January 2020

Approved Minutes of the Meeting of Rippingale Parish Council, held on Thursday 16 January 2020 in the Village Hall

Present: Cllrs C. Charlton (Chairman), S. Goode, S. Charlton, E. Field-Lucas, S. Warcup, A. Vaughan & P. Moseley. 
In Attendance: Michelle Free (Clerk/RFO), D.Cllr Moseley & 7 Members of Public (incl HCS Co-ord, RGAG Reps & VHMC Chair).
Public Forum
The Chairman opened the extended Public Forum at 7.00pm and gave an overview of the process, including the opportunity to comment on the proposed Budget & Precept. The published DRAFT had been updated to reflect the latest information (e.g. NMW increase); hardcopies were issued. The following items were raised: 
• Anglian Water had been seen in the village checking into manhole covers; an explanation was sought. Cllr Moseley confirmed that Anglian Water were investigating a possible infiltration in the network that could be causing the localised flooding; the system is for foul water not surface water and pumps were unable to cope with the additional water. The timescale for the outcome was unknown and had been hampered by the wet weather.
• Budget queries: 
o Increase to £1550 on general village expenditure (from £200). Confirmed as to cover tree work following the 3 yearly inspection.
o Difference between the expected Feast Income (£1,500) & Expenditure (£1,000). Confirmed as an estimate only. Feast funds were earmarked reserves not available for Parish Council use. 
Agenda Items
1.  Chairman’s Opening Remarks. 
243. The Chairman opened the Meeting at 7.07pm. 
2.  Apologies for Absence.
244. Not applicable. All Cllrs present. 
3. To receive any new Declarations of Interest.
245. There were no new Declarations of Interest to be recorded. The Clerk stated that an existing DPI excluded Cllr Moseley from item 7.2.1 (271).
4. Approve Minutes of the previous Council Meeting.
246. The Clerk presented an amendment to the published DRAFT Minutes, to include the statement “The event income had been given to the Clerk for banking” at item 5.2 (219), regarding the handover of the Feast Grand Draw funds from Cllr Warcup. Cllrs Vaughan & Moseley abstained from the vote as they were not been present at the Meeting. The Council resolved to accept the Amended Minutes of the Meeting on 10 December 2019 as a true and accurate record. The Chairman signed the file copy. Clerk to publish the approved Minutes. 
5. External & Community Group Updates.
5.1 Police, County & District Councillors’ Reports 
247. Police. Cllr Goode stated that a General Police Survey had been published via LincsAlert.
248. LCC. The Clerk confirmed that C.Cllr Hill had been invited. No report had been received. 
249. SKDC. D.Cllr Moseley stated that the new CEO was in post. The Council was in the process of setting the Budget for FY2020/21 and the capped increase of 2% was expected; due to the withdrawal of funding Grants, this may be the last year a cap is imposed, resulting in difficult financial decisions being taken next year. The Big Clean was due to continue into next year plus an aim for improved leisure provision in Bourne. D.Cllr Moseley invited questions. 
250. Following a resident request, the Chairman queried the timescale to retrofit LED bulbs into lampposts. D.Cllr Moseley stated that the 3yr replacement cycle had been stopped as many of the existing bulbs were lasting beyond this. Broken bulbs would be replaced with LED ones as required; it would probably take 7-8 years to replace them all. The attending public were encouraged to report broken lights; a resident reported that lamppost No 43 was broken. D.Cllr would report this and seek a timeframe. The Chairman thanked D.Cllr Moseley.
5.2 Community Groups & Organisations. 
251. Neighbourhood Plan Gp. Cllr C. Charlton had attended yesterday’s Meeting and confirmed that 50% of the policies were now complete, with the remainder and accompanying documentation expected aimed for completion by 31 January. A Public Consultation was due to take place next month and would be widely publicised; the Gp was also hoping to meet with local landowners. Submission to SKDC was planned for April. 
252. RGAG. Cllr S. Charlton reminded the Council that another inspection was due in the drier weather. A suitable date would be arranged with the RGAG Chairman. The invoices for the forthcoming rental period had been raised. 
253. Feast. Cllr Warcup stated that the recent Meeting had been productive with volunteers coming forward for the Cttee roles. Refer to item 5.2.2 (258) for more details. The Clerk had met with the new Chairman & Treasurer earlier that day to discuss the finances and clarify the situation with the revised Constitution & changes; the paying-in book had been issued to the Treasurer. 
254. HCS. The Co-ord confirmed that there were no issues to report. The claim forms for Qtr 3 shared journey costs were included at item 7.1.3 (270). 
