September 2020

Approved Minutes of the Rippingale Parish Council Meeting held in the Village Hall on Thursday 10 September 2020

Present: Cllrs C. Charlton (Chairman), S. Charlton, E. Field-Lucas, A. Vaughan, S. Warcup & H. Fuller 
In Attendance: Michelle Free (Clerk/RFO) & a total of 8 Members of Public, incl a VHMC & RGAG Rep
Public Forum 
Due to the Covid-19 restrictions, the chairs and tables were spaced out, and hand sanitiser was available on entry and exit. The Chairman opened the Public Forum at and welcomed everyone present. He read out a statement on the process of the Forum, highlighting the 3-minute time limit for each speaker, before inviting comments:
• The Council was asked to oppose Planning Application S20/1103 (Agenda item 7.1 Para 409) by a neighbouring resident who felt that the proposal (2-storey building) was not in keeping with surrounding properties (single storey) and not sympathetic to the negative impact it would have in terms of reduced privacy and light for neighbouring residents, and was only focussed on expanding the current business capacity. They would be submitting a strong objection to SKDC Planning and were seeking Parish Council support. 
• The resident had informed the Council of their concerns prior to the Meeting and invited Members to view the site from their property; 3 available Cllrs had attended and confirmed that the proposal had a huge frontage when viewed from the property and was a scale that would dwarf the surrounding houses.
• The same concerns were echoed by another resident. The nature of the business (Care Home) means that the bedrooms would be in use 24hrs per day so their single storey property would be constantly overlooked, potentially becoming a source of ‘entertainment’ for Care Home residents; their boundary was only 1m from the 2-storey building. The proposal had no thought of the impact to surrounding residents. A strong objection had been submitted to SKDC.
• Another resident arrived during the Forum and queried the general village development and whether there was any building planned for a local paddock. The Chairman stated that the Council had not received any proposed development notices from SKDC. With regards to general planning, the SKDC Local Plan allowed provision for the infill of 3 houses per annum.
The Chairman thanked everyone for attending, closed the Public Forum at 7.11pm and opened the Council Meeting.
Agenda Items
1.  Apologies for Absence.
381. Not applicable. All serving Members present.  
2. To Receive any new Declarations of Interest.
382. There were no new Declarations of Interest to be recorded. 
3. To Approve Minutes of the previous Council Meeting.
383. The previously circulated DRAFT Minutes were considered for approval. Cllr Field-Lucas abstained as she was not present at the Meeting. The Council resolved to accept the Minutes of the Meeting held via Zoom on 9 July 2020 as a true and accurate record. The Chairman signed the file copy. Clerk to publish the approved Minutes. 
4. To Receive External & Community Group Reports & Updates
4.1 Police, County & District Council Reports
384. There were no Reports from the Police, or County Council. D.Cllr Moseley (SKDC) had sent apologies and highlighted objections received from residents regarding S20/1103 (Item 7.1 Para 409) 
4.2 Community Groups & Organisations
385. RJPFT. The Clerk was awaiting the latest bank statement but there was no expected change to the balance
386. Neighbourhood Plan. The Chairman confirmed that Dowsby Parish Council had withdrawn from the joint Plan and were in the process of obtaining the required authority from SKDC to establish their own; the current Grant funding expected to remain with the current Plan. A formal public referendum was still required but was not expected to take place until May 2021 due to Covid-19. The Plan had been updated and circulated for Cllr comment and Council approval. Once complete, the Chairman would meet with the Consultant. Review of the updated NP deferred until October Meeting; all Cllrs to submit comments to Chairman prior to Meeting.      
387. Allotments. The RGAG Treasurer stated that the AGM was due to be held in November, no details as yet. There were some unkempt Plots, but this was likely to be due to Tenants self-isolating or shielding. The annual maintenance of the Hedge bordering the road (Station Street) was required. The Chairman thanked the RGAG Treasurer for the update and asked for the Council Rep to be notified of the AGM date. Hedge maintenance discussed at item 6.4 (Para 403). 
388. Feast. The Chairman confirmed that all of the Feast equipment had been relocated into the Portacabin. The Men-in-Sheds and Mr & Mrs J. Lewis had installed some racking and the equipment was now neatly stored off the ground. A leak in the Portacabin roof had also been discovered. The purchase of materials for the emergency repairs had been authorised (included at item 5.2.1 Para 397), which J Lewis was carrying out at no additional cost. The Council was unanimous in its thanks for the work done by Men-in-Sheds and Mr & Mrs Lewis.
389. Hospital Car Scheme. The Clerk confirmed that journeys were still on hold due to Covid-19.
390.  VHMC. The VHMC Chairperson confirmed that there had been no Meetings due to Covid-19, but the AGM was due to take place in October. The financial impact of Covid-19 on the VH had been minimised through the award of the £10,000 Government Grant. The time closed had been spent decorating with other refurbishments ongoing. With the required safety measures implemented, events were starting to get back on track. The Chairman thanked the VHMC Chairperson for the update and asked for the Council Rep to be informed when the next Meeting was due to take place.
