October 2021

Rippingale Parish Council


Minutes of the Meeting of Rippingale Parish Council, held in the Village Hall on Thursday 14th October 2021

Present: Cllrs C. Charlton (Chairman), J. Petch, A. Vaughan, J. Howard, K. Palmer & Parish Clerk L Davies

In Attendance: Wendy Gray, Angela Adams, Lawrence Pancutt, David Knibbs, & Derek Diess. Attended for item 5.3, Dawn Clipston, Sue & Robert Barfield, Alison & Ian Jones and Paul Hand


There were no Press in attendance.


Public Forum

  1. Chairman’s Opening remarks.

All were welcomed to the meeting and introduced Kimberly Palmer as a new Councillor.

  1. Comments, Questions & Queries from Press & Public

Raised by Wendy Gray regarding dogs not on leads being potentially dangerous, would it be possible for warning signs to be placed around certain areas, such as the Dovecote.  It was recommended any complaint should be referred to SKDC’s Dog Warden, with if possible photographic evidence.


The Chairman closed the Public Forum and opened the Council Meeting at 7.10pm



  1. To receive Apologies for Absence

724 Cllr J Petch, sent his apologies: due to work commitments he was unable to attend.

  1. To receive any new Declarations of Interest.
    1. There was no new Declarations of Interest to be recorded.
  2. To approve the Minutes of the last meeting held on 16th September 2021 (All).

726. The previously circulated draft minutes from the meeting of the meeting 16th September 2021 were presented amended as follows:

5.8 To Review Jubilee Playing Field Facilities for Sport England.

     713. The Chairman was to update Sport England with the details of the refurbished Tennis Court.

5.9 To Consider and resolve the need for the village Bus Shelters.

714. The Chairman delivered the results of the consultation with the residents through the newsletter. It was clear that this proposal was not supported: eight residents had objected, and no support was forthcoming. There was not seen a need for these expensive facilities (approximately £10,000), which would remain unused for the majority of the year, would require maintenance, could have a detrimental effect on the Village landscape and whose positioning could hazard safe traffic use and may be potential social nuisance spots. The Council resolved not to take the measure forward


The amended minutes were considered and the Council unanimously resolved to accept them.



4.1 County & District Council Reports – as available

727. None

4.2 Community Groups & Organisations

728. Neighbourhood Plan – Cllr Charlton - Ongoing work towards Regulation 16 documentation to allow the Plan to be forwarded to SKDC.

729. RGAG – Update requested on the proper cutting of the Allotment hedge, as still has not been resolved and outstanding. Clerk to engage Environment SK. Mains Water Supply; it was reported that there is no consensus on apportioning annual water costs to plot holders.

730. Feast – None

731. HCS – Functioning at a steady pace.

732. VHMC – Functioning and taking a steady booking for events. The AGM will be held on Wednesday 27th October at 19.00. Councillor Howard will attend.

733. PCC – Nil

5. Parish Matters:

5.1 To receive acceptance of office from Kimberly Palmer

734. Cllr Kimberly Palmer accepted Office and signed as so.

5.2. To Review Councillors’ responsibilities.

735. Cllr Palmer to take up the role as Representative for the Police Forum. Hayley Fuller has remained a volunteer as flood warden. Clerk to update website and notice board.

5.3 To receive updates & resolve comments on Planning Applications:

  5.3.1 S20/1103 Willows Residential Care Home, 73 Station Road, erection of a new detached building and extension to existing care home.

  736. It was clear that previous objections to the double storey building proposal had resulted in a single storey unit, combined with a single storey extension being offered. The residents present stated they had received no official notification of the change in the plans. They raised the following concerns. The new proposal is overbearing and will have an adverse impact on the character and appearance of the locality. It will see subsequent increased vehicle parking and will result in greater village traffic levels.  The issues regarding compounded flooding and sewage risks were raised.  Immediate Pinfold Close residents saw that the Willows extension proposal will lead to a loss of privacy and greater noise pollution. It emerged that residents of the neighbouring properties have serious concerns over noise emanating from the activities of the residents and staff at all hours and reports of persons taking short cuts across private gardens and fences into the Willows. It was recommended that residents complain to the Willows in the first instance and then to SKDC if no action was taken. The Council was to review the application and forward a response to the Planning Department at SKDC.

5.4 To review requirement for updated Defibrillator Training.

737. Cllr Howard received an email from the EMAS on defibrillator registration. Clerk to provide information on the registration of defibrillators. The training will most likely be held via Microsoft Teams, which will be promulgated.  

5.5 To receive update on water supply connection for RGAG.

738. After the initial survey by Anglian Water the cost to lay the mains pipe work comes to £2908.84. This will be reviewed for consideration in the budget for the next financial year.

5.6 To review allotment contract

5.6.1 Fruit Tree Heights

     739. After reviewing the National allotment guidelines, fruit trees are either dwarf varieties or to a height of 2m to 3m. The current agreement allows 2.5m, outside of the growing season, which was resolved as appropriate.

5.7 To receive any update on reaction from annual inspection.

740. Plot holders to take forward requirements after clarification of tree cutting and ponds.  

5.8.  To review allotment hedge cutting.

741. Clerk to engage Environment SK to complete proper cutting.

6 Financial Matters:

6.1 FY2021/22 (Accounts to Date & Approval of Expenditure).

742.  Payments, which included the Clerk’s salary, grass cutting and a lock, were considered and approved. To be paid via online banking.

6.2 Financial Reports 2021/2022.

743. Clerk is still reconciling the bank following receiving full mandate; issues were resolved with the Chairman. Forecast of end of year spend to be available for next meeting.

6.3 To received update on Bank Mandate.

744. Parish account; Clerk and Chairman now have online access. Clerk to work on the JPF Trust account mandate.

7. Admin Matters

7.1 Clerk Report & Correspondence.

       745. Covered in meeting.

8. To Receive any Urgent Reports.

       746. None

9. Items for Inclusion on next Meeting Agenda.

  747. Draft Budget 2022/2023 – Chairman highlighted projects needed proposed and    mentioned JPF portacabin replacement, Mains Water for allotments and fencing around the playground area as candidates. 




Next Meeting:  Parish Council Meeting Thursday 11th November 2021 in Village Hall at 7.00pm