Feast Committee March 2022 Newsletter

We have had some very positive responses to our announcement in the February newsletter and continue to plan for the Feast weekend. Any others interested in having a trade stand on the day are asked to contact Kate on the mobile/email below.
Donations for the following stalls would be much appreciated: books, bottles, jigsaws, bric-a-brac, plants & cuttings. Any unwanted Christmas gifts will be put to good use, as will ‘second-hand' items. Any items can be dropped off to Kate Lewis at 14A High Street or we can collect.
Thank you to the volunteers who have already committed their time and efforts to the Feast. To ensure that the day runs smoothly, we still need additional helpers. Please get in touch with any of the Committee if you can offer any assistance beforehand or on the day. Thank you.
Kate Lewis (Chair) 07983 624580; katelewis162@hotmail.co.uk
Sue Charlton (Treasurer) 07739 417270; suemcharlton@gmail.com
Paul Casson (Secretary) 07759 856351; caston8110@gmail.com
Lucy Beney (Marketing and Publicity) 07826 191215; l.bawden29@gmail.com
Chas Mayhew has kindly agreed to act as the quizmaster for our first fundraising event of 2022 - quiz night on Saturday 23 April at Rippingale Village Hall, 7 pm for 7.30 pm. You are assured of:
A welcoming venue, with low priced drinks at the bar.
A varied and entertaining quiz – with prizes for the winner.
A jackpot question, giving the opportunity to win a monetary prize.
Feel free to bring your own snacks, nibbles and goodies.
The ticket price is £7.50 per person. Teams will be a maximum of 4. However, if you would like to come on your own, we can bring people together to make up tables. Please reserve your table/place by 16 April by contacting either Sue or Lucy - contact details above. Payment may be made by cash, cheque or by BACS to Rippingale Parish Council, Sort Code: 55 50 11 Account number: 57657432, quoting QUIZ and your SURNAME.
Download a copy of the Rippingale Feast March newsletter and advert here to print and display