391. Parochial Church Council. Cllr Warcup confirmed that there had only been one Meeting due to Covid-19. The Church was open for Private Prayer on Wednesdays 18.30-19.30 with a Sunday Service held on alternate weeks between Rippingale and Morton; next at Rippingale 11 Sept at 11am.
4.2.1 Allotment Plot Sizing
392. Due to the ongoing Covid-19 restrictions this task was still outstanding. Item deferred. 
4.2.2 Storage of Feast Items
393. Due to the requirement to remove the Feast equipment from the Bull Inn and temporary storage with the Feast Chairperson ahead of the Meeting, the equipment had been relocated to the JPF Portacabin. The installation of storage had enabled it to be stored neatly. There was no requirement to invest in separate storage options at this time. Item closed.  
4.2.3 HCS Wheelchair
394. The Clerk had been notified of the existence of a HCS wheelchair to help the drivers transport anyone with limited mobility. Purchased approx. 15yrs ago, it had not been used in 8 years. In 2014, the Drivers and Co-Ord had asked that anyone requiring a wheelchair made other arrangements in order to prevent damage to the HCS volunteer drivers and their vehicles. This was presented to the Council at the time but never formally ratified. If still required, the wheelchair needed refurbishing and storage. The Council unanimously resolved that there was no requirement for the HCS or Drivers to provide a wheelchair; patients requiring a wheelchair should make use of hospital transport. Cllr Warcup to enquire if the PCC would like the wheelchair.
5. Financial Matters:
5.1 Update on FY2019/20 External Audit & Inspection Period
395. The RFO stated that the published Public Inspection period of the accounts was from 13 July – 21 August. No inspection requests were received. The Annual Return had been submitted to the External Auditor, and receipt acknowledged. No queries received to date. Ongoing.
5.2 To Receive FY2020/21 Accounts to Date & Transactions Since Last Meeting
396.  The Accounts to 31 August and the transactions since the July Meeting had been previously circulated. Since the last Meeting, the materials to repair the JPF Portacabin had been purchased, the deposit for the new Play Equipment paid, and part of the SKDC Grant Funding received (item 6.3 Para 401 refers). To minimise the handling of documents due to CV-19, the reconciled bank statements and outstanding invoices had been presented to the Chairman for inspection. There were no queries or questions from the Council.
5.2.1 Approval of Income & Expenditure List
397. The previously circulated list was presented for approval. The list included the salary correction for the Clerk following the recent publication of the NJC Pay Scales for 1 April onwards, the option to pay for the JPF Waste removal by DD, plus the regular payments. The Council unanimously resolved to approve the list of income & expenditure. Cllrs Field-Lucas & S. Charlton signed the cheques and transactions sheet. To minimise the handling of documents, duplicate copies of the invoices were presented to both signatories, only the cheque book and transactions sheet were shared for signing. Clerk to submit BACS payments. 
5.3 To Resolve changes in signatories & online access for Council Bank Accounts
398. The Clerk confirmed that the application for internet banking for the Council & RJPFT Accounts for the Chairman & RFO had to be resubmitted via the new online form. The Cllrs currently listed as signatories had been sent an email to electronically sign the form, including Cllr Warcup who would be removed as a signatory following his resignation; Cllr Warcup to action. The application to update the signatories to include all serving Members would also need to be submitted. The Council unanimously resolved the online bank access for the Chairman & Clerk and the requirement to update the signatories to include all serving Cllrs. Clerk to action.
6. Parish Matters:
6.1 Update on Coronavirus Impact & To Review Changes to Local Restrictions 
399. Based on current Government Guidance, the Council unanimously resolved to maintain the existing restrictions on the use of the JPF Tennis Court and Play Equipment. Further Government Restrictions were expected, which may prevent face-to-face Council Meetings. Ongoing. 
6.2 To Resolve or Close the Alleged Complaint Made to Cllr Moseley 
400. Item deferred. 
6.3 Update on JPF New Play Equipment Installation & Costs 
401. The final costings of the new play equipment, installation and ground works had been previously circulated to the Council for agreement by email. The Cllrs had unanimously approved the works and the 20% deposit (£7,124.35) had been paid to Sovereign Finance Ltd; the work must be completed by 31 October to secure the remaining SKDC Grant. The Chairman & Cllr Vaughan were meeting the Contractor for the pre-installation survey tomorrow, and the ground works were due to be completed 16-21 October; the Chairman had reminded the Contractor of the completion deadline. 
6.4 To Resolve to Extend the Hedge Cutting Contract  
402. The confirmed prices for the Hedge Cutting Contract extension year had been previously circulated to all Cllrs. The Council unanimously resolved to extend the existing contract with Environment SK for 2020/21. Clerk to notify Contractor. 
403. Quotes for the annual maintenance of the allotment hedge were required. Clerk to action. 
6.5 To Resolve to carry out 3-yearly Tree Survey
404. In line with the agreement with NKDC, the Clerk confirmed that the next tree survey was due in 2020/21; the cost should be lower this time due to the transfer of the Churchyard to SKDC. The Council unanimously resolved to carry out the 3-yearly tree survey. Clerk to arrange. 