255. VHMC. The VHMC Chair stated that things were going well. Following a balance of approx. £11,000 in 2015, funds stood at £30,819 at the end of 2019, despite new doors, windows and lights being purchased. The side of the Hall was currently being landscaped to clear the boundary and old tree roots, and improved front steps, new Noticeboard, external fascias and woodwork and inside décor were planned. Approx. £16,000 was earmarked for expected future roof repairs and was due to be transferred to a deposit account. The twice weekly Bingo was proving very popular. The next Meeting was likely to be early March to coincide with the Big 200 Club Draw; Council Rep (Cllr Field-Lucas) to be invited.
256. PCC. Cllr Warcup stated that Churchwarden S. Atkinson would be standing down in June. 
5.2.1 Feast Constitution Feedback
257. The revised Constitution was due to be discussed at the next Feast Meeting. Ongoing.
5.2.2 Feast Officials
258. The newly appointed officials included: Kate Lewis (Chairman), Sue Charlton (Treasurer) & Paul Caston (Secretary). The Council unanimously endorsed the new Feast Cttee. 
5.2.3 Allotment Hedge Cutting
259. Cllr Moseley confirmed that he was still unable to access his flail due to a waterlogged field.  He was unsure if his equipment would fit but Cllr S. Charlton stated that he had used the same type previously.  Contracting out the work was discussed but concerns about churning up the verges were raised. The Council agreed to review this at the next Meeting. Ongoing.    
6. Parish Matters. 
6.1 Woodland Trust Tree Scheme
260. Cllr Moseley informed the Council that free trees were available and asked where they were wanted. There was a Scheme Meeting next month and he urged the Council to sign up to the Charter (no cost). More information was required. Cllr Moseley to circulate the details. Ongoing. 
6.2 Dowsby Village Entrance Sign
261. Following the endorsement in principle at the last Meeting, and subject to LCC Highways approval, the Council unanimously resolved to have no objections and fully supported the proposal for an entrance gate sign into Dowsby village.
6.3 JPF Play Equipment Project & RJPFT Grant Funding Update
262.  The Chairman had submitted an application to the Bishop of Lincoln’s Social Fund; a confirmation email had been received. Written updates had been sent to SKDC. SKDC funds were available until Oct 2020 but a retender for updated quotes may be required; splitting the project was not an option as the awarded funds were based on the whole project. An application to the Lottery had been previously rejected but Cllr Moseley suggested resubmitting as their parameters may have changed.  
263. Cllr Vaughan hoped to return to repainting the existing equipment when the weather improved; the picnic bench had been repaired but not painted. The equipment already painted was still sound.  
6.3.1 Dog Waste Bin
264. Cost options for various bin types, previously circulated by the Clerk, were discussed. The Clerk had spoken to LCC Highways & Countryside Access and SKDC Waste & Environmental regarding the request. Any bin would have to be funded and emptied by the Parish Council and no-one claimed ownership of the footpath to give permission. The Council unanimously resolved to install a red metal dog waste bin on a post concreted into the ground. Clerk to circulate details of the preferred option for final approval. Cllr Moseley confirmed that the purchase may be eligible to funding from the Ward Cllr Community Grant but would require confirmation of land ownership. Cllr Moseley to investigate footpath ownership; Clerk to submit Ward Cllr Grant application on receipt.
6.3.2 Crowdfund SK & Newspaper Article
265. The Chairman briefed the Council on the background of Crowdfund SK, the Council application  fund playground equipment, Spacehive.com hosting platform and the likely fees if all the funds were raised; Council initially told not eligible. Anyone can donate a minimum of £2 through the portal and this medium could be a good advertising platform; the Council would need Paypal and Gocardless accounts to receive donations. Charges were 6% of the required amount and only payable if the total was achieved (£1,897). The current deadline was 31 March. Cllr Moseley stated that the likelihood of achieving the target was low and would be slow progress and asked if alternative crowdfunding platforms were available. It was unclear if Gift Aid was available to donors. The Council unanimously resolved to utilise Crowdfund SK and obtain the required PayPal account. Chairman to enquire about extending the deadline and the availability of Gift Aid.
266. After seeing the project on Crowdfund SK, the Stamford Mercury had contacted the Council to write an article, including photo. The Council unanimously supported the newspaper article. Chairman to contact Reporter; Cllr availability subject to time and date. 
6.4 Bus Shelters Request
267. The Chairman invited W. Gray to speak. Funding of up to £3,000 per shelter was available through Transport Services Group (TSG) but could only be guaranteed this FY. She was happy to fundraise but LCC had confirmed that requests needed to come from the Council, who would also have to take ownership and the future maintenance responsibility. Shelter examples were given to the Chairman; a wooden shelter cost approx. £5,000. Clerk to forward TSG details to Chairman. More information and resident input were required. Chairman to include details in the Newsletter; W. Gray agreed to be poc. Ongoing.
7. Finance Matters
7.1 FY2019/20:
7.1.1 Accounts to date & Independent Check
268. The RFO gave an overview of the previously circulated Accounts to 31 Dec and invited comments. Cllr Goode had checked the online banking and the reconciled bank statements, invoices and receipts and had no queries. The Chairman proposed that the tennis court work was unlikely to be completed in year and should be carried forward.
