October 2022

Minutes of the meeting of Rippingale Parish Council, held in the Village Hall on Thursday 13
October 2022
Present: Cllrs C Charlton, K Palmer, K Manley, A Vaughan.
In attendance: D Diess, D Knibbs, W Grey, A Cliffe, D Clipston, S Barfield and Robert Barfield.
Public Forum
1. Chairman’s Opening remarks
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.
2. Comments, Questions & Queries from Press & Public
Mr Diess noted that some Parish correspondence referenced Station Road, instead of the correct
terminology, Station Street. The Chairman thanked him.
1. To receive Apologies for Absence and Reasons Given.
952. Cllr Petch was absent for work reasons and the Clerk, L Davies, was absent due to illness
2. To receive any new Declarations of Interest.
953. None
3. To approve the Minutes of the last Council Meeting held on 8 September 2022 (All)
954. The previously circulated minutes of the meeting on the 8 September were unanimously
4. Receive External & Community Group Updates:
4.1 County & District Council Reports – as available.
955. There were no County or District Councils’ inputs.
4.2 Community Groups & Organisations – as available (NP; RGAG; Feast; HCS; VHMC; PCC).
956. Neighbourhood Plan. The Chairman noted that the current version of the Rippingale
Neighbourhood Plan had been validated by SKDC and was open to Village consultation from 26
September to 7 November via a web link or postal input. Necessary details had been promulgated
by SKDC and a paper copy was situated in St Andrew’s Church. Once the consultation was
complete and input assessed as relevant, the Plan was to be independently inspected and then, if
compliant, was to go to later Village referendum.
957. RGAG. The Chairman of the RGAG requested that the provision of mains water to the
allotments be revisited after representation by allotment holders. The Parish Council Chairman
noted that the costings for the previous case would not be relevant due to rising prices and
needed revisiting. This was unfunded in this year’s budget but would be included for review in the
budget process for next year’s budget. The RGAG Chairman confirmed he would arrange
necessary pipework within the site.
958. Feast. The Chairman noted that the Feast had a successful and enjoyable car boot and
garage sale on Saturday 8 October. It has been financially fruitful, with final results still to be
confirmed. He commended the Feast Committee and their volunteers for their efforts.
959. HCS. The Hospital Car Service, although meeting demand, has suffered from volunteer
drivers retiring from the scheme. Recruitment was required and the Chairman was to place a
recruitment piece in the next edition of the Newsletter.
960. VHMC. The Chairman of the VHMC noted that bingo remains popular on a Friday and
Sunday evening with satisfying numbers attending. The Lunch Club was proving a success with
sixteen people served this week, much appreciated by attendees. It was planned to have a
Christmas lunch. The Council were appreciative of the VHMC’s efforts to provide such community
support. It was planned to serve afternoon tea in June next year for Pat, the retiring Post Lady, as
a gesture to thank her for her dedication and efforts over a number of years
961. PCC. It was noted that an evening open to all, to discuss the Church’s future status, with
cheese and wine served, will be held on 19 October. It was hoped there is a good attendance.

5. Parish Matters:
5.1 To consider co-opting I Bruce and B Ross as Parish Councillors.
962. Having thoroughly reviewed their applications and background information, the Parish
Council unanimously agreed to co-opt Ian Bruce and Barry Ross as Parish Councillors. The
Chairman was to inform them and the Clerk would commence the necessary induction
5.2 To consider progress with refurbishment of Village signs and extra JPF finger sign.
963. Phil Rippingale continues to craft the necessary artwork for the village sign. The Clerk is
taking forward the purchase and fitting of the finger sign.
5.3 To discuss the fencing around the play area at the Jubilee Playing Field.
964. No dogs signs had been fitted and one gate self-closure was in place, with a second to be
fitted shortly. It was noted that dog waste on the playing field was being disposed of. Minor
vandalism had been carried out on some slats but all slats had now been screwed in and it was
hoped this would deter further incidents. A wider discussed ensued on anti-social behaviour in the
Village and it was agreed that the Police need to be informed of any incidents, to build a picture
and identify culprits, to enable them to take necessary action. The Chairman was to highlight this
in the next edition of the Newsletter.

