)
4.1. 1974. Village Handyman - Mark Simms has put forward a price for repairs to the Village Notice Board. Price Approved.
Action: Clerk to instruct Mr Simms to proceed
4.2. JPF Septic tank cleaning 1975. Ongoing and related to the JPF storage project
4.3. Contracts
4.3.1. Dog Waste – 1976. Purple bin on JPF scheduled to be removed and David Knibbs will then take on the emptying of bins and removal of waste. Action: Clerk
4.3.2. Allotment Land Maintenance – 1977. Big Improvement. RGAG have built bays for waste, soil and chippings.
4.3.3. Water Supply – see minute 6.4.1 below
4.4. RGAG request permission for the following:
4.4.1. 1978.3 Noticeboards at entrances. Approved
4.4.2. 1979 On site water supply pipe installation by RGAG Approved
4.4.3. 1980. RGAG Open Day – 17th August 2025 Approved
5.0 External & Community Group Updates
5.1. County and District Council Reports
5.1.1. Cllr Martin Hill
• Feedback from the previous walkabout - request to move 30 mph signs on East Street, was not approved. Cllr Hill will resubmit request Action: Cllr Hill
• Devolution - Government is to abolish County and District Councils, replacing them with Unitary Councils – Lincolnshire North and Lincolnshire South. There are elections for County and District on May 1st, following which the devolution process will begin. It is likely that at the new arrangements will take 2-3 years to complete and may provide for the potential for increased powers to Parish Councils if they wish.
• Flooding – Cllr Creek asked if there was any financial help to defend against water penetration. Cllr Hill said there may be financial help for protection measures, but residents need to apply.
• Cllr Lumb raised the issue of Solar Farms . Cllr Hill said there are a lot in the pipeline and due to Government changes in planning rules, these are likely to go ahead, as it will be more difficult to object. Residents local to the solar farms may sometimes benefit from subsidies from the energy suppliers.
5.1.2. Cllr Richard Dixon-Warren – 1982. Made no further comment at this time as Cllr Hill had covered all issues.
5.2. Community Groups
5.2.1. VHMC – 1983. No further comment on submitted report
5.2.2. Hospital Car Scheme – 1984. During January there were only 5 requests for a Hospital Car which were all completed. There are currently 2 drivers who are not well and two drivers who can travel distances, plus one who will do local trips.
5.2.3. RGAG – see minute 6.4 below 1986.
• Once the RGAG plans for the Open Day are finalised, it will send a Risk Assessment for consideration by the PC, at least 6 weeks prior.
• The RGAG is celebrating 20 years since reinstating plots at the Row Gardens and the setting up of the RGAG.
• The RGAG is interested, in conjunction with RPC, in pursuing grants available from SKDC for re-wilding appropriate areas of the allotment site. This would fit in nicely with this year’s theme from the National Allotment Society of “Biodiversity on the Allotment” for National Allotment Week (11-18th Aug 2025). If the PC require details from the RGAG, please let the Secretary know. Action: Clerk to investigate
• The new storage unit will be painted green as soon as weather permits. Action: RGAG
5.2.4. PCC - 1986.
• VE80 – the PCC suggested incorporating a service within the celebrations and suggested combining with a fish supper at the pub on 8th May
• The PCC is also considering creating a kitchen area and toilets in the church to enable more and different community engagement events in the church. This would involve taking some of the pews out which could be reused to create a kitchen area.
• The PCC have 3 things they are fundraising for at the moment and asked if their priorities could be considered when we look at good causes to support from the Feast.
• Cllr Ross proposed that due to Cllr Jones’ close contact with the FORC group, that she take up the role of liaison with the PCC and that Cllr Lumb takes on the role of liaison with the VHMC as she has had historic experience with that organisation. All councillors approved this change of roles. Approved
• Elaine Wright is the representative of the PCC liaison who will liaise with the RPC.
5.2.5. Police Update – 1987
• The Police are aware of the damage to the Playing field caused by tree works contractors trying to access 13 East Street site. The brickwork contractor has not responded to Cllr Ross’s messages. Action: BWR
• All residents are asked not to park on pavements due to the dangers this presents to wheelchair users and pushchairs. This issue to be included in the next Newsletter. Action: BWR/TC
5.2.6. Feast - 1988
• The PC is asked to ratify the Feast committee which is made up as follows:-
Chair – Sue Creek
Vice Chair – Annette Lumb
Secretary – Hayley Kerr
Operations – Chris Jones
Planning – Louise Lambord
Publicity/Marketing – Kevin Lumb & Edyta
Treasurer – tba
Volunteer - Sarah Earl Ratified
• Thanks to the enthusiasm of residents, there is now a new Feast Committee plus volunteers willing to help organise and run the Feast in 2025. The Committee met mid-January to develop more detailed plans and will keep everyone updated via the Newsletter and social media.
