June 2021

Rippingale Parish Council

Draft Minutes of the Meeting of Rippingale Parish Council, held in the Village Hall on Thursday 24 June 2021

Present: Cllrs C. Charlton (Chairman), A. Vaughan, J. Petch & Parish Clerk L Davies
In Attendance: Wendy Gray, Ian Flatters & Laurie Parncutt

Public Forum

There were no Press in attendance.
Chairman closed the Public Forum and opened the Council Meeting at 7.10pm

Public Forum

1. Chairman’s Opening remarks
2. Comments, Questions & Queries from Press & Public
620. Raised by Wendy Gray, on the progress of the bus shelters due to the school children and elderly awaiting at the bus stops. CC to look in previous actions.

Agenda Items

1. To receive Apologies for Absence and Reasons Given
621. None received but call was placed as J Howard was due to attend but subsequently missed the meeting.
2. To receive any new Declarations of Interest.
622. There was no new Declarations of Interest to be recorded.
3. To approve the Minutes of the last meeting held on 20 May 2021 (All).
623. The previously circulated DRAFT minutes from the meeting of 20th May 2021 were considered and the Council unanimously resolved to accept them.
4. To resolve and approve appointment of new Clerk and RFO (All).
624. The appointment of L Davies; references received and offer accepted. The Council unanimously resolved to approve the appointment.
5. To review and reallocate lead Councillor roles, as required (All).
625. Current Roles remain unchanged:
Cllr Chris Charlton, General enquiries, Welcome Pack, Rippingale Newsletter, Neighbourhood Plan, Finance and Grant Applications
Cllr Alan Vaughan, Jubilee Playing Fields Maintenance, Neighbourhood Plan, Liaison Village Hall Management Committee.
Cllr Jeanne Howard, Liaison, Village Hall Management Committee, Defibrillator
626. It was agreed that Cllr Jamie Petch to undertake the Allotment Liaison and the Parochial Church Council Liaison.
Roles not allocated remain; Contracts and maintenance, Emergency Plan, Police Forum Representative and Feast Committee Liaison.
6. Receive External & Community Group Updates:
6.1 Police, County & District Council Reports.
627. Email correspondence received to advise that the Police going forward are not required to attend Parish Council meetings unless there is an on-going issue. Then via virtual meeting is the preferred method of contact. To be removed from the Parish Council Agenda, unless an issue arises.

6.2 Community Groups & Organisations
628. Neighbourhood Plan- As per the Neighbourhood Plan consultation exercise the Village Hall is open on the 26th June from 10.00 – 17.00 with presentations to be given at 10.00, 13.00 and 15.00. During the 6 week consultation period (1st June to the 12th July) the plan and associated documents will be available on the website, on request in hard copy and available in hard copy on
the 26th June. Funding has been secured by Cllr Charlton of £1636 to meet consultants’, meeting and printing costs.
629. RGAG – Hedge will be cut August/September when the birds have finished nesting. The possibility of mains water to the allotments was raised. To be investigated: applying for mains supply and the cost to supply.
630. Feast - Nil
631. HCS - Nil
632. VHMC – Same COVID controls as previously. The Village Hall Committee are looking at the cost to fence and tidy the rear of the Village Hall. This area will be strimmed.
633. PCC. A New Treasurer has been appointed.

7. Parish Matters:
7.1 Tennis Court refurbishment update (Cllr Vaughan).
634. The playing surface has been deep cleaned this week, the repainting is due to start Monday 28th July, this is weather dependant. The tennis post inserts remain as fit for purpose; on advice from the contractor this work has been withdrawn, with a subsequent cost saving.
7.2.To review Coronavirus Impact & Resolve any changes.
635. No changes of current practice, face mask and social distancing until decision on the 19th July.
7.3 To discuss arrangements for Annual Parish & Annual Council Meetings.
636. Annual Parish and Council meetings to take place on 8th July, under COVID restrictions
7.4 To receive updates & resolve comments on Planning Applications:
i. S21/1069 Demolition of garage and erection of extension at 4 Doctor’s Lane. Council agreed no objections.
ii. S20/0677 Application for alterations to loft space to create office/boardroom and associated works to Old School Building 20 High Street – Pending
iii. S20/1103 Erection Of new Detached building at the Willows Care Home Pending.
iv. S201527 Appeal against SKDC refusal of application to erect one dwelling to the rear of 155 station Street Refused
v. S20/1675 Erection of a garage to the rear of 3A high Street – Approved Conditionally
vi. S20/0279 Outline Planning (all matters reserved bar access) to undertake residential development on the land south of the Old Mill, Grinders Lane – Approved Conditionally. This is being contested with SKDC by some residents of Linnet Drive on accessibility and flooding issues.
7.5 To review requirement for updated Defibrillator Training (Cllr Howard).
637.Training will depend on Covid restrictions and availability.
8 Financial Matters:
8.1 FY2020/21 Update on Audit
638. The signed Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2020/2021 pages 3-5 with annual internal report, Annual Governance Statement and Accounting Statements have been forwarded to the Auditor, with no queries as yet. The exercise of the public rights requirements, which include copies of the above, have been posted on the Parish Noticeboard and on the Village website. VAT claim amount of £7,317.19 has been forwarded to HMRC (this did not include the Grass and Hedge Cutting for VAT for April as the invoices had not been received.)
8.2 FY2021/22
639. The income and expenditure list for June 2021/2022, which included the final salary payment for the outgoing Clerk and grass and hedge cutting costs was approved and signed.
9 Admin Matters
Clerk Report & Correspondence.
640. None
10. To Receive any Urgent Reports.
641. For the Rippingale Parish Council Business Community Account: it was resolved that – the Authorised Signatories in the current mandate, for the accounts detailed in Section 1.3 of the application be changed in accordance with section Authorised Signatories and that the current mandate will continue as amended.

642. For the Rippingale Jubilee Playing Field Trust Business Community Account: it was resolved that – the Authorised Signatories in the current mandate, for the accounts detailed in Section 1.3 of the application be changed in accordance with section Authorised Signatories and that the current mandate will continue as amended.
11. Items for Inclusion on next Meeting Agenda.
643. Bus Shelters
644. Water Mains RGAG

There being no more business, the Chairman closed the Meeting at 7.45pm

Next Meeting

Annual Parish and Annual Council Meetings 8 July 2021 in Village Hall at 7.00pm
L Davies Parish Clerk 3 July 2021

C Charlton


Download a copy of the Draft minutes here