6.6 To Review the Requirement for War Memorial Cleaning
405. Regular cleaning (3-yearly) of the War Memorial had been previously advised to minimise deterioration. Cllr Field-Lucas confirmed that a full survey of the Memorial would be required plus a Faculty, and Planning permission for repairs. Any works would have to be in accordance with English Heritage requirements. Cllr Field-Lucas to obtain quote. Cllr Warcup to notify PCC of incoming Faculty request.  
6.7 To Resolve Poppy Wreath Type & Donation for 2020 Remembrance
406. The Clerk had previously circulated the types of wreath available from the RBL Poppy Appeal and the minimum expected donation. The Council unanimously resolved to have a Type B wreath with a total donation of £35. Clerk to action.
6.8 To Resolve Clearance & Maintenance of JPF Boundary Areas
407. Following the unavailability of the previous Casual Worker, a new contractor was required to empty the JPF bins and maintain the front border area; the Council acknowledged that a neighbour had also been maintaining part of the border. The existing contract was 4 hrs per month. The Council unanimously agreed to advertise the requirement for a contractor in the Newsletter at 4 hrs per month but that a one-off works would be required to cut back the current overgrowth. Chairman to include advert in next Newsletter.
7. Planning Updates.
408. The Clerk stated that application S20/0677 (The Old School) and S19/1993 (Glebe House) on Station Street) were still pending. The Decision Notice approving S20/1064 (Reserved Matters for S19/1920 - erection of a 1 storey building on land at the rear of 22 High Street) had been received that day.
7.1 S20/1103 – Erection of new detached building at The Willows Care Home Ltd
409. Further to the concerns highlighted in the Public Forum, Cllrs Field-Lucas, Warcup & Vaughan had carried out a site visit at the request of a neighbouring resident, and agreed that the proposal was for an imposing structure that would have a major impact on privacy for the surrounding neighbours, but acknowledged that the Right to Light regulation impact referred to a house not a garden. The Council was not against the expansion of a local business, but infill could only be supported if it did not have a negative impact on the surrounding residential properties, light, privacy, etc. The bottom of The Willows’ drive already flooded on a regular basis and an additional building would increase the flood risk due to the additional surface water runoff and reduced green space for ground soakaway; trees were also due to be chopped down, which was omitted from the Application. A reduced height or smaller footprint should be considered. Only an additional 5 parking spaces were being created; there would be scope for more if the footprint reduced. The Council unanimously resolved to object to S20/1103 based on the highlighted reasons. Clerk to notify SKDC. 
8. Admin Matters:
8.1 To Review & Allocate Cllr Roles & Responsibilities 
410. The allocated and vacant Cllr roles and responsibilities were discussed. The Council unanimously agreed the allocation of lead Cllrs for the Council Roles & Responsibilities. Clerk to circulate and publish the updated list. 
8.2 To Receive the Clerk Report & Correspondence 
411. The Clerk Report and correspondence overview had been previously circulated. The Clerk stated that, due to non-attendance at Council Meetings, P. Moseley had been disqualified as a Parish Cllr; this did not affect his role as a District Cllr. The Vacancy Notice giving residents the option to fill the vacancy by Election had been published. If no election was requested, the Council could fill the vacancy by Co-option. 
412. The review of the Council archives was ongoing; Parish Council Minutes dating back to 1894 had been located. In addition, a public consultation on the SKDC Public Space Protection Orders had been received; details had been published but there were no areas in Rippingale. The LALC Annual Report, details of the Charity Commission AGM, and a free Scribe Webinar had been received. Cllr Vaughan confirmed that the Noticeboard would be checked for leaks following the recent bad weather.
8.3 To Review Matters Arising Matrix
413. With the ongoing projects included on the Agenda, the Matrix was deemed by the Council to be surplus to requirements. Closed. 
9. To Receive any Urgent Reports
414. The Clerk notified the Council of the reports of a resident falling whilst walking in slippers due to tree roots creating a trip hazard across the Village Green footpath. The Clerk had found paperwork confirming LCC were responsible for the footpath and had submitted a fault report. Ongoing.
10. Items for Inclusion at Next Meeting
415. Neighbourhood Plan and War Memorial to be included as Agenda items. Clerk to action. 
416. Prior to closing the Meeting, the Chairman acknowledged Cllr Warcup’s resignation and, on behalf of the Council, thanked him for his contribution and wished him well in his role as Church Warden. 
There being no more business, the Chairman closed the Meeting at 8.07pm. 
The Chairman opened a 5-minute Post Meeting Public Forum. 
• A resident queried the Village Hall events and the multiple groups of 6. Cllr Field-Lucas highlighted the requirements for Covid-secure venues, no public singing/dancing and performers being behind screens. The VHMC Chairperson confirmed that attendees at the planned Bingo and Comedy Singer events would be in groups of 6 or less; she had clarified her understanding of the restrictions with SKDC and the Police, who had endorsed the measures put in place. The VHMC Chairperson was advised to check that the restriction on a maximum of 30 guests did not apply. 

Transactions for September 2020

September 2020