6.0 Parish Matters
6.1. Newsletter 1989.
6.1.1. Additional printing quote received. Cllr Lumb (AL) to update the previous quote from Mr Lumb to provide Black and White only. Action : AL
6.1.2. Cllr Catt (CC) raised the issue of problems with email address lists. CC to liaise with Iain Middleton (Editor) and Parish Clerk to create new lists/email. Action : CC
6.2. JPF 1990
6.2.1. Purchase and installation of sports equipment is dependent upon SKDC response regarding spending of the SKDC PF grant Action: BWR
6.2.2. RDW promised to contact SKDC on the above matter to expedite a response.
Action: RDW
6.3. Flooding
6.3.1. To receive an update on discussions with SKDC on flooding concerns – 1991.
• A walkabout has been scheduled for Thursday, 13th Feb at 12:30pm, starting at the Village Hall. SKDC Environmental Health Manager will be accompanied by Cllrs Ross & Creek, one of the Flood Wardens to look at and discuss watercourses around the village. The most likely causes of flooding will be investigated, as will the SKDC assets by the dyke in Dovecote. The PC thanks Cllr RDW for helping facilitate a positive response from SKDC. Cllrs Hill and RDW also to attend.
• Specific thanks goes to a member of the village who manually excavated the deep silt at the bottom of the dyke at the Willows which has helped waterflow considerably.
• Additional thanks goes to a local farmer who cleared the dyke along Station Street to the Easy of East Street
6.3.2. To receive an update on discussions with Anglian Water (AW) on surface water infiltration – 1992.
• It appears that Rippingale had, once again, fallen down the priority list in AW despite raising this issue for 5 years. Following Cllr Creek’s pressure, AW have escalated the case and have agreed to a site meeting to be arranged by Cllr Creek as soon as possible to visit the areas that are particularly susceptible to flooding. Action: TC
• Sewer flow monitors have been fitted by AW in manholes on the Rippingale system to gain a better understanding of how the sewer is operating and to identify any potential blockages.
6.3.3. Sandbags - 1993. Delivered from SKDC and stored in boxes at Village Hall. Cllr Creek thanked all those volunteers who responded to a call out on the Emergency Volunteer WhatsApp group and helped move the 100 bags. Resolved.
6.3.4. Road Closed Signs 1994.
• Cllr Hill to expedite sign delivery from LCC. Action: Cllr Hill
• Cllr Creek proposed that the signs be stored in secure and weatherproof facility at The Bull Inn rather than outside at the VH. Approved
6.4. Allotments
6.4.1. Water supply 1995.
• Deed of Easement – Cllr Ross advised that costs of for this have been received between £750 and £3000. Cllr Ross once again requested that any resident with legal experience / qualifications please contact the council to help in this matter. This request will also go in the Newsletter. Action: BWR
• Standpipe to Meter pipework – Two quotes have been received, and a further one is awaited. Additionally, a quote is awaited for the water meter connection to the Fire Hydrant from SLP Contractors to compare with the very high Anglian Water quote. Action: BWR
6.4.2. Neighbourhood Plan – 1996. RDW will discuss with SKDC the issue of the drafting error in Policy HD2 Action RDW
6.5. Hedges
6.5.1. 1997. Cllr Ross commended Cllr Lumb on her actions to establish ownership/responsibility for hedges in and around the village. Cllr Lumb to continue pressure on residents to properly maintain their hedges. Eg – Dovecote, Grinders Lane. Action: AL
6.5.2. 1998. 84 Station Street to Footpath – Parish Clerk (LD) to obtain a formal view from LALC regarding the Parish Council’s obligations in this regard. Action: LD
6.6. Dykes – 1999. Significant improvement in dyke clearing, especially to the East end of Station Street. However, Cllr Lumb to follow up on Registered Letters already sent to residents, particularly Grinders Lane, Dovecote, dyke to rear of Linnett and Station Street West from allotments to A15. Action: AL
6.7. Community Liaison
6.7.1. Youth Engagement Initiative 2000 - Cllr Jones (JJ) to hold a meeting with Mr Shuttlewood and Cllr Ross on 12th February to discuss next steps Action: JJ
6.7.2. Street Champions -2001 the meeting on the 12th also to discuss next steps Action: JJ
6.7.3. Welcome Pack –2002 Updated by Cllr Ross and available in paper form from Cllr Ross and also to view on the Parish Council website. Resolved
6.7.4. SKDC and LCC Walkabout – 2003 Cllr Ross thanked Cllr Hill and Cllr RDW for their continued support in completing many of the actions raised at this walkabout. Cllr Ross to follow up on outstanding matters with LCC . Action: BWR
6.7.5. Cllr RDW raised the possibility of a “Ward wide” group of councillors to potentially enable cross village discussion over common issues and solutions Action: RDW
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6.8. Planning
