April 2021

Rippingale Parish Council - Public Meeting

Approved Minutes of the Meeting of Rippingale Parish Council, held Remotely via Microsoft Teams on Thursday 15 April 2021

Present: Cllrs C. Charlton (Chairman), A. Vaughan & J. Howard
ln Attendance: Michelle Free (Former Clerk, RFO & Proper Officer)

Public Forum

There were no Press or Public in attendance, with the exception of Michelle Free, in a handover role-
There was some misunderstanding regarding the Clerk's position at the meeting, as a second applicant,
having accepted the appointment, had decided to withdraw. However, MF confirmed that she was no
longer Clerk but would assist the meeting in clarifying matters when required, a gesture which was
appreciated. The Chairman confirmed that the task of Clerk recruitment would be restarted, with the net
cast wider. The Chairman also confirmed the resignation from the Council of Cllr Fuller, due to altered work
and personal commitments. Council membership recruitment would also be continued.
No further comments. Chairman closed the Public Forum and opened the Council Meeting at 7.1Opm

Agenda ltems

1. To Receive Apologies for Absence & Reasons Given
581. Apologies had been received from Cllr Fuller (work commitments and resignation)
2. To Receive any new Declarations of lnterest
582. There were no new Declarations of lnterest to be recorded.
3. To resolve appointment of new Clerk and RFO
583. See notes from Public Forum.
4. To Approve the Minutes of the Last Meeting
584. The previously circulated DRAFT Minutes from the meeting of 11th March 2021 were considered and
the Council unanimously resolved to accept them as a true and accurate record. The Chairman to
sign and publish the file copy previously issued.
5. To Co-opt New Councillor
585. No applications or expressions of interest had been received. The vacancies remained advertised in
the Newsletter, Village website and on the Noticeboard: CIlr Vaughan to contact known person of
6. To Receive External & Community Group Reports
586. An allotments measurement issue had been resolved at a meeting between the Chairman and the
Allotment holder. The relevant invoices were to be issued.
587. The Neighbourhood Plan was now complete in draft form. The next stage is to undertake the 6-week
Villageconsultation, from l June -12July; thiswill include presentationsonthe Plan intheVillage Hall on
26 June. The Plan will be publicised on the Village website and hard copies will be made available. All
comments from the presentations and other dialogue will be logged and considered. The Plan willthen be
submitted to SKDC for review. The Chairman will apply for a further grant to assist this process.
7. Parish Matters:
7.1 To Review Coronavirus lmpact
588.The tennis court is open, although numbers are still limited. The Village Hall is to reopen (with
restrictions) on 17th May under current Government plans.
7.2To Resolve arrangements for Annual Parish and Annual Council meetings
589. These were planned to take place on 20th May in the Village Hall.
7.3 To Resolve comments on planning applications
590 No objections were raised to 52011675 - Erection of a garage at 3A High Street.
7.4 To Review requirement for updated Defibrillator Training
591. Seen as required. Cllr Howard is organising this matter.
7.5 To Review and Resolve Tennis Court Maintenance Y\lorks and Costs
592. lt was agreed that weed eradication was required on the border of the Tennis Court prior to the
Contractor undertaking refurbishment in the Summer. The utilisation of the casual worker to do this
was approved. Cllr Vaughan to discuss weedkiller options and restrictions with experienced
7.6 To review Flood Warden and Emergency Plan team equipment and Resolve next steps
593. It was hoped that Mrs Fuller would retain Flood Warden duties. All equipment to be placed in the
Playing Field Portacabin. Cllr Vaughan to confim this. Rakes still required to be purchased but the
sandbag storage at the Village Hallwas at full capacity. Grit bins are being monitored and District Cllr
Moseley has still to return the Flood Warden jacket. Some data protection forms for volunteers are still
to be received. Ghairman to investigate.
8. Financial Matters:
8.1 To Receive and Approve Year End Accounts for FY202O/2O22 (Subject to Audit)
594. The end of year accounts had been circulated and reviewed by Councillors. They were seen as
accurate and they were approved, prior to the external Audit being canied out. It was noted that the
intemal Auditor had concluded the accounts were correct, save she had to inspect the VAT element.
8.2 To Approve lncome & Expenditure List for FY2021/2022
595. The previously circulated list was presented for approval, which comprised of regular monthly
payments. The Council unanimously resolved to approve the presented income and expenditure
9. Admin Matters
9.1 To Review and Resolve Expenses Payments for Website Co-ord and Newsletter Editor
596. The Council approved a £1O/quarter contribution for the Website coordinator and for the Newsletter
editor in recognition of their steadfast efforts in their roles.
9.2 To Receive the Clerk's Report
597. The Scribe accounts package had been set up for the new Financial Year, save that a query
remained over how to handle end of year VAT carryover.
598. The Village foul water flooding issue was unresolved, but the Chairman had chased Anglian Water
and awaited a reply on the measures being taken to alleviate the problem.
9.3 To Review response and Resolve the next steps to the Complaint
599. The Council resolved to move into closed session due to the confidential nature of the business to
be discussed.
600. No reply had been received from the local MP, although it was thought SKDC may been
undertaking action to meet a request from him to resolve the issue.
601. The Council resolved to move back into open session.
10. ltems for inclusion in the next meeting
602. None.
The Chairman then thanked the Clerk for her efforts in supporting the Council during her time in post. There
being no more business, the Chairman closed the Meeting at 0810prn.
Next Meeting 20th May 2021.
Alan Vaughan Clerk              Chris Charlton Chairman 23 April 2021
Download a copy of the file here