May 2021

Rippingale Parish Council

Minutes of the Meeting of Rippingale Parish Council,held Remotely via Microsoft Teams on Thursday 20th May 2021

Present: Cllrs C. Charlton (Chairman), A. Vaughan & J. Howard
In Attendance: no other attendees

Public Forum

There were no Press or Public in attendance.
Chairman closed the Public Forum and opened the Council Meeting at 7.10pm

Agenda Items

1. To Receive Apologies for Absence & Reasons Given
603. No apologies had been received.
2. To Receive any new Declarations of Interest
604 There were no new Declarations of Interest to be recorded.
3. To Approve the Minutes of the Last Meeting
605. The previously circulated DRAFT Minutes from the meeting of 15th April 2021 were considered and the Council unanimously resolved to accept them. Two agenda items remain outstanding:
Tennis court refurbishment: on-going
Anglian Water drainage issues: a response had been received but it was unsatisfactory and the Chairman is to reply with concerns.
The Chairman to sign and publish the file copy previously issued.
4. To resolve appointment of new Clerk and RFO:
606. One application received: to be followed up with formal interview as soon as practicable.
5. Bank Mandate:
607. Awaiting appointment of the new Clerk
6. To Co-opt New Councillor
608. Application received from Jamie Petch and co-option was unanimously approved. The additional vacancies remain advertised in the Newsletter and on the Noticeboard.
7. To Receive External & Community Group Reports
609. Neighbourhood Plan: next stage is consultation with village residents from 1st June to 12th July, a major part of which will be the 26th June Village Hall presentation. Chairman to publicise on website and notice board and hard copies to be produced. All comments from the consultation to be logged and considered, prior to Plan submitted to SKDC.
610. Allotments: request for permission for a 4m polytunnel refused as the maximum length allowed is
currently 3m. Chairman to inform allotment holder.
8. Parish Matters:
611. Coronavirus: limited restrictions now in force and the signage has been removed. Annual Parish and Annual Council Meetings: now 8th July in the Village Hall. Next Parish Council meetings to be on 24th June and 12th August. Planning applications: all still pending SKDC decisions. Defib. Training: ongoing
9. Financial Matters:
9.1 To discuss FY2020/2021 audit arrangements.
612. The Council discussed the Annual Governance and Accountability Return for 2020/2021 and reviewed the measures to ensure compliance with governance and that accounts were properly recorded. The Internal Auditor had completed her assessment of requirements and found them appropriately undertaken. The Council was satisfied proper governance was adhered to and the accounts were accurately presented. 613. The Council resolved to approve the Asset Register for 2020/2021 valued at £385,719, taking into account writing off the Playing Field container (delayed from 2019/2020) and adopting the Playing Field equipment upgrade items. 614. The Council resolved to approve Section 1, Annual Governance Statement of the AGAR for 2020/2021. 615. The Council resolved to approve Section 2, Accounting Statements for 2020/2021. 616. The Council resolved to approve the VAT reclaim amount of £7,583.48.
9.2 To Approve the Income & Expenditure List
617. The previously circulated list was presented for approval, in addition to the regular payments. The Council discussed the Insurance renewal requirement from 1 June 2021. It was clear that BHIB InsuranceBrokers remained a cost effective and pertinent provider, and the Council unanimously agreed to continue
their cover for the next year.
618. The Council unanimously then resolved to approve the presented income and expenditure list.
10. Admin Matters:
619. The Complaint against Councillors had been concluded with no case to answer being found.
There being no more business, the Chairman closed the Meeting at 7.45pm
Next Meeting 24th June 2021
Chris Charlton Chairman 25 May 2021


Download a copy of the file here