6.8.1. 13 East Street 2004. Following complaints lodged with SKDC and H&SE regarding the dangerous state of this site a high fence / gate has been erected at the front of the site. Monitoring
6.8.2. Open Applications 2005
Ref Date What Where Status
24/1278 Oct-24 Gypsy pitch 155 Station Street Awaiting Decision
24/1862 Nov-24 Two detached dwellings 83 East Street - Little Farm Awaiting Decision
24/1992 Nov-24 Single Storey Extension 5 Scarborough Close Unknown
6.9. War Memorial
6.9.1. Additional Names 2006 – Cllr Jones will contact contractor to expedite before VE80 celebrations. Action : JJ
6.9.2. Cleaning – 2007 Cllr Lumb stated that feedback from PCC was that the memorial had been cleaned only 18 months ago. Cllr Jones to monitor if cleaning would be required after the new names have been added. Action : JJ
7.0 Financial Matters
7.1. Bank Accounts Access
7.1.1. 2008. Cllrs Ross and Creek are in the process of becoming signatories on the JPFT Bank Account
7.1.2. 2009. Update on RPC accounts to be reported at next meeting Action: LD
7.2. Financial Reports – 2010 In order to show complete transparency of the Parish Council’s finances, Cllr Creek reported the following regarding the 2025/2026 Budget forecast:
7.2.1. Receipts -
• Precept = £21,450 - First increase in 7 years
• Grounds maintenance = £ 2,275 - paid for by other council bodies
• Feast = £ 2,000 - estimate - balanced in Payments below
• Other Income = £ 4,804 - VAT reclaim, Allotments & Community Cleaner
• HCS = £ 25 - based on previous years
• TOTAL = £30,554
7.2.2. Payments – 2011
• Grounds Maintenance = £17,014 - hedges, grass and £8,000 fund for water supply
• Administration = £10,747 - clerk’s salary etc – mostly mandatory Payments
• Jubilee Playing Field = £ 7,582 - play area, dog bins £4,000 provision for new store
• Village Assets = £ 2,326 - War memorial upkeep, tree works, flood measures
• Feast = £ 2,000 - estimate - balanced in Receipts above
• Newsletter = £ 1,071 - compilation, printing & distribution
• Neighbourhood Plan = £ 500 - sinking fund for future review
• Hospital Car Scheme = £ 158 - payments to drivers
• TOTAL = £41,398
7.2.3. 2012 Comment – The above shows that the PC’s contingency sum will be reduced by £10,845, mainly due to the provisions for Allotment water supply and replacement of the store on the Playing Field.
8.0 Urgent Reports and Any Other Issues
8.1. Emergency Plan - 2013 Cllr Creek is undertaking a review of the Emergency Plan and has confirmed which people and organisations remain committed to assist in an emergency. A request for more volunteers will be included in the Newsletter, web-site and Facebook pages. Cllr Creek proposed the following :
8.1.1. 2014. Relocate Emergency Control Room/ Hub to The Bull Inn as access to the present Hub at the VH is considered to be at high risk of flooding which could result in risk of injury and danger to life. Also, traffic from volunteers accessing the Village Hall would exacerbate the flooding issues to local properties. Approved
8.1.2. Flood Kit 2015– also to be relocated to the Bull Inn at a location that is accessible to the Emergency team at all times. Cllr Ross proposed that a second First Aid Pack may need to be purchased for the Village Hall for use only in Village emergency situations. Approved
8.1.3. Road Closed Signs – As previous minute (
8.1.4. (note: The Emergency Plan to be added to future Agenda) Action: LD
8.2. VE80
8.2.1. 2016. Cllr Creek listed potential activities from 5th to the 10th May, which could include ;
• 5th May - ‘Village Party’ on JPF (VH if bad weather) – needs an organising committee
• 8th May - Church Service – by PCC
• 8th May - Raising VE80 flag – by RPC
• 8th May - Lighting the Beacon at JPF and Lamps of Peace through the village - RPC
• 9th May - Fish and Chips at the Bull Inn – by The Bull Inn
• 10th May - Quiz at the Church - by Friends of Rippingale Church (FORC)
8.2.2. 2017. Cllr Creek proposed that the PC purchase VE80 flag (3ft x 5ft). Councillors approved this purchase. Action: TC
8.2.3. 2018. Volunteers have come forward but there is a need for a Co-ordinator for this VE80 event. An appeal to added to the Newsletter, website and Facebook. Cllr Jones agreed to create a poster which will be posted on Facebook and the website. Action: JJ and CR
8.2.4. 2019. Villagers to be encouraged to hang Red White & Blue banners etc from their properties via Newsletter Action: BWR/TC
9.0 2020. Cllr Ross closed the meeting
10.0 Public Forum
10.1. 2021. A resident raised concerns regarding the relationship between VHMC and RPC. Cllr Ross proposed a separate meeting be held with VHMC Trustees and Councillors at a date, time and venue to be agreed. Cllr RDW agreed to chair this meeting.
Action: Cllr Ross and W Gray
10.2. 2022. A resident highlighted the marked improvement in the relationship between RGAG and RPC over the last year or so and hoped this would also be the case with the VHMC / RPC relationship.