7.1.2 Interim Internal Audit
269. This was still pending due to aligned availability but would be chased again. Ongoing
7.1.3 Approval of Income & Expenditure
270. The previously circulated list was presented for approval; the HCS shared driver costs were now confirmed and the forms available. The RFO confirmed that an email invoice detailing the cost of the Feast baskets could be accepted in the absence of a receipt; Cllr Field-Lucas to submit email. The Council unanimously resolved to approve the expenditure. Cllrs S. Charlton & Field-Lucas signed the cheques and payments sheet. Clerk to submit BACS payments.
7.2 FY2020/21:
7.2.1 Approval of Grass Cutting Contractor
271. Discussed after item 11. The Council unanimously resolved to move into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 due to the confidential nature of the business to be discussed; the Chairman read the statement. The attending public & Cllr Moseley (DPI) left the Meeting. 
272. Four tenders had been received by the Clerk, reviewed by Cllr Vaughan & S. Charlton and a recommendation proposed. The previously circulated details were discussed. A 2-week frequency equated to 16 cuts per season, and 6 for the verge safety cuts.  The Council unanimously resolved to award the Contract to Environment SK, subject to confirmation of public liability insurance; the option to extend the contract for up to 3 years was subject to performance and cost.  Clerk to make written offer and confirm insurance cover. 
7.2.2 Casual Worker Employment Status
273. The Chairman had requested clarification on the employment status following recent cases where a contractor was legally deemed to be an employee. The Clerk had researched the regulations and HMRC status checker; both perspectives resulted in a ‘self-employed’ contractor not employee status. It was unanimously resolved that the Casual Worker was a self-employed contractor responsible for their own tax. Clerk to send written confirmation to the individual.
7.2.3 Approval of Budget & Precept
274. The previously circulated budget was discussed, which included the NMW increase, estimated grass cutting costs and LALC Annual Training Scheme. Training costs would be £55 per full day course, or the Council could join the Annual Scheme for £120 plus lunch costs of £10.50. Both options were discussed. The Council resolved by majority of 4:2 to PAYG for LALC training; Cllr C. Charlton abstained.
275. The budget was based on no Precept increase; a 1.9% reduction for a Band D property (£50.40). This gave a yearend surplus of approx. £4,500 once earmarked reserves and the contingency fund of £3,000 was accounted for. Cllr Moseley queried if the surplus was enough and if the Precept should be increased. The RFO explained the Budget was based on the existing Precept and the planned projects and expenditure had been accounted for; the Precept should not be increased just to increase reserves. The Chairman stated that the village precept was already one of the highest. The expenditure was monitored throughout the year and adjustments could be made if required. The Council unanimously resolved to approve the FY2020/21 Budget & Precept. Clerk to submit Precept request & publish. 
8. Planning Updates
276. The Clerk stated that there were no updates on the pending applications.
8.1 S19/1993 – Single & 2-storey extension, detached garage & outbuilding at Glebe House.  
277. The original plans had been amended to include a privacy screen on the Detached Garage stairs and the Council comment was invited. The previous response was read out. Cllr Moseley stated that the application was due to be reviewed by the SKDC Planning Cttee; he abstained from the comments & vote. It was agreed to make no amendments to previous comments. Clerk to notify SKDC.  
9. Admin Matters
9.1 Recording of Council Meetings
278. The Chairman repeated his proposed Policy regarding the Recording of Council Meetings, which was based on Government guidelines and in-use policies. Cllr Moseley conceded that the requirement to protect children and vulnerable adults from being filmed was Government guidance but disagreed with the bullet points regarding the Chairman’s absolute discretion to intervene; he held it was the Proper Officer who held these powers. This and the provision for anyone not wishing to be filmed was discussed. The Council unanimously resolved to not routinely record its Meetings. Chairman to update the DRAFT Policy and circulate for Council approval. Provision for anyone not wishing to be filmed to be stated on Agenda and in Meeting opening comments. 
9.2 Clerk Report & Correspondence
279. The Report had been previously circulated, and the correspondence was available for inspection. Cllr assistance was required to hand deliver allotment invoices; Clerk to distribute to available Cllrs following the Meeting. The complaint to NatWest was still pending. 
9.2.1 Buckingham Palace Garden Party
280. LALC were inviting nominations. Anyone who had previously attended was exempt. There were no nominations.
9.3 Matters Arising Matrix.
280. There were no additional items to be discussed.
10. Urgent Reports. 
281. There were no urgent matters to report.  
11. Items for Next Agenda 
282. It was agreed to split the annual policy review over the next 2 meetings.     
There being no more business, the Chairman closed the Meeting at 8.58pm.
Prior to moving into Closed Session at item 7.2.1, the Chairman opened a Post Meeting Public Forum. There were no comments. 

Transactions for January 2020

January 2020