5.4 To consider the progress in fundraising to replace the portacabin at Jubilee Playing Field.
965. The Chairman highlighted that an application for Funds from the Co-operative Community
Fund has proved unsuccessful but a £1,000 donation had been received from Wherrys,
Rippingale Seed Merchants. Ongoing applications were underway with the National Lottery and
Tesco, with future applications to be raised with SKDC, Garfield Weston, Schroder and Rank. The
Chairman stated that he was endeavouring to gain a necessary third quote for a Pavilion from a
supplier to enable full applications to be made.
5.5 To confirm the contractor for the hedge cutting contract 2022.
966. The Chairman confirmed that after proper consideration of three tenders via e-mail review, it
was unanimously agreed that Gary’s Trees are to be awarded the hedge cutting contract.
5.6 To discuss the maintenance of defibrillators.
967. The Clerk has confirmed that replacement pads and batteries have been fitted to the two
defibrillators and they are serviceable and ready for use. A monthly check is underway. The
VHMC offered to store the Village’s defibrillator equipment, which the Council accepted.
5.7 To discuss repairs to the Pinfold.
968. It was confirmed that the damaged Pinfold wall has now been repaired.
5.8 To discuss arrangements for Remembrance Sunday 13 November 2022.
969. As in the past, Parish Councillors agreed to provided support to supply refreshments to the
attendees of the Remembrance Service.
5.9 To consider moving Parish Council meetings to the 2 nd Tuesday of the month for 2023.
970. This was agreed.
5.10 To discuss planning applications.
S22/1853 – Erection of new detached building and extension to the existing Willows Care Home.
Resubmission of S20/1103
971. The Chairman outlined that the new application appeared to attempt to take heed of the
rejection points from the previous application: namely regarding light obstruction to main building

care rooms and the reduction of the footprint of the extension away from an adjacent neighbour’s
building, plus a lowering of that unit’s profile, to meet SKDC’s premise of out of character, street
scene/environment concerns. He noted that the owners had raised a fence to seemingly block
noise worries but he, and other Councillors had disquiet over the sewage loading, water run and
increase traffic affecting the environment of the Village. The affected residents of Pinfold Close
raised their continued opposition to the extension, which as they saw it had acute environmental
health implications. They deemed that it would overly affect their privacy, was still of poor design
and had scale faults. The immediate adjacent neighbours contended that the extension would
have severe light, noise and privacy ramifications for them even with the moved footprint and new
roof profile, as the extension had many window openings facing them. The Pinfold residents
contended that the new application for the extension had not overcome SKDC’s previous
fundamental objection to the proposal and its consideration that this could not be overcome. The
Council agreed to forward their and the residents’ concerns to SKDC.
6. Financial Matters:
6.1 Financial Reports:
i. FY 2022/23 Accounts to date & Approval of Expenditure (All).
972. After proper consideration, the Council approved the following payments, save that D
Knibbs’ payment was to be clarified:
Allotment - General08/09/2022Annual CostsD KNIBBS100.00£ -£ 100.00£
Printing13/10/2022NewsletterWarners Group70.00£ -£ 70.00£
Meetings13/10/2022Annual CostsVillage Hall10.00£ -£ 10.00£
Printing13/10/2022NewsletterWarners Group70.00£ -£ 70.00£
Printing13/10/2022NewsletterWarners Group70.00£ -£ 70.00£
Printing13/10/2022NewsletterWarners Group70.00£ -£ 70.00£
Allotment - General13/10/2022Annual CostsRGAG Plot management180.00£ -£ 180.00£
Grass - JPF13/10/2022Grass cuttingEnvironment SK Ltd341.18£ 68.24£ 409.42£
General Maintenance13/10/2022Annual CostsRoof-Rite Contracting Ltd308.00£ 61.60£ 369.60£
Clerk Salary13/10/2022Clerk SalaryThe Clerk505.05£ -£ 505.05£
1,724.23£ 129.84£ 1,854.07£

7. To Receive any Urgent Reports.
973. Cllr Manley highlighted a concern with an overgrown hedge from a property near the entry to
the Dovecot estate, which impeded safe passage on the footpath. The Chairman agreed to write
to the owners to request that the hedge is cut back.
8. Public Forum. No comments.

Next meeting: Draft Precept and Budget Thursday 10 November 2022 in the Village Hall.

Laura Davies Chris Charlton
Clerk Chairman