June 2022
Minutes of the Rippingale Parish Council Annual General Meeting held on 16 June 2022 in Rippingale Village Hall
Present: Cllrs. C. Charlton (Chairman), J. Petch, K. Palmer, C. Laing, K Manley & Parish Clerk L. Davies.
In Attendance: A Cliffe, D Diess, K Lewis, L Pancutt
The meeting commenced following the Annual Parish Meeting at 7.45pm.
1. Apologies for absence.
896. Due to personal reasons the following Cllrs sent their apologies A Vaughan, M Hill (LCC), R Warren- Dixon (SKDC) and J Howard.
2. Councillor Acceptance of Office.
897. All Councillors accepted office.
3. Councillor Declarations of Interest.
898. None to declare.
4. Election of Chairman.
899. C Charlton was unanimously elected to continue as Chairman.
5. Election of Vice Chairman.
890. K Palmer raised interest and was elected to the role of Vice Chairman.
6. Confirmation of allocation of members to designated roles and responsibilities – All:
891. Roles to remain unchanged but Cllr K Manley would like to take the role of accessibility and disablement assistance due to personal experience: no objections. Points of contact remain the following:
a. Police Forum Representative:
K. Palmer b. Emergency Plan & Flood Warden Coordinator:
C Charlton
c. Finance Supervisor:
C Charlton d. Rippingale Neighbourhood Plan Representatives:
C Charlton & A Vaughan
e. Feast Committee Liaison:
K Manley f. Grass Cutting & Village Maintenance Coordinator:
C Charlton
g. Jubilee Playing Field & Equipment: A Vaughan
h. Village Hall Management Committee Liaison:
A Vaughan & J Howard
i. Council Newsletter:
C Charlton.
k. Accessibility and disablement assistance: K Manley
j. St Andrew’s Parochial Church Council Liaison:
J Petch
l. Row Garden Allotments: C Laing
7. Approve Minutes of last Council Meeting (5th May 2022) (All)
892. Previously circulated minutes of the meeting on the 5th May were unanimously approved.
8. Parish Matters:
a. To consider progress with refurbishment of Village signs and extra finger sign.
893. No progress on the refurbishment of the Village signs, this will be chased up by CC. Rough costs of £150+VAT for the extra finger sign for the JPF were promulgated and this was to be taken forward.
b. To review progress of the erection of the fencing around the play area at the Jubilee Playing Field and associated signage and dog waste bins.
894. Contractor will be commencing the erection of the fencing in the next few weeks. The additional dog waste bins and signs have been erected, but until the fencing is in place dogs are still not to access the JPF.
c. To consider the progress in fundraising to replace the portacabin at Jubilee Playing Field.
895. This is on-going and investigation of grants and fund-raising opportunities to be continued.
d. To review progress with the maintenance of the play and fitness equipment.
896. Contractor has made contact today and shall be commencing the necessary repairs next week, therefore the play and fitness equipment shall be out of use. CC will place a notice on social media.
e. To review planning applications:
i. S22/0915 - Change of use of 2 agricultural buildings to form 2 dwellings, including building works, Drove Road, Rippingale Fen Farm.
897. Reapplication no objections from the Council.
ii. S22/1052 – Conversion of attic space to offices, with the insertion dormer windows and roof lights to front elevation, Wherrys, Old School, High Street.
898. In keeping with the Village, no objections.
9. a. Financial Matters:
i. To review internal audit 2021/2022.
899. This is still with the internal auditor, Clerk to chase up and highlight any points.
ii. To finalise AGAR 2021/2022.
890. As agreed at May meeting AGAR accurate and complete. Chairman and Clerk to sign ready for submission prior to the 30th June.
iii. To review VAT return for 2021/2022.
891. VAT return figure of £2050.50 to be submitted to HMRC
b. Financial Reports:
iv. FY 2022/23 Accounts to date & Approval of expenditure (All)
892. The following costs were approved for payment: Clerk’s salary, RGAG plot management, grass cutting, insurance and Newsletter printing.
10. To Receive any Urgent Reports.
893. Due to absences on 14 July, it was decided to move the next Council meeting to Thursday 21st July to ensure maximum attendance. Clerk to email village hall to make arrangements.
11. Public Forum. No comments.
Next meeting: General meeting – 21st July 2022 in the Village Hall.